Are sins completely forgotten once forgiven?

Discussion in 'The Sacraments' started by Florida Panther, Dec 18, 2015.

  1. Florida Panther

    Florida Panther Jesus through Mary

    Sep 11, 2015
    South Florida, USA
    It was suggested I start a new thread on this.

    I was also curious on how this pertains to the Illumination of Consciousness as well as when we die and our lives are reviewed? Trying to put it all in perspective.

    Also, I will be doing my first confession very soon and have a lot on my mind about all of this as well as at least 46 years of sins to remember (if I only go back to age 7..) and by all accounts, to put it nicely, I've led a very secular life.

    I've looked at a number of different guides to help with my confession- I go from being excited to be free of these sins I've been carrying for years to intimidated by these guidelines. Definite emotional roller coaster.

    I greatly appreciate this forum and its members for all of its knowledge and spirituality as it has been a great influence on my journey so far. May God Bless all of you.
  2. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014
    Yes, all sins forgiven are no longer remember either by God or his adversary. However, any temporal punishment for sin remains until atoned for by us. This is why confession is so very essential on our journey, because once God forgives our sins, the devil has to start all over once again in trying to figure out our weaknesses, as he has no recollection of whatever sins we have committed that God has forgiven. Praise God!
    Booklady, sterph and Florida Panther like this.
  3. maryrose

    maryrose Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Yes I believe Our sins are forgotten but the effects of our sins remain with us hence our need of penance. It's like trying to clean a pot that has been blackened by years of use. It takes a lot of scrubbing.
    Our Lady has advised that we go to confession once a month at least.
    Booklady and Florida Panther like this.
  4. miker

    miker Powers

    Mar 4, 2013
    New York
    Just to add to Fatima's it's very timely in the Holy Year of Mercy. You can gain a plenary indulgence by passing through the Holy Door in your diocese after sacramental confession and prayers for the Holy Father's intentions. A plenary indulgence remits the temporal punishment and your soul is completely "white" as it was on the day of your baptism. Absolutely remarkable.
    Florida Panther likes this.
  5. PotatoSack

    PotatoSack Powers

    Jul 29, 2010
    Don't forget the Divine Mercy Sunday indulgence. That is an indulgence that wipes away the penance for your sins. It is very easy to get and does not require you to be detached from your sin.

    As I mentioned before, look into an examination of conscience guide or a confession app to get you started. I always write my sins down or I will forget some or ramble too much or not be clear enough for the priest to understand. You might want to approach it by dividing your life into chunks, like high school, the college years, single life, married life, parent life, etc.
    Florida Panther likes this.
  6. Florida Panther

    Florida Panther Jesus through Mary

    Sep 11, 2015
    South Florida, USA
    Is it only confession and prayer for the Holy Father or is taking communion necessary as well before passing through the Holy Door?
  7. miker

    miker Powers

    Mar 4, 2013
    New York
    Yes. Thanks for catching that! All 3 - confession, communion and prayers for Pope are required.
    Florida Panther likes this.
  8. Praetorian

    Praetorian Powers

    May 25, 2015
    FP, I don't know if you were baptized as an infant or not, but if you are a convert who was baptized more recently then that baptism wipes away all punishment due to any sins you committed before baptism.
  9. Rain

    Rain Powers

    Sep 9, 2007
    God forgives you, doesn't hold your sins against you, but He doesn't literally forget. Remember, He's omniscient. If He forgot you murdered someone, cheated on your spouse, stole that candy bar, he would not be all-knowing.
    Florida Panther and fallen saint like this.
  10. Praetorian

    Praetorian Powers

    May 25, 2015
    Just a quick note, the Divine Mercy indulgence that the Church issued does require you to have detachment from sin to receive a plenary indulgence. However the Divine Mercy Promise that was made to sister Faustina by Jesus made no mention of this. I did not realize until recently that the Divine Mercy Indulgence and the Divine Mercy Promise are two different things.
  11. fallen saint

    fallen saint Baby steps :)

    May 31, 2014
    I'm with rain on this one :)

    When you not only affects oneself and those around you, but also nature itself. Sin causes the growth of evil which effects everyone. When one goes to confession, one is forgiven but the sin is not forgotten. The chain of sin is broken but the chain still exists.

    Why do we go to confession?

    We go, so that when we are judged, God will show the same mercy in heaven that he did on earth.

    Illumination of consciousness is not some made up experience. Many saints have experienced this phenomena. It basically shows all your sins, and all the world sins. It ultimately shows the saint how unworthy he/she is. At our death it is (my opinion) we all must see these things for perfect judgement. On a brighter side, if God accepts us to heaven...then we will be able to see all the good we (through the Holy Spirit) did.

    I know some of the forum regulars believe once you go to all disappears. Nothing wrong with that belief. It is spiritually sound Catholic Doctrine. But in my spirituality, God does forgive...but the sin disappears on His time not ours. In my opinion, it is after judgement.

    So know to the exciting part...your first confession. Be truthful and with open heart. There is nothing you can say that hasn't been heard before. Start your journey as a brand new canvass and let the Holy Spirit take over.

    Enjoy the experience...saint panther.

    Last edited: Dec 22, 2015
    Florida Panther likes this.
  12. MMM

    MMM Guest

    I believe after death a life review even in a fully confessed soul may find themselves in purgatory after seeing the effects of their sins on others. This is why it's so important to forgive those that trespass against us but also seek forgiveness not just from God but from those we have injured before we depart. An almost impossible task it would seem.
    Divine mercy complete forgiveness shows just how far we've fallen and how merciful God is. It is pretty simple to accomplish each year yet I find I am in a battle to achieve it successfully still.
    Sin is also somewhat relative to knowledge and conscience.
    The feeling after a good confession is amazing. Some difficult sins take some time to get past and often our inability to forgive ourselves is a problem. Remembering a confessed sin is forgiven completely is something some of us have to keep reminding ourselves.

    Congrats on your first confession coming!
  13. Andy3

    Andy3 Powers

    Sep 12, 2013
    I think most people who attain salvation will still find some time in Purgatory. How could we not. We are all stained by our sins even confessed ones but there are countless other blemishes that we may not even be away of. Even the smallest amount of dirt on your shoes can't be tracked into God's house with perfect white carpet everywhere. Thus we must be purged. Some may be purged instantly while others there much longer. Also we all must accept that God forgives us of our confessed sins. If we do not accept this then we have committed another sin. We must not question God's forgiveness of us, to do so it to sin against the Lord.
  14. Florida Panther

    Florida Panther Jesus through Mary

    Sep 11, 2015
    South Florida, USA
  15. Infant Jesus of Prague

    Infant Jesus of Prague The More you Honor Me The More I will Bless Thee

    Feb 24, 2015
    You can make a Spiritual communion. if you ever watch the Mass on EWTN,they always appeal to the viewers, for those who are not able to receive our Lord, we offer the following prayer. So many different prayers to make a Spiritual communion with. Some are long and wordy, some are short. You can make many Spiritual communions a day, no limits. I kinda say my own at times, using lines from more formal SC. Aline that I use often from EWTN that I incorporate... Jesus, I am not able to receive thee in Holy Communion right now, but I ask to receive thee Spiritually. Body, Blood, Soul and Divinty, as if I received thee in Holy Communion Amen...should boost your partial Indulgence up a few pegs! Maybe even be granted Full Indulgence:)

    Welcome to the Family FP:)

    Took 4 tries to make this post, screen kept locking up!...broke out my Holy Water to finish
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2015
    sterph, CrewDog, Andy3 and 1 other person like this.
  16. Infant Jesus of Prague

    Infant Jesus of Prague The More you Honor Me The More I will Bless Thee

    Feb 24, 2015
    With your First confession to a Priest, have no worries. Don't burden yourself over if you remember every sin in life. Remember the best you can. As long as your not hiding sins from the Priest when you confess ALL sin is TOTALLY Forgiven. If after confession, you remember some Mortal sin you didn't confess, say it at your next confession. Fr Apostoli (ewtn sunday night prime) did a whole show on Confession, I believe it aired last spring.( I forget) That's what Fr stated. even when you start to receive communion, you forgot to confess something and its time to receive communion and all of a sudden you remember. No worries he said, you honestly forgot and you were Absolved of ALL your sins in Confession by the Priest, include it next time you go, but do receive Communion.

    If you search EWTN youtube channel sunday night prime, it was a mailbag episode.

    Sorry to be so

    PS... My cover all bases phrase, When im done confessing and before Absolution I add. Fr, im sorry for ALL these sins and the sins of my past life and all graces I rejected as well
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2015
  17. Florida Panther

    Florida Panther Jesus through Mary

    Sep 11, 2015
    South Florida, USA
    Thank you all for your replies and insights. This forum as been such a tremendous influence and compliment to my new walk of faith. I have learned more here about the faith here than anywhere else; and even through some of the more "controversial" threads as it really makes me think as I discern. I stumbled upon it back in May as I was researching Catholic Miracles, " the doubting Thomas I was." Although many converts have a reluctance towards the BVM, she has been a guiding light for me in my new journey. Thanks again to everyone.

    May God Bless all of you.
  18. miker

    miker Powers

    Mar 4, 2013
    New York
    FP- thanks for sharing your story. It's an inspiration to read how you hold your faith so dearly. It's a gift for all of us to share in a very small way, the true miracle of your First Confession- it's an absolute joy to share this with a fellow believer in Jesus. Peace.
  19. Florida Panther

    Florida Panther Jesus through Mary

    Sep 11, 2015
    South Florida, USA
    This is the prayer I use after I go in line and get a blessing from the priest.

    View attachment 3912
    Infant Jesus of Prague and Sam like this.
  20. Infant Jesus of Prague

    Infant Jesus of Prague The More you Honor Me The More I will Bless Thee

    Feb 24, 2015
    Glad you started this thread FP... I find it kinda neat how others pray and approach our Lord.
    I don't like the phrase cafeteria catholics , for it refers to modernists who pick and choose truths of our Faith.

    But in this forum, Cafeteria Catholic is a good word I believe. Take what works in your Spiritual life and leave the rest. Are Lord said narrow is the way to Eternal Life, but the narrow way is so broad and wide in Catholic ways... find what works BEST for you FP.
    Some follow Carmel others follow Dominic others follow Francis...etc...many flavors of the narrow road:)

    Merry Christmas to the FP Family!!!
    Florida Panther likes this.

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