It's been a wonderfully full day. It was crunched for time, so we had to celebrate our family seder after Holy Thursday evening Mass and Adoration at the Altar of Repose. Now it's to bed, up early for a shift at the hospital until 2pm, rush up north to make Good Friday services at 3 pm; then crash! I'll feel like spending the weekend in the Tomb! For the Sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world!
Beautiful service at our church tonight, then procession, then the chance for two hours of Adoration. Such a Blessing.
God is so good! He is imparting very special graces this year. Sometimes He just can't help Himself and doesn't hide as well as normal.
last night, our church was packed for the Mass of the Lord's beautiful to see Catholics come back to the church during this holy time of year.
It is now half an hour past 12 mid day here in the UK. As we remember Jesus was nailed to the Cross and hung from 12 until 3 in the after noon, suffering the final deadly Crucifixion and torture to Redeem us from the power of satan. Jesus won, all we have to do in gratitude is admit our sinfulness, repent and sincerely promise to avoid the sin that brought Our Beloved Jesus Christ to this terrible moment. His suffering could not be anything less than the pains of hell, and He endured it because God knows we would never have had the courage and endurance to take on what was necessary to buy back the human race from the power of the devil. Thank You Jesus. Thank You Heavenly Father. Thank You Holy Spirit. Thank You Heavenly Mother. We would be lost without you. Grant us the Grace Oh dear God to sincerely repent of our sins, to forgive as Jesus forgave, and show mercy for Jesus sake in gratitude for all Jesus has done and suffered out of love for us. Immaculate Sorrowful Heart of Mary, pray for us as we journey through this dark and dismal valley in exile. Let us love our Heavenly Family with all our heart and soul and mind, especially our Heavenly Father, Who loves us more than life itself. Praise God.
Exquisite meditation Julia. Yesterday morning I went to the chapel hoping they hadn't closed yet for preparation for Mass in the evening. A sign was posted. No Mass tonight. SHOCK. My first tjought--something terrible had happened to Fr Jack. One of the nuns assured me he only had the flu. But the Triduum at the Chapel is not happening. I went an hour early to my parish to be sure of a seat. SO grateful for Mass. I am praying hard for Fr Jack. He is my confessor and my friend. Of course he is in isolation.. Hoping the chapel is opened this morning. Not sure where I can attend Good Friday service.
Awww sorry to see this...especially over Easter. Poor father...hope he is ok. Hope you have a alternative!
Thanks Beth. My parish has been so restrictive these last months I have almost exclusively attended Mass at the Adoration chapel. It was strange to be at the parish last night. I was grateful I got a seat. Hoping for the same for tonight for Good Friday.
Oh bless you, I find myself in pretty much the same boat as you AED. All the services for Holy Week were fully booked by Palm Sunday, and there is no evening Mass on Easter Sunday. I have been fortunate to be able to follow Live Stream services from Our Lady Help of Christians in Navan Road, Dublin. The sad thing is, today is the First Friday and tomorrow is the First Saturday, so we can't even use these two chances to make reparation to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary for all the sacrileges, outrages and offenses which wound them so deeply. Please God next month things will be doable again.
So true, Julia. Early this afternoon, there was wonderful news at the hospital where I serve. A Catholic gentleman, away from the Faith for many years, deep in sin, went to confession to one of our priest chaplains, Fr. Innocent and was anointed. Fr. Innocent is a very holy priest from Nigeria! The Catholic knew time was running out and came home. Supposedly, he prayed an Act of Contrition that goes back even further than the one I learned in the early '60s. It wasn't a last minute conversion or superficial, but a true longing for Jesus! Grace is at work. Never stop praying. Keep those Chaplets and Rosaries coming. Let God arise and His enemies be scattered! From the Good Friday Service VII. For those who do not believe in Christ Let us pray also for those who do not believe in Christ, that, enlightened by the Holy Spirit, they, too, may enter on the way of salvation. Prayer in silence. Then the Priest says: Almighty ever-living God, grant to those who do not confess Christ that, by walking before you with a sincere heart, they may find the truth and that we ourselves, being constant in mutual love and striving to understand more fully the mystery of your life, may be made more perfect witnesses to your love in the world. Through Christ our Lord. R. Amen.
Oh that's too bad, AED. I pray that Fr. Jack will recover quickly. So many unexpected disappointments this year. We just never know from one minute to the next.
I am so happy to report he was back for the Good Friday service but he is clearly still recovering from a stomach virus--nor covid thanks be to God. I pray he gets stronger so he is able to celebrate Easter Mass. you are right that we just don't know how things will go from one minute to the next