A Wonderful Homily

Discussion in 'Positive Critique' started by padraig, Apr 10, 2023.

  1. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland

    Missouri Mule
    3 days ago
    I'm not a Catholic; I am a Baptist. This is the best sermon I have heard about this subject. The influence of Satan, the sins, the decline of morals and values, and the subsequent decline of American society is clearly laid out according to the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ. I'm sharing it with my family and friends. I pray people will hear, believe, and change before it's too late for repentance and too late for our country to avoid collapse under the weight of immoral living.

    4 days ago
    I am a Protestant who stumbled onto this channel. What a wonderful wonderful refreshing it is to hear the TRUTH. . We must humble ourselves and pray and turn from our wicked ways.Hoping this message spreads to the unchurched.

    Curtis K
    5 days ago
    I'm not Catholic but wow what a great message.
    1 day ago
    As an Evangelical Christian, he just preached more truth from God's Word than most "Evangelical" pastors out there right now. Thank the Lord for putting this sermon in my sight! God Bless him!

    I’m not catholic but you can see he loves the Lord and is speaking the truth of the gospel.
    Mario, InVeritatem and AED like this.

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