Call me cynical if you like but I believe that was the current pope’s intention all along. German priests defy Vatican to bless gay couples
Simply horrible, but we knew these things would come. It's why we have to follow the true Church teachings, not false teachings from these wayward bishops. I quote from the article you posted: "Love Wins, however, described the Church's decision to deny same-sex couples blessings as "a slap in the face for people around the world". My reply contraire, blessing same-sex couple's "marriages" is a slap in the face for Catholics adhering to the True Magisterium, and most importantly a slap in the face of God. We need to pray for these poor wayward souls caught up in the diabolical disorientation running rampant.
The church in Germany is probably attempting regain worshippers. Perhaps a decline of worshipers is making them take certain action. The German church lost more than 2.2 million attendees since the start of the millennium. 50 years ago, attendance was at over 11 million, now about 2.5 million Catholics. May be something has gone wrong within the Germany Church, which cannot be corrected by another wrong action. The wealthiest church in Europe does require a contemplative self-review.
I don’t think you’re cynical, he’s silent where he shouldn’t be but has no problem speaking out when defending people from the harsh doctors of the law. Dubai is still unanswered, nobody refutes the munus/ministerium thing, he never personally rejected what scalfari claimed. The silence seems selective.
Good video thanks. Dr Marshall makes a thorough analysis of the problem and concludes that in a way the current pope created it.
Indeed. Now what prophetic voice from the past said “The one who should speak will remain silent “ Anne Marie Taigi? Anne Katherine Emmerick? St Francis? Can’t remember.
Our Lady of Good Success, as I recall, approved apparition. I personally tend to think this may refer to Pope em. Benedict. I reckon he knows far more about Fatima, the state of the hierarchy and his own resignation than the public. I think Pope Francis is in bed with the German bishops. The idea of synodality came from him. The agenda seems to be to try to abolish the Church by abolishing her teachings and by changing the sacraments.
I'm so worried about the impact of this on our world. This is such an insult to Jesus and His church. Somehow the German Bishops can't separate Love from Sex. Everyday is a shocker any more.
I think the German hierarchy has an agenda, to change the Catholic Church, her teachings and sacraments. I think this is far more sinister than financial concerns.
Cardinal Tobin on Francis and Synodality. Now we have a good idea of what they are up to: Vatican Cardinals Gives Away Francis's Plan For The Church - YouTube
Could you please give a brief synopsis of this video for me? It's so hard to watch videos while taking care of my kids. I'd love to know the content of this though.
Below is an 11 minute synopsis of what Cardinal Tobin said, it was put up by Carol55 on the thread "the Vatican has fallen" I looked up what Synodal means, it means assembly! So this new "synodal way" means the "assembly way" and if the synodal way has power to change church teachings in different regions of the Catholic world, I think the gospels would have to be changed to accommodate this, because we all know this is not what Jesus said in the Gospel! In fact Jesus said to Peter in front of all the apostles in Matthew 16:18 15 Jesus said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” 16 Simon replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” 17 And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jona! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. 18 And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” But if synodals get their "way" the above verse of Matthew will have to change. To something like... 18 Then Jesus said to all of the apostles, you are my assembly! And I will build my Church on the assemblies! 19 I give assemblies the keys of the kingdom of Heaven and whatever assemblies bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever assemblies loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” The Gospels would then have to add a caveat or footnote to the Gospels directing the reader to the new improved edition of Matthew 16:18! and add that Assemblies of different regions have different bindings and loosening's on believers, so just dialogue your way to the assemble that suits you! For we will accompany you with pastoral affection that suits your lifestyle!
I hate how they have hijacked the word love and use it as a weapon to justify it all. When they speak of "love" ; it is a corrupted, counterfeit, empty, imitation of what TRUE LOVE is. They don't know the difference between lust and love anymore. Love is holy! Love is from Christ. Love has the principle of Christ in it. The modern worlds interpretation of love is "luv" a sad, fake, empty counterfeit to the TRUTH of real love which comes from Christ.