"Pharisees," "Schismatic," "Attackers/Haters," "Prodigal Son's Elder Brother," "Unmerciful," etc.

Discussion in 'Church Critique' started by BrianK, Feb 13, 2017.

  1. BrianK

    BrianK Guest

    The time for accusations against the critics of this papacy and those pushing its agenda are long past. The trajectory of this papacy is now well known and recognized and its time to share how to endure and spiritually survive this period of desolation and chastisement for Christ's Church on the MOG forum.

    Accusations of "Pharisees," "Schismatics," "Attackers/Haters," "Prodigal Son's Elder Brothers," "Unmerciful," etc. against the 4 Cardinals who published the 5 Dubia or MOG members defending the Faith or resisting this pope's heterodox agenda will no longer be tolerated here at MOG. There are many Catholic websites, blogs, forums etc., where such is celebrated and applauded. Take it there, its no longer welcome here.

    I've been appointed as a moderator by Padraig specifically to help clean up and clear out such nonsense. Agree or disagree, you might imagine I've had more than enough of this, and unlike our host, I no longer have the patience for it.

    If you engage in this kind of erroneous and uncharitable behavior against Cardinal Burke and his confreres or any regular MOG member here, your account will be suspended. If after the suspension is lifted you again engage in this behavior, your account will be banned and your posts will be deleted. If you engage in this kind of behavior as a retread or using a revolving IP, again, you will permanently be banned on the spot.

    This is your first, last, and ONLY warning. We are now wasting entirely too much time and effort on this nonsense.

    It's time to roll up our sleeves and honestly share how to persevere through and survive this papacy and the chastisement that accompanies it.

    Feel free to offer your positive input on "how to persevere through and survive this papacy and the chastisement that accompanies it" here.

    (By the way, I've been a moderator for a good while now so you can see I've exercised restraint in the face of this nonsense ;-)
  2. Aviso

    Aviso Guest

    A Great News for this Forum, Congratulation Brian.
  3. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
  4. "Quis ut Deus"

    "Quis ut Deus" ADMIN Staff Member

    Apr 13, 2013
    Sorry Brian I need more clarification on this,, a simple question?? are you saying in a nut shell,, if I disagree with you I will get banned ??? this in my book is not free will/speech but a dictatorship, if we are to grow in wisdom we need to take the rough with the smooth warts included??

    Apologies if I am missing something..
    jerry, FatimaPilgrim and grimisocks like this.
  5. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Yes Brian I prefer to allow some slack even to the point of a certain frankness in views.

    My mother used to say to us kids,, 'Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never harm me'.

    I barred the person you referred to because he had a revolving IP address and was trolling. But I think people are allowed to have fixed opinions about these vexed issues. Otherwise it would no longer be a forum.
  6. BrianK

    BrianK Guest

    As I said, I've been very restrained in this regard. But we've passed the point of allowing people to attack regular MOG members as Pharisees, Schismatics, Dissenters, Unmerciful, etc.

    There has to be a better, more charitable way to express one's views, especially when it comes to heroic men like Cardinals Burke & Sarah, Bishop Schneider et al. Things are about to "go hot" and there has to be some moderation in the traditional, not Internet forum, sense of the word in this regard.

    And yes, this applies equally to both standpoints in this debate.
    little me likes this.
  7. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I appreciate people have strong opinions one way or another and try to make allowances. But not for trolling.

    Strong words head in the other direction too Brian. I know I have used some very strong words myself. This is not a time for the faint hearted.
    FatimaPilgrim likes this.
  8. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I don't mind mind if people are frank with me, I can be quite frank back.
    little me and FatimaPilgrim like this.
  9. grimisocks

    grimisocks Archangels

    Jan 13, 2012
    You obviously need to communicate this point to Brian in a private pm and revisit his scope and limitations as a moderator.
  10. "Quis ut Deus"

    "Quis ut Deus" ADMIN Staff Member

    Apr 13, 2013
    I can understand your anger and frustration but I am angry and annoyed that you took the liberty to post your comments before asking if I agreed with you, as a staff member your post insinuates that you speak for me,the owner and the mods of this forum and I don't want members to think for one minute that I knew anything of what you where going to post, If the moderating rules and direction of this forum have changed I would have been grateful to have had the opportunity to have had some say in the matter.
    Seagrace, bflocatholic, jerry and 2 others like this.
  11. FatimaPilgrim

    FatimaPilgrim Powers

    Aug 7, 2013
    Well frankly :) I pray that you understand that having BrianK as a moderator is simply not tenable, I mean look at what he's just threatened all with. This goes against the basic tenets of our Church, those of Faith, Hope, and Charity and instead sound like words from a very very dark place:

    Posted by BrianK, new moderator at the Mother Of God forum:

    The time for accusations against the critics of this papacy and those pushing its agenda are long past. The trajectory of this papacy is now well known and recognized and its time to share how to endure and spiritually survive this period of desolation and chastisement for Christ's Church on the MOG forum.

    Accusations of "Pharisees," "Schismatics," "Attackers/Haters," "Prodigal Son's Elder Brothers," "Unmerciful," etc. against the 4 Cardinals who published the 5 Dubia or MOG members defending the Faith or resisting this pope's heterodox agenda will no longer be tolerated here at MOG. There are many Catholic websites, blogs, forums etc., where such is celebrated and applauded. Take it there, its no longer welcome here.

    I've been appointed as a moderator by Padraig specifically to help clean up and clear out such nonsense. Agree or disagree, you might imagine I've had more than enough of this, and unlike our host, I no longer have the patience for it.

    If you engage in this kind of erroneous and uncharitable behavior against Cardinal Burke and his confreres or any regular MOG member here, your account will be suspended. If after the suspension is lifted you again engage in this behavior, your account will be banned and your posts will be deleted. If you engage in this kind of behavior as a retread or using a revolving IP, again, you will permanently be banned on the spot.

    This is your first, last, and ONLY warning. We are now wasting entirely too much time and effort on this nonsense.

    It's time to roll up ours sleeves and honestly share how to persevere through and survive this papacy and the chastisement that accompanies it.

    Feel free to offer your positive input on "how to persevere through and survive this papacy and the chastisement that accompanies it" here.

    (By the way, I've been a moderator for a good while now so you can see I've exercised restraint in the face of this nonsense ;-)
    bflocatholic and jerry like this.
  12. BrianK

    BrianK Guest

    @padraig, this kind of nonsense is a perfect illustration of why this thread is necessary. Too much of this nonsense is currently tolerated and it places souls at risk.
  13. Sorry but I have to disagree, there will be many more souls placed at risk with Briank at the helm.

    Brian, you are a very intelligent and educated man and a strong defender of the Church. Nobody can dispute that. But there is one thing you appear to lack .... LOVE.

    1 Cor 13:2 comes to mind, ".....If I... can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge but have not love, then I am nothing."

    I will pray for you and I ask you pray for me.
    Seagrace, bflocatholic, jerry and 2 others like this.
  14. BrianK

    BrianK Guest

    I was certainly under the impression that the direction of this forum has changed:

    If what is happening in the Church is so serious as to justify these threads, I would assume the direction of the forum is changing, and that moderation has to catch up - in order to save the souls of members and lurkers.

    I'm sure you mean well, but it is precisely because of Love, for Christ's Church and the numerous souls who would otherwise be lead astray, that I've stayed engaged at MOG and not just walked away.

    I recommend you read this if you think your approach represents "love" and my approach fails in that regard. Many here have false notions of what represents "love." I'm not being prideful in asserting The Lord has shown me the meaning of Love.

    little me likes this.
  15. FatimaPilgrim

    FatimaPilgrim Powers

    Aug 7, 2013
    Amen, brother. Love 1st Corinthians, we all are wise to remember the Word of God expressed here and I pray that Our Lady guides us to have moderators like Quis ut Deus and Padraig who shine the Light of Christ through Love to our brothers and sisters:

    "Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, [love] is not pompous, it is not inflated
    it is not rude, it does not seek its own interests
    , it is not quick-tempered, it does not brood over injury
    it does not rejoice over wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth.
    It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things"
  16. fallen saint

    fallen saint Baby steps :)

    May 31, 2014
    Wow...that says it all. I just want to know...if Brian stays as moderator then I have been silenced. Without erasing my post Padraig...please tell everyone if Brian is in charge. It is your call.

    Brother al
  17. Jarg

    Jarg Archangels

    Jun 28, 2016
    New York
    "how to persevere through and survive this papacy and the chastisement that accompanies it"

    Advice from St Basil, who fought Ariamnism, as commented by Anna M Silvas from Australia:

    'Can I exhort you in any way that can help? St Basil [who fought Arianism aggressively] has a great homily on the text: "Only take heed to yourself and guard your soul diligently" (Deut 4:9). We must attend to our own dispositions first. The Desert Fathers have several stories in which a young monk secures his eternal salvation through the heroic meekness of his obedience to a seriously flawed abba. And he ends by bringing about the repentance and salvation of his abba too. We must not let ourselves be tempted into any reaction of hostility to Pope Francis, lest we become part of the devil’s game. This deeply flawed Holy Father too we must honour, and carry in charity, and pray for. With God nothing shall be impossible. Who knows whether God has got Jorge Mario Bergoglio into this position in order to find a sufficient number to pray efficaciously for the salvation of his soul?'
    - Anna M Silvas, http://chiesa.espresso.repubblica.it/articolo/1351311?eng=y

    Cardinal Burke is inviting everyone to become a Rosary Warrior and pray for our Holy Father, our Bishops, Cardinals and priests, now more than ever http://www.catholicaction.org/take_heaven_by_storm.

    Nothing is more powerful than the Grace of God, so we should be generous with our prayer!

    Everyone has a role in this battle, for some the role is also to speak forcefully and loudly (taking care not to be hostile to the Pope, like St Basil did). But ALL have the role to PRAY PRAY PRAY.

    We know this will end well, otherwise we need to ask our Lord to increase our faith. If what the Pope says scandalizes us, then something is wrong in us. "Those who take scandal, who allow scandal to destroy their faith, are guilty of spiritual suicide" (St. Francis of Sales). I would be wary not to let yourself be scandalized and remain calm under the protection of the Our Mother Mary, who always stayed by the Cross and did not leave her Son alone, unlike the Apostles, including Peter. If we stay calm with Our Lady, even if Peter buries the Cross, we will stay inside the Church, no matter what! There is no salvation outside the Church, our Mother will keep us inside it even if Peter may seem to embrace the World. And be sure that Peter, even he denies Christ himself again, he will also repent and return to Him again!

    "When you follow Mary you will not go astray; when you pray to her, you will not despair; when your mind is on her, you will not wander; when she holds you up, you will not fall; when she protects you, you will have no fear; when she guides you, you will feel no fatigue; when she is on your side, you will arrive safely home" (Saint Bernard)
    AED, sparrow, Booklady and 3 others like this.
  18. FatimaPilgrim

    FatimaPilgrim Powers

    Aug 7, 2013
    Amen! You need to post more, Jarg. I copied this part but I 100% agree with all you said. Please, post more. You get it. We either Trust God or we don't.

    And what you said about allowing Mary to lead us is so true. I have consecrated myself and my family to her Immaculate Heart. That means I Trust her.

    It's is simple as this. We either Trust God and, if consecrated, Trust Mary to lead us to her Son's Holy Will, or we allow the evil one to sow fear, doubt, and uncertainty into our hearts and make us question and lose that Trust.

    As for me and my family we choose to Trust God and stay faithful to our consecration vows

    You really need to post more, Jarg :)
  19. BrianK

    BrianK Guest

    What I said was fairly clear and succinct - and fairly limited:
    Accusations of "Pharisees," "Schismatics," "Attackers/Haters," "Prodigal Son's Elder Brothers," "Unmerciful," etc. against the 4 Cardinals who published the 5 Dubia or MOG members defending the Faith or resisting this pope's heterodox agenda
    If you can't make your point known without this type of behavior, you need to reassess your posting habits.

    Now I know how Trump must feel when his words are continuously mischaraterized.
    AED and little me like this.
  20. Praetorian

    Praetorian Powers

    May 25, 2015
    Border Collie I know you are a good Catholic man.
    We have talked a bit on the forum here and you are a very upstanding guy.

    I also know Brian and I count him among my friends.
    I can only guess how much what you said hurt him. :(

    If you think he has no love then you don't know him at all.
    As all of us here know he has suffered much personally this past year.
    He even offered up his health as a sacrifice for the sins of this generation and he is now suffering great personal affliction.
    That is love!

    Greater love than this no man hath, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
    -John 15:13

    How much greater then to offer it up for strangers?

    I agree he can be brusque and hard hitting.
    His style is not my style and I don't always agree with the way he presents things.
    But he is also making many people aware of a great many problems in the Church that need to be brought to light. Things they otherwise might not know about.

    He may not be all soft and fuzzy here on the forum but to say he has no love is so far from the target.
    I thank him for his efforts and sacrifices.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2017
    AED, DivineMercy, little me and 2 others like this.

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