“Cardinals should immediately...remove Francis”

Discussion in 'Church Critique' started by BrianK, May 30, 2018.

  1. BrianK

    BrianK Guest

    This article by Elizabeth Yore is exceptionally lucid and has already been posted to a thread on MOG. However, her conclusion deserves to be posted separately so no one misses the very salient point in her article - based on this pope’s OWN guidelines for dealing with abusive bishops, this pope should be removed.


    Friday, May 25, 2018
    Anatomy of a Coverup: An Open Letter to Pope Francis
    Written by Elizabeth Yore


    “The College of Cardinals should immediately convene and remove Francis, the Bishop of Rome for his gross and grave negligence and personal complicity in the systematic flouting and abuse of his own zero tolerance policy causing a scandal of epic proportions brought upon the global Catholic Church and the Chilean Catholic Church. In Francis’ new Motu Proprio Guidelines on Bishop Removal the standard for removal is “In the case of the abuse of minors and vulnerable adults it is enough that the lack of diligence be grave.” § 3. Three years of papal stonewalling and coverup is the definition of grave.

    “It is easily arguable that the Francis coverup timeline demonstrates overwhelming evidence of a pernicious and wanton breach of ecclesiastic duty to ensure the protection of children and the moral integrity of the episcopacy. For once, will the Princes of the Church protect the little children? Or will they continue to quake in their mitres in the face of the dictator Pope?”
    gracia, Mac, SgCatholic and 2 others like this.
  2. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland

    Let's not all hold out breaths.
  3. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014
    I know many feel/hope that man's efforts could/will resolve all the problems in the world/church, but they won't. Scripture, popes and prophecy tell us a whole different world coming, but before it does the greatest tribulation, including apostasy, far out growing what we have seen to date, must and will occur. Prayer and as the angel at Fatima said, penance, is necessary along with the consecration of Russia before the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart brings about the era of peace. We are watching the church unveiling its evil heads before its purification. It is painful, but we have, as Pope St. John Paul said, the weapon to defeat it is to Pray the Rosary as the answer our Blessed Mother and the many saints have repeated to us. We should not loose our peace as the church is being purified, we should rejoice in what God is finally doing.
    Mea Kulpa, gracia, Frodo and 8 others like this.
  4. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Although beyond prayer and fasting; if we have a chance to do something effective to help things I believe we have a duty to do so.
    Mea Kulpa, gracia, Frodo and 9 others like this.
  5. Don_D

    Don_D ¡Viva Cristo Rey!

    Jan 24, 2017
    Mrs. Yore is very courageous and I admire her zeal and hard work. Let's not kid ourselves, this is far bigger than Pope Francis and the Cardinals themselves I believe are to a large extent corrupt and in league with masonry. In no small number either. Those who speak out for the Truth are in the minority and face certain reprisal. The only way Pope Francis would be removed is only if it would benefit their cause in some way. The push now is to corrupt the Faithful. These men and their goals need to be exposed.
  6. BrianK

    BrianK Guest

    Yes, I’m not under any illusion (delusion?) that the current crises can be solved by man. Only God can resolve this, through Divine Intervention.

    But the cardinals are no less duty bound to act...even though we know there’s little to no chance of them doing so.
    Mea Kulpa, Mac, josephite and 4 others like this.
  7. Don_D

    Don_D ¡Viva Cristo Rey!

    Jan 24, 2017
    Yep, I suspect the only way they will act outside of mutual self interest is by the constant exposure of their actions.
  8. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014
    Yes,we have the truth and must be willing to speak to it in our own environments. Apart from that, along with the aforementioned, there is little left we can do. Don't know about others life, but in my world/church, it is very dark with most having stopped going to church and are living it up within the freedoms, money and entertainment that can provided. Very dark world for them when this all collapses. Just living for the moment. Truth is subjective to them and hope is in the things of this world.
    HeavenlyHosts, AED and carpediemptf like this.
  9. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Yes, but prayer and fasting are everything. I am still full of hope. It will be dark as night for a while to come, but after that the dawn. But humanly speaking we are totally, totally defeated.

    ...humanly speaking.
    Last edited: May 30, 2018
    Mea Kulpa, gracia, Mac and 5 others like this.
  10. carpediemptf

    carpediemptf BeStillandPray

    Jul 23, 2013
    The key is to discern properly which is not easy to do because of our sinful inclinations. It is so easy to do what we think God wants of us without truly spending the necessary time in prayer to make sure we are not really doing what we think should be done but is really not God's will. Discernment can only come from much prayer, sacrifice, mortification, and humility and examination of self motives.

    I try and remind myself regularly that I/we are no different than the apostles that surrounded Jesus for 3 years and right up to the end and still didn't understand what Jesus was asking of them = they continued to think he was there to conquer the Romans and rule as King of Jerusalem. How easily we go out to battle but without the proper armor of prayer and fasting and as a result do our own will rather than God's. "God's ways are not our ways" to paraphrase scripture. Take 2 examples of Peter thinking he was doing God's will but wasn't:

    1. He was severely reprimanded by Jesus ('Get behind me Satin, you are thinking as man thinks not as God thinks...") because he didn't understand that Jesus had to die on the Cross.

    2. Peter took the sword and cut off the high priest's servants ear because he thought he was doing what Jesus wanted and Jesus scolded him and healed the servant's ear.

    I am not saying that we shouldn't stand up and speak out the truth with courage and trust the Holy Spirit to guide us. However, we do need to constantly examine our motives and pray that we are not simply doing our own will that could actually be against what God wants. Jesus gave us the example of Peter to remind us of our weak frail nature and will.
    josephite, Shae and AED like this.
  11. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Great post!!
    Also everyone is different and has a different role in life and in the Church. Christ created the Church Hierarchical in nature and we are simple laypeople. God will nto demand us much of us as He would say, of a Cardinal, a Bishop or even a priest. Cardinals wear scarlet to show their willingness to die for Holy Mother Church , scarlet for blood shed.
    But really you know in a human sense as a layperson there is not a lot I can do...

    However in a supernatural sense their is loads and loads.

    Did you know that just before she died Saint Catherine of Sienna ..who was only a humble layperson herself.....offered her life as a living sacrifice for Mother Church? God accpeted her sacrifice at once and she died in great agony.

    But her sacrifice was an acceptable one and the danger of schism was healed.

    These are very,very, very bad dues indeed in the Vatican at the moment. We have to be realistic ; they have their own foul agenda. They utterly despise. the little people like ourselves; though they cloak themselves in false humility. With these scoundrels lies all the power and all the influence and all the strength. Very much as with the Sanhedrin and the Romans when they slaughtered the Lamb of God.

    But we know how that worked out...with the Resurrection. But you know there was not a lot that Our Blessed Mother, St John and the Holy women could do as these awful things were going on .

    There is not a lot we can do either.

    But at least let us not run away..as the Apostles did and as most of our Cardinals and Bishops seem to be currently doing.....

    ..but us at least not run away....

    DivineMercy and carpediemptf like this.
  12. carpediemptf

    carpediemptf BeStillandPray

    Jul 23, 2013
    So true. Let us not run away!

    I think I probably would have been the disciple that ran away naked from the garden as Jesus was being arrested because I was so afraid - lol. I have a lot of "I could have had a V8" slap myself on the head moments because of my stupidity and not getting it. God please help me for my many weaknesses (the good news is that He does and will help me :) ).
    DivineMercy, gracia, Carol55 and 4 others like this.
  13. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    In my experience of war, it is the ones who are most open to their fears that prove the most fearless.

    Another paradox.
    carpediemptf likes this.
  14. AED

    AED Powers

    Mar 23, 2016
    “Courage is fear that has said its prayers”
    gracia, SgCatholic, padraig and 4 others like this.
  15. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I read a recent message purporting to come from Our Lady which I have been thinking and praying over. She said that at Her Son's Passion the women stayed the course where the men ran away..apart from St John.

    She said that we have very few St John's today.

    Well then; let us count on the womenfolk once again.:):)
    gracia, Jonah, sterph and 3 others like this.
  16. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014
    The thing most seem to either not know, or think it has already happened (in lieu of no world peace) or simply don't care, about the fact of Fatima: that a pope in communion with the worlds bishops must consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Nothing good will come until this done. Nothing! Until then, we will all watch our countries and world sink into a greater darkness and greater fear like never before. So be it! The few living the Fatima messages will endure the tribulation with interior peace knowing what is, and must take place. Those who are not will not have any exterior or interior peace going forward.
    Last edited: May 30, 2018
    DivineMercy, SgCatholic, AED and 5 others like this.
  17. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014
    While we don't know with absolute specificity every detail that will unfold, we have been given far more than the apostles and everything necessary to win our battles. We have had 2000 years of great scholars, mystics, popes, prophets and messengers developing and proclaiming with much consensus our period of history and what is necessary to enter into the Era of Peace that both scripture and our Lady of Fatima foretold.
  18. David Healy

    David Healy St Pio Son

    Jul 31, 2016
    Our Blessed Lord told St Anthony Mary Claret that He desires us when before Him in the Blessed Sacrament to make audacious requests. I can personally attest to the power of petitioning Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament to act to resolve issues that have been afflicting various people. He acts powerfully, resolving problems that have been dogging people for years, which they were powerless to change. When we are before Our Lord, in His Eucharistic Presence, either at adoration or just when we have received Him sacramentally at Mass, then place before Him all those people and issues you are aware of. These moments of encounter with the Risen Lord in His Eucharistic form are IMMENSELY powerful.

    In these moments in particular ask for graces, favours, conversion, miracles, healings etc. It is no accident that the book In Sine Jesu has just been published to great acclaim. Also there is an event in the U.K. in September, Adoremus, whose focus is Eucharistic Adoration. Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament IS THE WAY. The power of prayer before Jesus under the Eucharistic Veil is phenomenal.

    Only when our churches are full of the faithful on their knees in front of Our Lord adoring Him, will we see the tide begin to turn. It is up to the simple, plain people to do. We have the way. The question is: do we have the will?
    padraig, Mary's child, sterph and 3 others like this.
  19. David Healy

    David Healy St Pio Son

    Jul 31, 2016
    We the little people, the simple people must petition our priests to make adoration more widely available. We must organise groups of adorers, start small, aiming for perpetual adoration. Each parish could have a team. Ask priests to make masses of reparation available. Fridays at 3 pm would be good. Organise drives for first Friday and first Saturday devotions. It is up to us the laity to do this. Priests cannot be expected to do it all. Use technology, social media. The Lord will surely bless our efforts.
  20. David Healy

    David Healy St Pio Son

    Jul 31, 2016
    The priest at a local church told the congregation recently. I was there. The church has to be locked up all day for security reasons. The priest wanted badly to facilitate day time Eucharistic Adoration. Only the little porch is open to allow people to stand and look in the little window to see the tabernacle. It is cold, no seating etc.

    Recently he arranged to meet a woman to hear her confession on a Monday morning. This was in February or March last when it was bitterly cold. He greeted her, apologised that she had to wait in a freezing cold porch. They had a chat in which he mentioned that he would dearly love to make adoration available but the cost of ensuring security was too great, he estimated it may be in the thousands of pounds. She said she would pay for it. Right there and then. She wrote him a cheque for £10,000 U.K. pounds. She wasn’t even a parishioner.

    He was dumbfounded. He contacted the builders and asked for a quote. He received the quote the following Saturday. The work would cost....you guessed it....£10,000 U.K. pounds. The work has been done.

    For with God....nothing is impossible.
    Last edited: May 31, 2018

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