Cancer in the Body of Christ!!!

Discussion in 'Church Critique' started by Henri, Nov 13, 2022.

  1. Henri

    Henri Angels

    Oct 7, 2022
    United States
    The whole idea of a false church and a true church is not analogous to what I have experienced in my own life. I forget who brought up Pope Benedict's statements on an early philosopher of the Church having to flee itself, but I rather think what is analogous to what we are experiencing in the modern world in reference to the mystical body of Christ is cancer. Every soul is a cell in the body, and every soul has the potential to reproduce DNA, but for whatever reason certain souls have been producing cancer, and it spreads and effects the entire Body. The problem is Cancer comes from within the Body, it may originate in the environment, but it is just as human as living tissue. There are many approaches to curing cancer. Surgery, Radiation, Natural Remedies, Medications, etc. These are also analogous to the Church. There are those who want a surgical procedure, which is to say cut out everything that is an abnormality, but this does not guarantee the cancer will not return. There are those who see radiation "Adoration" as the only cure, but when cancer is in the vital organs, the radiation is not sufficient, that is to say the denial of the True Presence. Natural remedies is in essence a die-hard return to the past, while forsaken modern developments, and of course Medication is the opposite, it is a denial of the past in favor of modernization. The Body of Christ is Christ himself, and so we are his sickness, and how will he heal himself of us, or will he be taken to the grave yet again? I do not know the answer to that. All I know is that if the Church is terminally ill, or to say the Body is dying, then we must accompany the soul into the afterlife. Which is to say, we must help each other on our journey to Heaven, because a cancerous cell infects, but it is not a foreign agent. It is truly us, lest we become infected.
    AED, Dusica, Carol55 and 3 others like this.
  2. Rosalia66

    Rosalia66 Archangels

    Mar 24, 2016
    New York
    Henri, this is beautifully written!!!! What an amazing analogy. Thank you for sharing this with us
    AED, Henri and Carol55 like this.

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