The conservatives will save us!

Discussion in 'Pope Francis' started by BrianK, Oct 18, 2016.

  1. BrianK

    BrianK Guest

    The conservatives will save us!

    From Rorate today, another bishop, in Grenada, Spain has adopted the Buenos Aires directive:

    “…on the implementation of chapter VIII of Amoris Laetitia, issued by the bishops of the pastoral region of Buenos Aires. This is especially discouraging as Archbishop Martínez has in the past been known for his courage and orthodoxy.”

    I’m afraid I find Rorate’s howling over how “orthodox” he was a little frustrating.

    Listen. Get it through your thick little Hobbit-skulls:

    No one.

    Is coming.

    To save us.

    There can’t ever be better news than when an enemy of Christ unmasks himself publicly. THE key problem in the Church since 1965 has been confusion, ambiguity, the clouding of issues and the conflating of positions. This bishop is conservative; this one is liberal on some issues… No one has been able to figure out what is going on, so they have been deceived.

    This is the end of the deception.

    I’ve related many times that about fifteen years ago – in the period in which John Paul II was incapacitated and the ecclesiastical enemies of Catholicism were closing in on the controls – my colleagues and I were discussing how it seemed as though the “sides are lining up.” It was evident then that a great shift was occurring, a kind of ideological troop deployment to key strategic areas.

    That was then. This is the time of unmasking. The time of the Great Clarification. If you’re not getting down on your knees every morning and giving thanks to God for putting you in this time – the first time in 50 years when it has been easy to see what is going on and understand it – then you’re doing it wrong. Stop whining and be grateful.

    What we have now is the next phase in which the ordinary pew-sitting Catholics, the people like you and me, with no power and no influence, are being forced to choose. The safe and comfortable “conservative” position is gone. Those “conservative” and “liberal” categories have evaporated; there is no more conservative middle ground to stand on. What we have now is a clear choice before us, and we see the various low-level bishops like this chappie here making that choice. I’m always glad when one of them does, and we can thank Pope Francis quite sincerely for providing this demarcation line. Now we know exactly where the line is, and we will see exactly who is on which side of it. Ultimatums are good for everyone, and this pope has provided it.

    But the time of peace and ease is gone. The time when we could say that we are “conservative” and by this mean we “accept Vatican II, but…”, that we are good, get-along Catholics who can “find common ground” and rub shoulders with secularists and liberals in a comfy, non-threatening world of happy ecumenical get-togethers over warm milk and cookies.

    And we are in a time when keeping the Faith – which includes knowing it – is up to us. We’re it. There isn’t going to be a confrontation between Bergoglioism and Catholicism represented at the highest levels. No bishop is coming to rescue us.

    As our buddy Steve said in his latest podcast: this isn’t the movies. There is no cavalry. The African bishops aren’t coming to save us. The Polish bishops aren’t coming to save us. Cardinal Burke isn’t coming to save us. Cardinal Sarah isn’t coming to save us. Bishop Schneider isn’t coming to save us.

    [​IMG]The path we’re on leads to Calvary. And it’s the only path we’ve got. Faithfulness to the end.

    The other choice is being made manifest to us every day. It’s Christ or Bergoglianism.

    Your choice.
    little me and Mac like this.
  2. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I dislike calling myself a , 'Conservative' bacause it appears to imply some kind of political agenda in my relgious understanding. I would regard myself as simply being a Catholic trying to follow the F aith of my Fathers. Though I understand the convenince of the shortcut in using word like, 'Liberals' and , 'Conservatives'.

    I would dislike too describing the Holy Father as, 'Bergolio'. He is the Holy Father, whether we like it or not and that's , I am afraid, is that.

    There is a mysticla phenomena which other Popes have described and which continues to give me great hope in this dire situation and that is the tradition of the Catholic Faithful of praying for thePontiff. Popes have described the effects of this as being carried or buoyed up. Literally millions of the Faithful are praying for our Holy Father this gives me huge hope and has literally the power to move mountains.

    I am sure of miracles , because it is God's Church and He well knows how to look after it, though it has to be said we appear to fallen into the deepest hole in the entire 2000 years of Church history and I write this advisedly, we are in a deep, deep , deep hole here. It wil ltake a huge miracle to pull us out of it. But God can do it by crooking His little finger.

    Pray, pray, pray.

    Sam, Light, maryn and 1 other person like this.
  3. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    Nov 30, 2008
    I prefer the term orthodox (small o) rather than conservative. One who is orthodox adheres to the accepted beliefs of the Church for example as expressed in the creed that certain truths are inalienable. One who thirsts for truth will be orthodox since Christ is the truth.
    Praetorian, Heidi, BrianK and 2 others like this.
  4. Booklady

    Booklady La Dolorosa

    Sep 13, 2011
    I agree Padraig, we must be very respectful when we allude to our Holy Father.

    Father Fortea, the well know exorcist, is also upset by Amoris Laetitia, he had this to say on his blog, on October 14th:

    "Dios es Dios, y sólo Dios es Dios. El Papa es falible. (Además, creo que éste es un progresista.) Pero es el padre que preside a la familia en la tierra. A ti y a mí, sólo se nos pide que no faltemos a la caridad, ni siquiera de pensamiento."

    My translation:

    God is God, and only God is God. The Pope is fallible. (Also, I believe that he is a progressive.) But he is the father who presides over the family on earth. For you and I, we are only asked not to fail to be charitable, even in our thoughts.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2016
    Jeanne, padraig and Richard67 like this.
  5. Mac

    Mac "To Jesus, through Mary"

    May 14, 2014
    I was over at Mystics of the church site today and I see Charlie is still top of the pops.

    Unlike Hilary W , he does see one turning up who will champion the orthodox. But Charlie sees him as a deceiver...

    The man named Menses
    Charlie foresees a man whom the Angels call "Menses." This is not his given name, but just a contemptuous nickname the Angels use to refer to him, for the the Latin word "menses" literally refers to the flow of blood from the uterus during a woman's menstrual cycle. Charlie does not see the man as being specifically the anti-Christ. He will be a man who seems entirely orthodox and will seem to be a great defender of the Catholic faith. He will particularly deceive for a time many who are considered "conservative" Catholics. Charlie has stated "He is given over entirely to the spirit of antichrist and to satan...He is a very bad actor who plays at being a very good actor...He has, with full knowledge, given himself over to the satan. I do not believe he is the personification of the antichrist, but I do not know that he is not. He is a particularly charming, deceptive and malignant minion of satan." He will be revealed for who he truly is only as the Storm ends---right up to the moment of the Rescue.

  6. davidtlig

    davidtlig Guest

  7. Richard67

    Richard67 Powers

    Aug 26, 2014
    Father Fortea is probably the world's leading exorcist and a living saint: the fact that he is troubled by Francis is noteworthy.
    padraig likes this.
  8. davidtlig

    davidtlig Guest

    I didn't read into Fr Fortea's blog that he is 'troubled by Francis' but we need an accurate translation to see what he did say. One thing I did find out about him which makes me happy is the following about him that comes from Spirit Daily:

    He does ardently defend the controversial writings of Italian mystic Maria Valtorta, who wrote Poem of the Man-God, and said he was informed in Rome that she is up for beatification. "People who have attacked her may have a big surprise," he claims. "Her cause was accepted in the Congregation of Saints."

  9. little me

    little me Archangels

    Jun 20, 2014
    Real Catholics
    True men
    Soldiers for Christ
    Sons of Mary
    Mac, Dolours, Harper and 1 other person like this.
  10. davidtlig

    davidtlig Guest

    :) Hopefully all those but just in case anyone has misunderstood my post I will re-state it:

    But BrianK and Mac are going to save us.....??????? :rolleyes:
  11. Harper

    Harper Guest


    At this point it seems you are just trolling. Where is the charity in your personal attacks on others?
  12. Light

    Light Guest


    Ask yourself what was the true purpose of your comment.

    God Bless
  13. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Yes, I like exorcists very much and pay particular attention to them, for they are our front line troops. Also they have such great first hand experience with facing total evil. If something were wrong I would expect them to be the first to know and say so. Fr Amoth was very blunt and fearless and insightful for instance.
    Booklady and little me like this.
  14. davidtlig

    davidtlig Guest

    The true purpose of my comment was to highlight what, for me, is the outrageously disrespectful and calumnious comment at the end of the piece that Brian recommended to us. An article that, inevitably, Mac 'liked' as Mac and Brian share the same approach of extreme negativity to the Holy Father.

    The comment I was objecting to was:

    It’s Christ or Bergoglianism.

    The piece had stated, "Listen. Get it through your thick little Hobbit-skulls:
    No one. Is coming. To save us. Cardinal Burke isn’t coming to save us. Cardinal Sarah isn’t coming to save us. Bishop Schneider isn’t coming to save us.

    Is it so uncharitable to suggest (in a fairly lighthearted way) that Brian and Mac are also not coming to save us? Does anyone think of being charitable when they post negatively about Francis?
    Jeanne likes this.
  15. Elisa

    Elisa Powers

    Nov 4, 2013
    The Netherlands
    Padraig, why do I read under your name "new member" ? Are you Padraig, the founder of this forum, or are you a new member having the same name as Padraig ? Perhaps I missed something... ?
  16. picadillo

    picadillo Guest

    I do know one thing, we certainly are not going to get "saved" by the "spirit of vatican 2", and if that is what they meant by "Bergolioism" they are spot on.
  17. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    No it is myself. Someone complained that although they had been on the forum for years they were not showing high ranking. So I keep myself as a new member as a good example not to take rankings too seriously.
    sunburst and Booklady like this.
  18. Praetorian

    Praetorian Powers

    May 25, 2015
    I guess the big question I have is “What do we do?”

    I am fairly new to the faith. A “Revert” of a little over 2 years. Though I was Catholic all my life, I left the Church in my early 20’s so I never really learned much about it at all.

    I know we have to pray the Rosary and for the Pope and Clergy as well as do our First Fridays and Saturdays. But after that what do we do? How do we form Our Lady’s Heel to crush Her adversaries?

    The Synods started just after I came back to the Church and I immediately knew something was wrong. I don’t know how. The only way I can describe it is that Our Lady and the Holy Spirit gave me that knowledge.

    I have been patiently waiting for a clear and unmistakable sign for what I felt was happening. Yet that doesn’t appear to be what is going to happen. It seems there will just be this slow “creep” of destruction.

    I was not expecting a huge swath of Cardinals and Bishops to stand up, but I was hoping for a little more leadership. It seemed Cardinal Burke, Cardinal Sarah, Bishop Schneider, etc. were leading the “Moral Charge”. I have been waiting for them. I was hoping some in the clergy would stand up and at least give the faithful a clear path as to what to do. How to resist this. Otherwise we are just millions of independent actors flailing about. We have the power of prayer yes, and it is a powerful one, but we need on the ground action as well. At least it would seem to me we do.

    In my personal opinion there needs to be an organized “movement”. Those who accept the truths of the Church and that they cannot change need to create a united front otherwise the faith will be almost destroyed.

    Those who should speak are silent, so let us not be also.

    We are the Remnant. A small few who cling to the truth who are left. What do we do?
    sunburst, SgCatholic and picadillo like this.
  19. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland

    I heard a nice talk on a utube channel called ' The Remnant ' which suggests three things Faithful Catholics can do. Prayer. Protest. Petition. To which I might add fasting and Penance. But basically the Pope is the Pope so himself and his friends who are now Cardinals in very high postions indeed (because he put them there) can basically do as they like. Why? Because he's the Pope.

    I honestly think it's down to God now to act, nothing else will save us at this stage.
    Mac and picadillo like this.
  20. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014
    From the recent alleged message to Luz de Maria
    October 11, 2016
    "You are living in the midst of the confusion; the Church of My Son has been divided, giving way to modernism and gradually moving away from the obedience to Holiness to which the People of My Son are called. Morals in the Church of My Son are melting like wax in the fire so as to be infringed freely. As Mother I suffer, seeing My children soiling themselves in the mud of every state of impurity. My children have allowed atrophy to take over their thoughts, so as to commit impure acts without feeling guilt or pangs of conscience".


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