Papa Francis, in his address just said , off the cuff.... thrice repeated on EWTN... we are in WWIII !!!
First translation so might not be fully accurate, but towards the end he says: The world needs reconciliation amidst this third World War we are witnessing in stages. Mr President, Distinguished Authorities, Brother Bishops, Ladies and Gentlemen, I thank you, Mr President, for your greeting and your kind words of welcome in the name of the government and the entire Cuban people. I also greet the authorities and the members of the diplomatic corps present at this ceremony. My gratitude also goes to Cardinal Jaime Ortega y Alamino, Archbishop of Havana, the Most Reverend Dionisio Guillermo García Ibáñez, Archbishop of Santiago de Cuba and President of the Episcopal Conference, the other bishops and all the Cuban people, for their warm welcome. I thank, too, all those who worked to prepare for this Pastoral Visit. Mr President, I would ask you to convey my sentiments of particular respect and consideration to your brother Fidel. I would like my greeting to embrace especially all those who, for various reasons, I will not be able to meet, and to Cubans throughout the world. This year of 2015 marks the eightieth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Cuba and the Holy See. Providence today enables me to come to this beloved nation, following the indelible path opened by the unforgettable apostolic journeys which my two predecessors, Saint John Paul II and Benedict XVI, made to this island. I know that the memory of those visits awakens gratitude and affection in the people and leaders of Cuba. Today we renew those bonds of cooperation and friendship, so that the Church can continue to support and encourage the Cuban people in its hopes and concerns, with the freedom, the means and the space needed to bring the proclamation of the Kingdom to the existential peripheries of society. This Apostolic Journey also coincides with the first centenary of Pope Benedict XV’s declaration of our Lady of Charity of El Cobre as Patroness of Cuba. It was the veterans of the War of Independence who, moved by sentiments of faith and patriotism, wanted the Virgen mambisa to be the patroness of Cuba as a free and sovereign nation. Since that time she has accompanied the history of the Cuban people, sustaining the hope which preserves people’s dignity in the most difficult situations and championing the promotion of all that gives dignity to the human person. The growing devotion to the Virgin is a visible testimony of her presence in the soul of the Cuban people. In these days I will have occasion to go to El Cobre, as a son and pilgrim, to pray to our Mother for all her Cuban children and for this beloved nation, that it may travel the paths of justice, peace, liberty and reconciliation. Geographically, Cuba is an archipelago, facing all directions, with an extraordinary value as a “key” between north and south, east and west. Its natural vocation is to be a point of encounter for all peoples to join in friendship, as José Martí dreamed, “regardless of the languages of isthmuses and the barriers of oceans” (La Conferencia Monetaria de las Repúblicas de América, in Obras escogidas II, La Habana, 1992, 505). Such was also the desire of Saint John Paul II, with his ardent appeal: “May Cuba, with all its magnificent potential, open itself to the world, and may the world open itself to Cuba” (Arrival Ceremony, 21 January 1998, 5). For some months now, we have witnessed an event which fills us with hope: the process of normalizing relations between two peoples following years of estrangement. It is a sign of the victory of the culture of encounter and dialogue, “the system of universal growth” over “the forever-dead system of groups and dynasties” (José Martí, loc. cit.). I urge political leaders to persevere on this path and to develop all its potentialities as a proof of the high service which they are called to carry out on behalf of the peace and well-being of their peoples, of all America, and as an example of reconciliation for the entire world. [The world needs reconciliation amidst this third World War we are witnessing in stages.] I place these days under the protection of our Lady of Charity of El Cobre, Blessed Olallo Valdés and Blessed José López Pietreira, and Venerable Félix Varela, the great promoter of love between Cubans and all peoples, so that our bonds of peace, solidarity and mutual respect may ever increase. Once again, thank you, Mr. President.
Papa made his WWIII comment right before the end of his address.... Nice find! Miker, I didn't think his comments would be up so quick. I can only imagine what papa will say to America???
Rather amazing that this huge mural of the Divine Mercy Image is now on "Revolutionary Square in Cuba". The translation is "Come to Me". Pretty awesome given the Year of Mercy about to start that of all images of Christ that could be used, it's this one in a Communist and officially atheistic country! View attachment 3458
God Bless you Miker, our Lord smiles upon you Im sure!!! Your a true son of Jesus Roman Catholic Church!
I think like everyone else here, I'm a pilgrim on a journey, believing in the Good News that Jesus loves me despite my many failures and sins. I hope in the Resurrection and pray that one day he will call me his son and friend. I hope that for all of us.
The actual words of the Pope are these: El mundo necesita reconciliación en esta atmósfera de Tercera Guerra mundial, por etapas, que estamos viviendo. Translation: The world needs reconciliation in this atmosphere of WWIII, on stages, that we are living now. It is not the same to be living WWIII than to be living in an atmosphere of WWIII. It is very easy to make headlines even if it is not what the Pope is actually saying.
I think the Pope made a very clear point below when in preaching within what is still a communist dictatorship, who the Greatest really is. Also quite honestly applies to those of us in so called democracies who have given the title "greatest" to rich and famous. Following the conclusion of Mass in Havana, Cuba, Pope Francis gave the following Angelus address: Angelus Message of Pope Francis Havana, Plaza de la Revolución Sunday, 20 September 2015 I thank Cardinal Jaime Ortega y Alamino, Archbishop of Havana, for his kind words, and I greet all my brother bishops, priests, religious and lay faithful. I also greet the President and all the authorities present. We have heard in the Gospel how the disciples were afraid to question Jesus when he spoke to them about his passion and death. He frightened them, and they could not grasp the idea of seeing Jesus suffer on the cross. We too are tempted to flee from our own crosses and those of others, to withdraw from those who suffer. In concluding this Holy Mass, in which Jesus has once more given himself to us in his body and blood, let us now lift our gaze to the Virgin Mary, our Mother. We ask her to teach us to stand beside the cross of our brothers and sisters who suffer. To learn to see Jesus in every person bent low on the path of life, in all our brothers and sisters who hunger or thirst, who are naked or in prison or sick. With Mary our Mother, on the cross we can see who is truly “the greatest” and what it means to stand beside the Lord and to share in his glory. Let us learn from Mary to keep our hearts awake and attentive to the needs of others. As the wedding feast of Cana teaches us, let us be concerned for the little details of life, and let us not tire of praying for one another, so that no one will lack the new wine of love, the joy which Jesus brings us. At this time I feel bound to direct my thoughts to the beloved land of Colombia, “conscious of the crucial importance of the present moment when, with renewed effort and inspired by hope, its sons and daughters are seeking to build a peaceful society”. May the blood shed by thousands of innocent people during long decades of armed conflict, united to that of the Lord Jesus Christ crucified, sustain all the efforts being made, including those on this beautiful island, to achieve definitive reconciliation. Thus may the long night of pain and violence can, with the support of all Colombians, become an unending day of concord, justice, fraternity and love, in respect for institutions and for national and international law, so that there may be lasting peace. Please, we do not have the right to allow ourselves yet another failure on this path of peace and reconciliation. I ask you now to join with me in praying to Mary, that we may place all our concerns and hopes before the heart of Christ. We pray to her in a special way for those who have lost hope and find no reasons to keep fighting, and for those who suffer from injustice, abandonment and loneliness. We pray for the elderly, the infirm, children and young people, for all families experiencing difficulty, that Mary may dry their tears, comfort them with a mother’s love, and restore their hope and joy. Holy Mother, I commend to you these your sons and daughters in Cuba. May you never abandon them!
We are in World War III! A Global Confrontation of Evil vs Good and no place for "Moderate" Fence Sitters. The Wet Finger in the Wind Types will be the first to get their throats cut ... the lukewarm vomited out!! ..... Time to pick a side!! The more I think about it ... It's World War IV. I consider The Cold War as WWIII ..... another victory squandered in a long line of others since 1945 ;-( GOD SAVE ALL HERE!!
Two wars...the war against humanism in the west and the war against radical islam. Everything else is regional conflicts which is being fueled by anti-christian belief. Radical Islam will not be stopped until we call it what it is EVIL. It is no difference than Nazi Germany but worse because it is not a nation and has no borders. The humanism of abortion, euthenasia, removing Christianity from the world only leads to war. China has 1 billion people and because of abortion and selecting a one child policy...China is over 65% male. We are in ww3 but the real evil... we have not experienced yet. The sacrificing of Christians is the start of the evil ones reign. May Gods Will be Done
we know Who the Victory belongs to .. .right FS We must keep Praising God for His Holy Love and Mercy I wish no one harm +++ Heres a few articles to go with. Article was posted 2013 How many can you see happen/happening .. Another article reference 2006 also enclosed a screenshot (2006!) Sad isn't it ? So blinded!? You're all also in my prayers ~ We know The Outcome God loves all of humanity , if only all of humanity would truly love God, to respect all life . Father Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in heaven ~ amen <{{{><