Vatican Liturgy Chief asks all priests and bishops to face east for Mass, faithful to kneel for Communion during Advent 2016
Early opposition to these changes from our progressive friends at the Association of Catholic Priests. Nero fiddled … Cardinal Sarah asks priests to start celebrating Mass facing east this Advent
We shall see. Here we have a perfect example with which to beat thoseover the head who keep on ad nauseam telling us Francis hasn't changed doctrine. Lex orandi lex credendi friends. Changes in the Church's liturgy whether subtle or explicit have done untold damage to the faith. Tables for altars, reception in the hand etc. It is little wonder hardly any catholics believe in the real presence or have an extremely confused belief in same.
This is good. I like Cardinal Sarah very much. I find it very interesting the Year of Mercy ends November 20th and he's asking for this to begin November 27th. I already receive only in the mouth without touching our Lord and we always purposefully sit on the side where the priest distributes. Not kneeling yet, just a slow bow before presenting myself, but would prefer to kneel if I didn't think my old knees would hold up the line too long. Didn't we use to line up at the rail and all kneel side by side and wait for the priest to go up and down the rail and then go back to the pew as a group? I was born in 1962 so can't remember it well
That's correct. At the Sacred Heart Basilica in Syracuse, NY, it is still done that way. The Church was a magnet for Polish immigrants and since they were the last ethnic group to be assimilated into mainstream culture, the old ways have not died out entirely. The local Extraordinary Form of the Mass is also celebrated there on Sundays. Safe in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary!
The Association of Catholic priests are a liberal, heretical group of Irish priests who believe that Vatican II agenda has not been completed - they want women priests, a decentralisation of power away from the Pope, democracy in the Church - they want reforms that make Luther look like a Catholic. Hence their statement 'Nero fiddles' whilst Rome burns - too little, too late - It is a sign of the times in itself that the Association of Catholic priests exits and proof that the Church is indeed in profound crisis and nothing is being done about heretical and apostate clergy who no longer hold the faith and are leading their flock astray.
I didn't read the article because I wouldn't want to increase the click-count on their website. From what I have read and heard about them, my guess is that they consider the Cardinal has his priorities wrong because he's too fussy about showing due deference to the presence of Jesus, body, blood, soul and divinity as we re-present the Eternal Sacrifice while people are falling away from the faith. That kind of argument tends to miss the point that we have had more innovations than hot dinners since Vatican 11 and the more the Mass is people centred rather than Christ centred in an effort to make it entertaining, the more people lose respect and belief in the Real Presence, leading to a loss of faith and fewer bums on seats. Saying that makes me come across as a radical traditionalist which I'm not. Which direction the priest faces isn't such a big deal for me. Having us kneel as we receive our Lord and Creator, however, makes perfect sense. I hope that some accommodation can be made for people to kneel for Communion. Altar rails wouldn't be possible in a good many modernised churches but I'm sure that something could be arranged whereby people wanting to kneel could be accommodated without going to huge expense or making a big song and dance of it. People wanting to kneel in homage to the Lord should be assisted rather than made to feel a nuisance.
I am looking forward to when everyone will have to kneel to receive our Lord. It makes perfect sense - ' at the name of Jesus, every knee shall bend'.
Does anyone really believe this Cardinal will be listened to. It would be amazing if we could restore the kneeling to receive Holy Communion. I have noticed when the Popes distribute Holy Communion, the Communicants are always kneeling. But it never translates down to the parishes.
The decision has to be made by the local Bishops. Cardinal Sarah gives advice. It is up to the bishops to decide and then instruct their priests.
I hope he does instruct the bishops that way though, I suspect kneeling is quite important really. There is a campaign going on now to try and get knelers introduced into the Basillica at Knock, they did a huge multi million euro renovation recently but put in no kneelers in the seats, never mind at the altar.
It didn't take long for the Vatican spokesperson to respond in the opposite direction: The outgoing Holy See press officer has clarified that there are no directives forthcoming from the Vatican directing that priests face in the same direction as the faithful while saying Mass... Which, in my opinion, means that Cardinal Sarah knew what was doing and felt the need and the importance of declaring what he said. Let us fall on our knees and PRAY HARD for the Church and those who govern it.
'Bishop will oppose Bishop.....' Cardinal Nichols Cardinals Sarah and Burke
"The Cardinal Archbishop cited GIRM 299. However, he cited a MISTRANSLATION of 299. That is NOT what 299 really says. As a matter of fact, even though the Congregation for Divine Worship clarified what the Latin of 299 meant in an official response to a dubium, people still cite the mistranslation. What does 299 really say? “Altare maius exstruatur a pariete seiunctum, ut facile circumiri et in eo celebratio versus populum peragi possit, quod expedit ubicumque possibile sit. … The main altar should be built separated from the wall, which is useful wherever it is possible, so that it can be easily walked around and a celebration toward the people can be carried out.” The correct translation hangs on that quod."
This is willful misrepresentation, i,e., the good Cardinal Nichols is lying through his teeth and the Vatican is covering for him and therefore complicit. Pope BXVI called for the same things Cardinal Sarah recommends. It makes one wonder if the Vatican didn't set up Cardinal Sarah to create grounds for his "resignation."
My son, Benjamin, celebrating his first Mass in December, 2014, atop Monte Mario in Rome(of course!) Isn't it interesting that many altars in churches/chapels in Rome remain unseparated from the wall! View attachment 2490