March for Life 2022

Discussion in 'Church Critique' started by Claves.Sancti.Petri, Jan 24, 2022.

  1. Claves.Sancti.Petri

    Claves.Sancti.Petri Archangels

    Jul 19, 2012
    Went to the March for life 2022 in Washington D.C. always a great event to honor life. It's good to see all the young priest and religious in traditional habits and garb there the future of the Church. I went to the Summit for life and Mike Pence spoke. I do not support him in the least he sold out Trump when all he had to do was sign one paper and then gave a questionable handshake to Pelosi and bumped elbows with Pelosi while laughing. I was probably the only one who sat down during his speech. I was in Washington when he didn't sign that paper. He betrayed us the 6th. I've heard it's common knowledge in D.C. that he was in a pedo ring all the way back to Indiana.
    Sam likes this.

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