'Elon Musk has come under fire from Conservative Christians for his ‘Satanic’ Halloween costume. The new owner of Twitter showed up on a red carpet in New York City in what appeared to be a “Devil’s Champion” costume alongside his mother, Maye Musk. Musk was attending Heidi Klum's Halloween party on Manhattan's Lower East Side when he showed off the bold look.'
I know. May God have Mercy on their poor benighted souls. Pride, pride, pride. It doesn't matter how rich we are, we all have to die.
I saw part of a video on YouTube when I was looking at cat videos and took the click bait about a near death experience. The man said people were filing into Hell in a big line. I pictured a conveyor belt in my mind.
This kind of thing I think is just intentional public scandal on their part. It distracts people from the injustices commited against all of humanity in the form of things such as not paying taxes, not taking care of their own workers who create the very wealth they enjoy. I hope every plant he owns unionizes. It would serve him right for the incredible amount of wealth he and others have pillaged from the tax payers of this country.
just to be fair, Elon Musk has said in an interview that contraception is "absurd, irrational" and stopped talking to his son when (his son) "transitioned" into a woman. imagine the state of things when even the not-unnatural guy is also the bad guy...the other billionaries must be so much worse
That must have been a good video as it says You Tube removed it do to violation of content! What was it about?
It was about ultra rich famous. people showing Satanic symbols on their persons. I can't see another video like it. No surprises it was taken down.
Just for the record, the book that Musk's wife is affecting to read features on its front cover a picture of the sleeve of the Louvin Brothers' album, 'Satan is Real'. I know nothing of the book, but the Louvins were devout Christians whose song, 'Satan is Real', is a cautionary tale against the evil temptations of the devil.
Yes and they were obvious Satanic symbols, they were not behind the door, there was no room for misinterpretation.
Musk is a very dangerous man. He is extremely wealthy and influential and appears to be courting the support, not of the progressive, but of the conservative, side. His purchase of Twitter was portrayed as a move to wrest control from those who were engaging in censorship of those who objected to the progressivist narrative and agenda. There have been other instances I've noticed where he has seemed to place himself on the side of sanity. Someone who wears a goats-head and an inverted cross cannot be on the side of sanity.
Things are very,very deceptive. But I suppose they have always been that way since the dawn of time. Donald Trump saying that supporting pro life was costing votes was another head turner. if you ever want to support a billionaire, support carlos slim! he gave a lot of money to marcial maciel but no one back then knew the truth about him... Mexican goverment has always been very anti-catholic, i hope the Pope invites carlos over and helps him in his campaigns