Clergy and Lay Scholars Issue Filial Correction of Pope Francis Posted by Edward Pentin on Saturday Sep 23rd, 2017 at 4:00 PM The initiative, the first time such a mechanism has been used since the Middle Ages, accuses the Pope of “propagating heresies” and respectfully asks that he teach the truth of the Catholic faith in its integrity. A group of clergy and lay scholars from around the world have taken the very rare step of presenting Pope Francis with a formal filial correction, accusing him of propagating heresies concerning marriage, the moral life, and reception of the sacraments. Entitled Correctio filialis de haeresibus propagatis, meaning ‘A Filial Correction Concerning the Propagation of Heresies,’ the 25 page letter was delivered to the Holy Father at his Santa Marta residence on Aug. 11. The Pope has so far not responded to the initiative, whose 62 signatories include the German intellectual Martin Mosebach, former president of the Vatican Bank, Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, and the superior general of the Society of St. Pius X, Bishop Bernard Fellay (he learned of the document only after it had been delivered to the Pope and signed it on behalf of the Society). The letter begins by saying that with “profound grief but moved by fidelity to our Lord Jesus Christ, by love for the Church and for the papacy, and by filial devotion toward yourself” the signatories feel “compelled” to take this action “on account of the propagation of heresies.” They cite in particular Francis’ apostolic exhortation on marriage and the family, Amoris Laetitia, and “other words, deeds and omissions.” They accuse the Pope of upholding seven heretical positions about “marriage, the moral life, and the reception of the sacraments” which, they say, has “caused these heretical opinions to spread in the Catholic Church.” The clergy and scholars “respectfully insist” that Pope Francis condemn the heresies that he has directly or indirectly upheld, and that he teach the truth of the Catholic faith in its integrity. The filial correction, the first to be made of a reigning Pontiff since Pope John XXII was admonished in 1333, is divided into three main parts. In the first, the signatories say they have the “right and duty” to issue such a correction. They make clear the doctrine of papal infallibility has not been contradicted as the Pope has not promulgated heretical opinions as dogmatic teachings of the Church, but they maintain that Francis has “upheld and propagated heretical opinions by various direct and indirect means.” The second part deals with the correction itself. Written in Latin, it lists the passages of Amoris Laetitia in which, they argue, the Pope insinuates or encourages heretical positions. They mention those who claim these texts can be interpreted in an orthodox way, but the correction lists examples of when it is clear “beyond reasonable doubt” that the Pope “wishes Catholics to interpret these passages in a way that is, in fact, heretical.” In particular, they say the Pope has advocated the belief that obedience to God’s moral law can be impossible or undesirable, and that Catholics should sometimes accept adultery as compatible with being a follower of Christ. In the third part, the signatories highlight two causes of this crisis: modernism and the influence of Martin Luther. They argue that the embrace of modernism, which they define as the belief that God has not delivered definite truths to the Church which she must continue to teach in exactly the same sense until the end of time, means that faith and morals become “provisional and subject to revision.” Such thinking, they point out, was condemned by Pope St Pius X. Regarding Martin Luther, they show how some of the Pope’s ideas on marriage, divorce, forgiveness, and divine law correspond to those of the German Reformation monk, and draw attention to the “explicit and unprecedented praise” the Pope has given the 16th century heresiarch. No accusation of formal heresy The signatories stress they are not accusing the Pope of formal heresy (when a person departs from the faith by doubting or denying some revealed truth with a full choice of the will), and are making “no judgment about Pope Francis’s culpability in propagating the seven heresies” as it is “not their task to judge about whether the sin of heresy has been committed.” But they also note that some faithful who have spoken up in defense of the Catholic faith have been subject to reprisals within the Church and Church institutions. They therefore say the signatories “speak for a large number of clergy and lay faithful who lack freedom of speech.” The addition of Bishop Fellay, as well as the SSPX’s district superior in Britain, Father Robert Brucciani, are notable for the fact that the Society continues to be in talks about returning to full communion with Rome. Pope Francis has been open to reconciliation with the Society, which has had differences with Rome over some teachings of the Second Vatican Council. See here the full text of the correction, and the list of signatories. This is the sixth major initiative in which both clergy and laity have expressed concerns about the Pope's teaching, particularly emanating from Amoris Laetitia. Despite the repeated pleas and warnings of chaos and confusion, Francis has refused to respond or acknowledge the initiatives which are as follows, in chronological order: In September 2015, just ahead of the second Synod on the Family, a petition of nearly 800,000 signatures from individuals and associations around the world including 202 prelates was presented to Pope Francis, calling on him to issue words of clarity on the Church's teaching on marriage and family. The signatories, from 178 countries, expressed concern about “widespread confusion” arising from the possibility that “a breach” had been opened within the Church at the previous synod. In July 2016, a group of 45 Catholic scholars, prelates and clergy sent an appeal to the College of Cardinals asking that they petition Pope Francis to “repudiate” what they saw as “erroneous propositions” contained in Amoris Laetitia. They said the apostolic exhortation contains “a number of statements that can be understood in a sense that is contrary to Catholic faith and morals.” On Sept. 19, 2016, four cardinals — Carlo Caffarra, Walter Brandmüller, Raymond Burke, and Joachim Meisner — presented the Pope with dubia, five questions on disputed passages of Amoris Laetitia with the aim of obtaining clarification and resolving confusion over diverse interpretations of the controversial passages among various bishops and episcopal conferences. The Pope did not acknowledge the dubia, nor did he respond to the cardinals’ request for an audience in May. In February this year, confraternities representing thousands of priests worldwide issued a statement saying a clarification of Amoris Laetitia was “clearly needed” in the wake of “widespread” differing interpretations of the apostolic exhortation. They also thanked the four cardinals for submitting the dubia. In April this year, six lay scholars from different parts of the world held a conference in Rome in which they drew attention to the same controversial passages of Amoris Laetitia, showing the extent of concern and unease among the laity over the papal document and its interpretation. BREAKING: 62 scholars correct Pope Francis for ‘propagating heresies’ Pete Baklinski John-Henry Westen / ROME, September 23, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) – Expressing “profound grief” and “filial devotion,” Catholic clergy and lay scholars from around the world have issued what they are calling a “Filial Correction” to Pope Francis for “propagating heresy.” The Filial Correction, in the form of a 25-page letter, bears the signatures of sixty-two Catholic academics, researchers, and scholars in various fields from twenty countries. They assert that Pope Francis has supported heretical positions about marriage, the moral life, and the Eucharist that are causing a host of “heresies and other errors” to spread throughout the Catholic Church. The correction was delivered to the Pope at his Santa Marta residence on August 11, 2017. No similar action has taken place within the Catholic Church since the Middle Ages, when Pope John XXII was admonished for errors which he later recanted on his deathbed. “With profound grief, but moved by fidelity to our Lord Jesus Christ, by love for the Church and for the papacy, and by filial devotion toward yourself, we are compelled to address a correction to Your Holiness on account of the propagation of heresies effected by the apostolic exhortation Amoris laetitia and by other words, deeds and omissions of Your Holiness,” the signers write in the letter. “As subjects, we do not have the right to issue to Your Holiness that form of correction by which a superior coerces those subject to him with the threat or administration of punishment,” they state. “We issue this correction, rather, to protect our fellow Catholics — and those outside the Church, from whom the key of knowledge must not be taken away — hoping to prevent the further spread of doctrines which tend of themselves to the profaning of all the sacraments and the subversion of the Law of God,” they add. The signers respectfully insist that Pope Francis condemn the heresies that he has “directly or indirectly upheld,” and that he teach the truth of the Catholic faith in its integrity. They say that they make “no judgment” about the Pope’s culpability in propagating the seven heresies they list. They add that it is not their task to “judge whether the sin of heresy has been committed” whereby a person “departs from the faith by doubting or denying some revealed truth with a full choice of the will.” The letter was made public today, six weeks after the signers received no response from the Pope. Duty to correct The 62 clergy and lay scholars explain that, as believing and practicing Catholics, they have the right and duty to issue such a correction to the Pope “by natural law, by the law of Christ, and by the law of the Church” and that the correction in no way undermines Catholic teaching on papal infallibility. The Catholic Church teaches that the Pope is infallible (incapable of error by a special gift of the Holy Spirit) when certain conditions are met. He teaches infallibly in his ordinary capacity when a doctrine is consistent, constant, and universal in relation to what the Church and other popes have always taught. Or in an extraordinary capacity, he teaches infallibly when he speaks “ex cathedra,” that is, when he speaks in the capacity of his office as Apostolic pastor and teacher for the purpose of defining a “doctrine of faith or morals to be held by the whole Church.” The Pope is not infallible in other matters, such as when he gives an off-the-cuff interview or presents his personal reflection on a given topic. “We adhere wholeheartedly to the doctrine of papal infallibility,” the signers state, adding that in their opinion “neither Amoris Laetitia nor any of the statements which have served to propagate the heresies which this exhortation insinuates are protected by that divine guarantee of truth.” The signers’ opinion that the exhortation is not infallible magisterial teaching is backed by leading churchmen, such as Cardinal Raymond Burke. The signers list a dozen passages from Amoris Laetitia that they say “serve to propagate seven heretical propositions.” Included in the list is the “smoking” footnote 351 where the Pope writes that those living in an objective situation of sin can receive the “help of the sacraments” to grow in the life of grace and charity. Many have interpreted this to mean that civilly-divorced-and-remarried Catholics living in adultery can receive Holy Communion, and the Pope has endorsed guidelines allowing this. Also included in the list is the text pertaining to couples living in adultery who, the Pope writes, see their situation as “what God himself is asking” of them, despite falling short of the “objective ideal.” The scholars say that these passages along with a number of “words, deeds and omissions” of the Pope are “serving to propagate heresies within the Church.” According to the signers, the “words, deeds and omissions” of Pope Francis that promote heresy include: Refusing to answer the dubia (five yes-or-no questions) submitted by the four cardinals (two of whom are now deceased) asking him to confirm that Amoris Laetitia does not abolish five teachings of the Catholic faith. Forcibly intervening at the 2015 Synod of the Family where he insisted on inserting into a midterm report a proposal (that did not receive sufficient votes) to allow communion for adulterers and a proposal that pastors should emphasize the “positive aspects” of lifestyles the Church considers gravely sinful, including civil remarriage after divorce and premarital cohabitation. Endorsing an interpretation of the exhortation by Vienna Cardinal Christoph Schönborn that allows for Holy Communion to be given to adulterers. Affirming the statement of the bishops of the Buenos Aires region that allowed Communion to be given to adulterers, stating that “there are no other interpretations.” Appointing to positions of influence within the Church men who publicly dissent from Catholic teaching on the sacraments, including Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia and Cardinal Kevin Farrell. Allowing guidelines for the diocese of Rome to be issued under his authority that permit adulterers to receive communion under certain circumstances. Leaving uncorrected the publication in L’Osservatore Romano, the official journal of the Holy See, the Maltese bishops’ interpretation of Amoris Laetitia that allows communion for adulterers. Seven heresies The Catholic clergy and lay scholars go on to list seven “false and heretical propositions” which they say Pope Francis “directly or indirectly” upholds through his “words, deeds, and omissions.” These seven propositions, listed below, are summaries of the positions which they attribute to Pope Francis and deem to be heretical. A justified person has not the strength with God’s grace to carry out the objective demands of the divine law, as though any of the commandments of God are impossible for the justified; or as meaning that God’s grace, when it produces justification in an individual, does not invariably and of its nature produce conversion from all serious sin, or is not sufficient for conversion from all serious sin. Christians who have obtained a civil divorce from the spouse to whom they are validly married and have contracted a civil marriage with some other person during the lifetime of their spouse, who live more uxorio [as husband and wife] with their civil partner, and who choose to remain in this state with full knowledge of the nature of their act and full consent of the will to that act, are not necessarily in a state of mortal sin, and can receive sanctifying grace and grow in charity. A Christian believer can have full knowledge of a divine law and voluntarily choose to break it in a serious matter, but not be in a state of mortal sin as a result of this action. A person is able, while he obeys a divine prohibition, to sin against God by that very act of obedience. Conscience can truly and rightly judge that sexual acts between persons who have contracted a civil marriage with each other, although one or both of them is sacramentally married to another person, can sometimes be morally right or requested or even commanded by God. Moral principles and moral truths contained in divine revelation and in the natural law do not include negative prohibitions that absolutely forbid particular kinds of action, inasmuch as these are always gravely unlawful on account of their object. Our Lord Jesus Christ wills that the Church abandon her perennial discipline of refusing the Eucharist to the divorced and remarried and of refusing absolution to the divorced and remarried who do not express contrition for their state of life and a firm purpose of amendment with regard to it. The clergy and scholars state that these “propositions all contradict truths that are divinely revealed, and that Catholics must believe with the assent of divine faith.” Read the rest at the link
This is getting major coverage in the MSM: Conservative Theologians Accuse Pope of Spreading Heresy By THE ASSOCIATED PRESSSEPT. 23, 2017, 6:18 P.M. E.D.T. VATICAN CITY — Several dozen tradition-minded Roman Catholic theologians, priests and academics have formally accused Pope Francis of spreading heresy with his 2016 opening to divorced and civilly remarried Catholics. In a 25-page letter delivered to Francis last month and provided Saturday to The Associated Press, the 62 signatories issued a "filial correction" to the pope — a measure they said hadn't been employed since the 14th century. The letter accused Francis of propagating seven heretical positions concerning marriage, moral life and the sacraments with his 2016 document "The Joy of Love" and subsequent "acts, words and omissions." The initiative follows another formal act by four tradition-minded cardinals who wrote Francis last year asking him to clarify a series of questions, or "dubbia," they had about his 2016 text. Francis hasn't responded to either initiative. The Vatican spokesman didn't immediately respond to an email seeking comment late Saturday. None of the signatories of the new letter is a cardinal, and the highest-ranking churchman listed is actually someone whose organization has no legal standing in the Catholic Church: Bishop Bernard Fellay, superior of the breakaway Society of St. Pius X. Several other signatories are well-known admirers of the old Latin Mass which Fellay's followers celebrate. But organizers said the initiative was nevertheless significant and a sign of the concern among a certain contingent of academics and pastors over Francis' positions, which they said posed a danger to the faithful. "There is a role for theologians and philosophers to explain to people the church's teaching, to correct misunderstandings," said Joseph Shaw, a spokesman for the initiative, signatory of the correction and senior research fellow in moral philosophy at Oxford University. When it was released in April 2016, "The Joy of Love" immediately sparked controversy because it opened the door to letting civilly remarried Catholics receive Communion. Church teaching holds that unless these Catholics obtain an annulment — a church decree that their first marriage was invalid — they cannot receive the sacraments, since they are seen as committing adultery. Francis didn't create a church-wide pass for these Catholics, but suggested — in vague terms and strategically placed footnotes — that bishops and priests could do so on a case-by-case basis after accompanying them on a spiritual journey of discernment. Subsequent comments and writings have made clear he intended such wiggle room, part of his belief that God's mercy extends in particular to sinners and that the Eucharist isn't a prize for the perfect but nourishment for the weak. Shaw said none of the four cardinals involved in the initial "dubbia" letter, nor any other cardinal, was involved in the "filial correction." Organizers said the last time such a correction was issued was to Pope John XXII in 1333 for errors which he later recanted. Theologians accuse Pope Francis of heresy Several dozen traditional Catholic theologians, priests and academics have formally accused Pope Francis of spreading heresy with his 2016 opening to divorced and civilly remarried Catholics. In a 25-page letter delivered to Francis last month and provided on Saturday to The Associated Press, the 62 signatories issued a 'filial correction' to the Pope - a measure they said hadn't been employed since the 14th century. The letter accuses Francis of propagating seven heretical positions concerning marriage, moral life and the sacraments with his 2016 document 'The Joy of Love' and subsequent 'acts, words and omissions'. The initiative follows another formal act by four conservative cardinals who wrote Francis last year asking him to clarify a series of 'doubts' they had about his 2016 text. Francis hasn't responded to either initiative. AP
Wow. Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow. Good. Also noticed the Protestant rationale making its way into Francis' thought.
Just saw this. It alerted me to something that a person with whom I have discussions who has his connections and who is familiar as well with the breadth of the 3rd Secret of Fatima's coming events for the world.....mentioned a couple of months ago that he believed the next thing to watch for would be certain Cardinals/Bishops "formally" declaring the Pope to be a heretic! It could be then that the Church would be without a head for a period of time?? Why we've been told in particular prophecies to lean more on the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary; deepen ourselves in the spiritual; stay in scripture for the Truth; and trust in the accompaniment of Jesus and Mary to lead us through this confusing darkness so as not to stray. Nothing so far as to the "formal" part of this current admonition but it would appear that things are getting close to that. I believed that the Sep. 23rd cosmic sign of the Woman giving the remnant Church I travail at that.... would be the point that after which would follow the outward definite movement in the direction of the schism and persecution of the Faithful. As it has been ordered...."watch and pray"!
Another thing to realize is that this filial correction has NOTHING whatsoever to do with Cardinal Burke’s forthcoming filial correction. Some Catholics on Facebook were bemoaning that either Burke refusedto sign it or he wasn’t asked. The truthis he wasn’t asked because he has hisown filial correction to worry about.
Banker Gotti Tedeschi (and 61 people) accuse the Pope of 7 heresies The “Formal correction” on Amoris laetitia has been released: no cardinal or bishop in communion with Rome has signed it. Former IOR president and anti-Francis blog managers among the 62 signatories Post-synodal exhortation Amoris Laetitia ANDREA TORNIELLI VATICAN CITY At midnight on 23 September 2017, the "formal correction” to Pope Bergoglio for the alleged errors contained in the post-synodal exhortation Amoris laetitia was jointly published on several blogs and online newspapaers tied to the the anti-Francis cabal. But surprisingly, the document, which according to the publishers was handed over to Francis on August 11, no cardinal has signed the document. The formal correction lacks the signature of the archbishop emeritus of Bologna Carlo Caffarra, who died on 6 September and in truth, had never wanted to call it a "correction” to the Pope. American cardinal Raymond Leo Burke, the first to use this expression, (which by way has no serious historical-canonistic grounds), didn’t sign the document nor did Walter Brandenmuller. None of the bishop in communion with Rome, not even the auxiliary of Astana Athanasius Schneider, the most mediatically exposed in criticism appear at the bottom of the document. The only episcopal signature is that of the superior of the Fraternity of Saint Pius X, Bernard Fellay. The "formal correction” presented in the form of a "filial correction”, was signed by 62 people (initially they were 40, the others were added more recently) and released in the United States by the ultra-conservative Rorate caeli website, while in Italy it was released by Sandro Magister's blog, Nuova Bussola Quotidiana directed by Riccardo Cascioli and by Professor Roberto De Mattei's Roman correspondence website, the latest appeaing among the 62 signatories. The authors of the document claim, “By these words, deeds, and omissions, and by some passages of the document Amoris laetitia, Your Holiness has upheld, directly or indirectly, and, with what degree of awareness we do not seek to judge, both by public office and by private act propagated in the Church the following false and heretical propositions: 1. A justified person has not the strength with God’s grace to carry out the objective demands of the divine law, as though any of the commandments of God are impossible for the justified; or as meaning that God’s grace, when it produces justification in an individual, does not invariably and of its nature produce conversion from all serious sin, or is not sufficient for conversion from all serious sin.' 2. Christians who have obtained a civil divorce from the spouse to whom they are validly married and have contracted a civil marriage with some other person during the lifetime of their spouse, who live more uxorio with their civil partner, and who choose to remain in this state with full knowledge of the nature of their act and full consent of the will to that act, are not necessarily in a state of mortal sin, and can receive sanctifying grace and grow in charity.' 3. A Christian believer can have full knowledge of a divine law and voluntarily choose to break it in a serious matter, but not be in a state of mortal sin as a result of this action. 4. A person is able, while he obeys a divine prohibition, to sin against God by that very act of obedience. 5. Conscience can truly and rightly judge that sexual acts between persons who have contracted a civil marriage with each other, although one or both of them is sacramentally married to another person, can sometimes be morally right or requested or even commanded by God. 6. Moral principles and moral truths contained in divine revelation and in the natural law do not include negative prohibitions that absolutely forbid particular kinds of action, because these are always gravely unlawful on account of their object. 7. Our Lord Jesus Christ wills that the Church abandon her perennial discipline of refusing the Eucharist to the divorced and remarried and of refusing absolution to the divorced and remarried who do not express contrition for their state of life and a firm purpose of amendment with regard to it. "These propositions - conclude the signatories - all contradict truths that are divinely revealed, and that Catholics must believe with the assent of divine faith… It is necessary for the good of souls that they be once more condemned by the authority of the Church. In listing these seven propositions we do not intend to give an exhaustive list of all the heresies and errors which an unbiased reader, attempting to read Amoris laetitia in its natural and obvious sense, would plausibly take to be affirmed, suggested or favoured by this document: a letter sent to all the cardinals of the Church and to the Eastern Catholic patriarchs lists 19 such propositions. Rather, we seek to list the propositions which Your Holiness's words, deeds and omissions, as already described, have in effect upheld and propagated, to the great and imminent danger of souls.” The document and the list of its supporters is online and translated into six languages: the 7 heresies written in Latin are accompanied by other materials. The most important, and in some ways, closest name to the Vatican world, is that of the banker Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, former president of the Institute for Religion Works (IOR), who was removed from office in 2012. In addition to the name of Fellay there are other signatures of priests, scholars, journalists and bloggers from 20 different nations, directly related to the Lefebvrian and far-right Catholic world.
Except this isn't "the formal correction", it's a filial correction; a separate thing, as has already been pointed out.
This could possibly be used by those wishing a more formal correction as evidence of the confusion and perhaps making the division more a reality and in need of addressing.
Hmmm.....more "family" dirty laundry being aired within the attention given to this "filial correction"? Auditor claims Vatican axed him for probing illegal activity Rome (AFP) - The Vatican's former auditor general, who resigned without explanation in June, said Sunday he was forced out after his investigations into possible illegal activity hit too close to home. "Let me be clear: I did not voluntarily resign. I was threatened with arrest," Libero Milone said in an interview conducted with four media outlets including Italy's Corriere della Sera daily. The auditing whizz, who spent much of his career with the audit firm Deloitte & Touche and was hired to much fanfare in 2015, said high-ranking figures in the Vatican wanted to scupper Pope Francis's financial reform efforts. "I fear very sorry for the pope. I had a splendid, indescribable relationship with him, but over the last 18 months they stopped me seeing him. Obviously they didn't want me telling him about some of the things I'd seen," he said. While a non-disclosure agreement prevents him from giving details of the irregularities he uncovered, Milone suggested his troubles began when he hired an outside firm to check whether the computers of his team had been bugged. When he was hired Vatican officials said he would be "completely independent" and would have the power to look through the books of every department in the tiny city state, reporting only to the pope. But he was accused of using the outside firm to spy on Vatican officials, Milone said. "They accused me of having improperly looked for information on Vatican members. I found out they had been investigating me for seven months," he added. "I was only doing my job".
Yes as Adoremus and Brian pointed out this is called the "filial correction" and is an entirely separate thing from the "formal correction" which will hold even more gravitas. I would hazard a guess (though that is all it is) that this is one last charitable attempt to avoid bringing the Church into an all out slugging match by bringing the hierarchy into it. Don't worry David the formal correction is on it's way. This is just gravy. where is this....any connection?: Big Document From Vatican Imminent? Get Ready… A well-informed observer of Vatican affairs has just alerted me that “something important will be published on Sunday” in Rome, so I should “get ready” to take the entire day to cover and report on the “big news”… At the same time, earlier today an alert was published on the Rorate Caeli (link) Twitter website (link), where one may read the following “tweets,” the first from August 19, the second from today, September 22: August 19 — Rorate Caeli @RorateCaeli Oh, goodness, just got some unbelievable Vatican news now (not rumor, news)! — but not authorized to publish it at this moment. More:
Old news - it was the filial correction, with a media embargo till 9/24, and the Catholic and main stream media ran with it at the earliest possible moment, midnite Roman time.
That "Big Document" was originally teased a while back as "something good and something not so good"..... and it didn't exactly come "from the Vatican"...ha!
Shooting the messenger is all the rage. Then-Cardinal Ratzinger was dubbed "the Pope's Rottweiler" when Pope John Paul gave him the task of clearing out the filth of child abuse. Michael Voris was outed as a homosexual - by the Diocese of New York no less - for going after the lavender mafia in the Church in the US. LifeSite News is called fake news or Pope basher for alerting Catholics to what's happening in Rome. Cardinal Burke was accused of sour grapes (and that's probably the mildest slur on his character) for merely doing his duty by asking formal questions. I'm sure others could add to the above list. Now, the signatories to the filial correction are being dissected for any character flaws or past sins simply for daring to do what any Catholic is permitted to do. Note the attacks on the persons rather than the document. In case all of the signatories can't be "exposed" for some past wrongdoing, the broad "far right" brush is always a handy tool. In the secular world, "far right" would be substituted by "nazi", "xenophobe", "bigot" or "racist" but we are Catholics after all so we wouldn't want to appear uncharitable in our attempts at character assassination. No attempt to address the issues raised in the correction - just a smear campaign against the signatories. This has been a dirty fight since Humane Vitae. It became putrid with the St. Gallen antics. Now there's a definite stench of the sewer about it. And all in defence of the "Holy" Father? Please, everyone, say an extra prayer tonight for the people who signed that document. It takes guts to speak truth to power and we're about to see why.
You are correct, the fight has been going downhill since Humanae Vitae and possibly since the "Ecumenical Council" or Vatican II. I have stepped up my prayers. I remember there were little prayer cards in the pews at church and after Mass we would recite the Prayer for the Success of the Ecumenical Council. This was about 1963-65. Now I feel like saying bah, humbug. Who would have thought?