Sometimes, i wonder, if God is sad when He looks down at us in Mass. i understand God can't really be sad but i finally understand why the Catholic Church had rules on dresses and veils. It is sad to see woman going to church wearing sleeveless tops and/or short and tight dresses. Its even worse when they are in the choir or serving Holy Communion. i am the first to appreciate beautiful woman but there is a time and place for everything ...Church is certainly not the place. You might say i am out of touch with modern society... but the reason is very simple. As a Catholic man, it is a temptation to forget why i am at Church. Even though i try to ignore the beauty of a woman, if it distracts me 1 minute from Gods Mercy, then not only have i failed but the person that comes to Church, in a provocative attire, also falls from Gods grace. Times are so evil, we can see so much sex on tv, billboards, magazines and we really want to bring temptation to Church. Maybe it is not done on purpose but it might be time for the Church to step back and mention the obvious. The central theme at Mass is the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. It is not a time for individuals to dress in provocative attire that might bring others into temptation. Maybe, some people will take this post and say it is my fault for looking. And there is some truth to that opinion but at least i am trying to focus on Our Lord Jesus Christ during Mass. Lets not go back to the middle ages ...but maybe we can make common sense rules for men and woman. 1. No shorts 2. No tank tops or sleeveless shirts 3. Dresses below the knees 4. And for a woman, who wants to hide her beauty for Mass, a small veil. (Optional) God, gave His only begotten Son...for our sins. Maybe, we as a church, can be a little more modest in our dress for the Glory of God. May Gods Will be Done
Fallen Saint, this topic has been discussed here and I found a link to the thread for you if interested. I myself had a locution in which Jesus asked me to cover my head at Mass, and I have detailed it there.
Our pastor puts a note in our parish bulletin usually late Spring reminding all to dress appropriately for Mass in the summer season. Unfortunately, not everyone pays attention
"But every woman praying or prophesying with her head uncovered disgraces here head, for it is the same as if she were shaven." (1 Cor. 11:5) But to be honest I am just so happy to see anyone at mass these days men or women I don't care how they are dressed just so long as they are there. Especially young people, my heart leaps when I see the young in Church.
I saw a sad thing online the other day , it was a picture of a group of men at Medugorje, praying. The photographer felt he could not include any women present they were dressed so badly. But again I am just so glad to see them there. Things are so bad at the moment, seeing people going to a pilgrimage site fills me with joy. First God must change the hearts , then the dress will naturally follow. We must be patient as He is patient. Again this goes especially for the young. I also love to see Religious in habits, priests in collars. But again better no religious wear than no religious at all....
So, last Sunday at church, when the Eucharistic Ministers came up to the alter...there was one lady wearing mini shorts and sleeveless shirt. What has happened to humility and modesty. I think its time to start writing my parish priest. I wish I could start taking pictures and start a website posting these pictures. I'm sure, if they were posted, it might embarrass a few of them into a little modesty. May Gods Will be Done
A priest in this situation should turn away such dressed communicants. When I was in Rome in the late 80s there were still signs up at the Basillicas and Churches with the dress codes. I wonder if they bother now?
I recently started going to the Tridentine Latin Mass on Sundays and many women in the congregation wear the lace mantilla including young girls.
Brilliant! A good lesson too - humor used the right way sometimes gets a message across much better than the bashing across the head approach!
I was recently in town with my daughter, and remembered that there was Eucharistic Adoration in the church at that time. I thought 'oh great I can bring my daughter!' But then I realized I was wearing shorts, not very short, but still shorter than I thought prudent to wear for anything other than a private 'pop in' to the church. So I didn't take my daughter into Eucharistic Adoration. I have no sense that I made the correct call. I cannot say with any certainty that I stayed away for God's sake, or for modesty's sake, or for the sake of the adorers. I would have gone into the church if there weren't other people there, so in all probability, staying out wasn't for God's sake. Is it disrespectful to go into an empty church in 'summer clothes'?
There are some definite perks to getting old. I dress modestly now, wherever I go. I do this at the urging of the Blessed Mother, but also, to make sure I don't frighten small children!
I personally don't think so. I think God will be just glad to see you there. The way things are in the world at the moment I suppose He would just be glad to see anyone turn up. He changes us a step at a time. First our hearts, then the things like the way we dress. It is our hearts He wants most, rather than our clothes. I suppose when the prostitute came to Him to wash His feet with her tears I suppose she wasn't dressed as anything but a prostitute , but Jesus set her up as an example. ..and when He met the bad living Samaritan woman at the well He asked for water , rather than giving her a lecture. It is our hearts He wants first.
Interesting...a very interesting dilemma. God calls all of us through Our Lord Jesus Christ and the intercession of Our Blessed Mother. Every time we try to get closer to God, the "created one" starts keeping a closer eye on you. From my experiences, when one becomes closer to Our Lord and Savior, the "created one" will usually use any THOUGHT possible to stop the ascension of one's spirituality. If you are kept away from praying, sacraments or our daily duties then... it is usually not coming from the Holy Spirit. My problem is with those people who consistently go to church with no sense of modesty or humility. Especially, if they are the Eucharistic Ministers during Gods service. Nothing is set in stone, except the Victory of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Sometimes, we might not go to church perfectly dressed... but not to go is a greater danger to our soul. Just by asking the question, shows your spirituality is growing...if you understand the crossroads then you must be sure, through the grace of the Holy Spirit, you follow the right path. God understands intent, you did what you thought was correct in God eyes. But by asking the question, it shows that you have a strong relationship with Our Lord Jesus Christ. May Gods Will be Done
I turned up in shorts in very hot weather during the Novena and some folks pulled me for being a Eucharistic Minister in shorts. I told them it was portable air conditioning and they all laughed. I think in retrospect I would have been better not doing this. But I don't think it was the End of the World.
At the end of the day it is our hearts, rather than our clothes sense God will judge us for. I am happy with this or I'd be in great difficulty. But of course it's good too not to give scandal to others.
There is so many different levels to every situation that it is impossible to make everyone happy. Its just that Church has lost a great deal of its focus. Some people on this forum, might not think how one dresses is that important. But how we dress is a little part of a much bigger picture. There are little things, we can do to start changing bigger things. You coming in shorts is not that big of a long as they are not so tight/short, that they are up your butt and showing you package.
I do think it's all about the attitude and a habit. If on a hot summer day or an unplanned visit, you have shorts or sleeveless dress, I don't think it's a big deal. Of course, there are degrees of this sort of dress. I had to laugh because we "battle" almost every Sunday with our soon to be 16 year old daughter about her dress choice for Mass. Let's just say, we start thus process early because there are a few "costume changes" before we actually head out the door accompanied by pouting . One other pet peeve I have along these lines which I think is more serious is I see fewer people genuflecting or bowing (if unable to genuflect ) to the Tabernacle when they arrive in a Church. This is something my wife and I teach not only our own kids, but to our "CCD kids" as well. It's a great way to catechize them.