Discussion in 'Pope Francis' started by Richard67, Jun 12, 2021.

  1. Richard67

    Richard67 Powers

    Aug 26, 2014
    by Jules Gomes • ChurchMilitant.com • June 10, 2021

    Italian documentary links Pope Francis to Masonic 'St. Gallen Mafia'

    ROME (ChurchMilitant.com) - The Holy See Press Office conspired to coordinate mistranslations of Benedict's Latin Declaratio, the declaration of his resignation, an explosive Italian documentary is alleging.

    Cdl. Danneels with Francis on the loggia after the election

    The 40-minute Italian film, The Message in the Bottle, is reigniting the heated debate surrounding the canonical validity of Benedict XVI's resignation from the papacy on Feb. 11, 2013 and Francis' subsequent election to the See of St. Peter.

    Released Friday, the production links the papal election of Cdl. Jorge Mario Bergoglio to the so-called St. Gallen Mafia in Switzerland and the Freemasonic agenda and genealogy of cardinals belonging to the controversial group.

    The film explores the controversy surrounding canon 332 §2 of the Code of Canon Law (1983), which states that for a papal resignation to be valid, the resignation must be "made freely" and "properly manifested" (rite manifestatur).

    Several notable canon lawyers and commentators have already pointed out that Pope Benedict XVI's resignation may not have been "properly manifested" because of a major error in the formula of resignation.

    Terminology Conspiracy?

    The formula errs in Benedict XVI using the Latin term ministerium (ministry) rather than munus (mandate) to resign his Petrine mandate, scholars argue. Benedict XVI even acknowledges retaining his role — the munus petrinum — in the first sentence of his Declaratio, they say.

    Hence, he has not renounced the munus and the resignation is ambiguous at best.

    The Message in the Bottle goes a step further in alleging that the Holy See Press Office gave "the whole world vernacular translations" that were deliberately mistranslated.

    "As a translator I know that is a malicious conspiracy because you cannot coordinate the work of six different translators unless they are being told how to translate it by the same authority," Franciscan friar Alexis Bugnolo remarks in the documentary.

    "A possible mistake by Pope Benedict seems hard to believe. Besides being one of the finest Latinists, he took part directly along with Pope John Paul II in the modification of canon law and over the years he published articles about the introduction of the word 'munus,'" the film's narrator emphasizes.

    With regards to Benedict using the term "renounce," the object munus is replaced by ministerium, the film observes. "Ministerium is not the duty you receive from the king, it's the execution of that," Bugnolo explains.

    The documentary explores how the media ran with the resignation story after ANSA's Vatican correspondent Giovanna Chirri tweeted the news of Benedict's resignation as she understood the Latin reading of the Declaratio, Chirri says in the film.

    The tweet, according to the film, was authorized by Fr. Federico Lombardi, the Jesuit former director of the Holy See Press Office. But the words "resigned" and "pontificate" were not in Benedict's statement," Bro. Bugnolo notes. "Chirri's tweet added meaning to it [resignation] that it didn't have."

    The Holy See then released the official translations and "I found undeniable signs of a conspiracy beginning in the end of February 2013 and going all the way to April for the publication of every translation," Bugnolo states.

    "You have six languages — if you look at those languages you would expect that if they are a faithful translation, every variation of terminology in the Latin would show up in the translation."

    But irrespective of whether Benedict mentions munus or ministerium, it is translated as "ministry," Bugnolo explains.

    Because Benedict was always talking about "his ministry" and because the translations mistranslate the papal munus as "ministry," the media is given the impression that Benedict resigned his papacy, he adds.

    The Vatican website has the original Latin text and translations in eight languages, but "was Pope Benedict aware of the manipulation?" asks the narrator in the film. "Was there someone who wanted to manipulate his announcement?" and "wanted him to resign?"

    St. Gallen Mafia: Modernist Takeover via Francis?

    According to the film, the secret lobby of progressive cardinals known as the "Group of St. Gallen" led by liberal Belgian Cdl. Godfried Danneels were behind the conspiracy to dethrone Benedict and appoint a modernist pope who would implement their agenda.

    Danneels admits in the film: "We liked to call ourselves 'the Mafia.'" In his autobiography, he reveals the group discussed the Church's acceptance of homosexuality, divorced and re-married couples, women's ordination and secularism. For Pope Francis' first appearance as pope, Danneels stood next to the new pontiff on the loggia.

    The cardinals of the St. Gallen group trace their Masonic genealogy to the pro-Freemason Cdl. Mariano Rampolla del Tindaro, whose election by the conclave of 1903 was vetoed by Austrian Emperor Francis Joseph I, leading to the election of Giuseppe Sarto as Pope Pius X — a staunch opponent of modernism and Freemasonry.

    "Bergoglio became a member of the group by moving 70 million euro out of archdiocesan funds to the Vatican bank ... in 2000 or 2002," and became the head of the group, says Bugnolo, arguing Bergoglio was recruited as he was seen to be an ally of Pope John Paul II.

    Experts interviewed in the documentary include the acclaimed philosopher Professor Francesco Lamendola, a faithful Catholic and prolific author who explains the philosophical underpinning of Freemasonry, its historical enmity with Catholicism and its agenda to impose a New World Order.

    Church Militant has learned that the producer/director chose to remain anonymous for fear of repercussions from the Freemasons.

    An Easy Fact-Check?

    Italian critic and historian Andrea Cionci alerted Church Militant to the possibility that skeptics would dismiss the film as "conspiracy theory."
    "But if a viewer wants to check out the truth of the documentary's claims, all it takes is a click, since most of the material cited is available on Vatican sites and credible newspapers," Cionci said.

    "The highlight of the documentary is Benedict XVI's Declaratio, which, out of curious 'carelessness,' involves canons 124, 332 § 2, 188, 17 of the Code of Canon Law which, according to many experts, render the resignation completely null and void," he observed.

    Cionci noted the real difficulty was "in focusing on and debating the real magna quaestio, that is, the invalidity of Ratzinger's renunciation. Bergoglio's election is entirely secondary. If Benedict did not abdicate, everything else never existed."

    Thousands of Italians have watched the production on social media and Cionci's review in the Milanese secular newspaper Libero Quotidiano is commending the documentary as "well done and based on obvious facts."

    Church Militant contacted Matteo Bruni, director of the Holy See Press Office for a response, but did not receive a reply.

  2. BrianK

    BrianK Guest

    Here’s the video, for what it’s worth:

  3. Jason Fernando

    Jason Fernando Powers

    Apr 25, 2020
    Michael Pio and josephite like this.
  4. josephite

    josephite Powers

    Oct 30, 2012
    Thank you Richard
    Michael Pio likes this.
  5. josephite

    josephite Powers

    Oct 30, 2012
    I've just watched half of the video,

    It's worth is incalculable; so much information, so many puzzle pieces placed.

    Yes we need to pray for our Pope (which includes our seeming Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI)

    I also believe we do not have much time left with Pope Emeritus Benedict at the helm, and so our days grow increasingly dark and may be eclipsed in the near future after his death, (just my thoughts)!

    I hope the wonderful true remnant church of the future, will realise the intrigues and deceptions that our generation have groped with in this time; where truth is hidden in a smoke filled atmosphere! And I hope this future Church will not reprove us for our inaction!, nor for our acceptance and/or dismissal of popes, but realise we had to toe the line, trying to understand who was the real pope and who was the deceiver!
    if any!

    Our inertia is this dilemma may be understandable but it has massive consequences!

    Because today; remaining faithful to God and His Church requires mental gymnastics and secondly what does that mean for the truths we hand down to the next generation?

    The video above has me ask.....Have we (as a catholic whole) been hoodwinked?

    And if so, has our generation somehow fundamentally failed both God and our children?
    Michael Pio, BrianK and Arantxa like this.
  6. BrianK

    BrianK Guest

    To be honest, I hadn’t watched the video when I posted the link. I just now watched it in full. It confirms and consolidates all of the previously held reservations about this papacy I had, and adds some more of which I had not been previously aware.

    It’s very hard to ignore and explains so much about this papacy and our current world situation.

    Everyone should take a moment to watch it carefully and pray about it.
    Clare A, josephite and Michael Pio like this.
  7. BrianK

    BrianK Guest

    josephite likes this.
  8. PurpleFlower

    PurpleFlower Powers

    Dec 21, 2020
    I think we should be like children and lift our arms up to God to stoop down and pick us up. We know in our hearts how to love and serve God and neighbor. We have centuries of truthful teaching passed down to us and a treasury of beautiful prayers and devotions with which to purify our hearts, comfort Christ, and save souls. If we focus on those things, and leave matters of the Church hierarchy to God, He WILL take care of it for us like any father would for His trusting children. We are the little ones; these matters are not our responsibility (unless God asks us directly to intervene as He has with some of His saints). Let the future judge us as it will.
    Clare A, josephite, Sam and 3 others like this.
  9. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Pulaski, NY
    I'll break my silence to say, "Amen", to the above highlight. Seek Christ, pray and fast, Holy Mass, and live the spiritual and corporal works of mercy. I am not wise enough to figure it all out.

    Safe in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary!
  10. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Dec 30, 2016
    Mary's child and Sam like this.
  11. josephite

    josephite Powers

    Oct 30, 2012
    Yes, St Catherine of Siena says (and I hope I am not butchering it)....... "do not be afraid of seeking truth, because the one who knows more, loves more!"
    Michael Pio and BrianK like this.
  12. josephite

    josephite Powers

    Oct 30, 2012
    I look at the current Church crisis and its fallout (even in our own families) as a call to stay alert, to watch, to pray, to trust and to keep abreast of the possibility of deceptions.

    We have been warned by our Lady that many souls are following the teachings of some prelates who are on the road to perdition.

    Being aware of current developments on possible infiltrations and deceptions, allows us to stand guard of the truth in our hearts, to recognise and correctly discern ambiguities that we may see in Amoris laetitia, Laudato si' or Fratelli tutti, which we know many (even Bishops) have drawn incorrect conclusions from.

    I believe we have a responsibility to seek truth while also trusting that God Our Father has allowed the current Church situation for a reason. Sometimes God uses us, as His hands, His voice, His feet to love and warn other little ones, who may be mistakenly following an unintentional deception or a cleverly disguised deception.

    I think it is important for little ones to seek truth, to pray for and to be an encouragement for our brave Church hierarchy, so they can bring the light of truth to any and all ambiguities or deceptions, because it must be very hard for them, especially if they feel alone.

    In this way we offer support and strength for the future Church, who very well may be grateful that we were alert.
    Sam, Mary's child and BrianK like this.
  13. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Dec 30, 2016
    I do not trust Brother Alexis Bugnolo. I avoid him.
    The Lord puts different things in each heart.
    No one here has said we should ignore what is going on in the Church. We each have our way of doing God’s will.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2021
    Praetorian and PurpleFlower like this.
  14. BrianK

    BrianK Guest


    "We've had enough exhortations to be silent! Cry out with a hundred thousand tongues. I see that the world is rotten because of silence." St. Catherine of Siena (1347-80).​
  15. PurpleFlower

    PurpleFlower Powers

    Dec 21, 2020
    Yes, St. Catherine of Siena meant to not be silent out of fear. She also had this to say:

    "Even if [the pope an incarnate devil], we ought not to raise up our heads against him, but calmly lie down to rest on his bosom.... He who rebels against our Father is condemned to death, for that which we do to him we do to Christ: we honor Christ if we honor the pope; we dishonor Christ if we dishonor the pope."

    Something I've been realizing the more I quiet myself and prayerfully consider what's going on is that there is great damage being done by the way many Catholics are talking about Pope Francis and the corruption in the hierarchy. A simple explanation that sin and corruption exists even within the Church is one thing, but the disdain toward our own holy father--whether we think he deserves it or not--is causing great harm to those with a weak or non-Catholic faith. And it's causing great harm to our own souls through pride. I am continuing to ponder this prayerfully.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2021
    AED and Praetorian like this.
  16. Richard67

    Richard67 Powers

    Aug 26, 2014
    Yes, the Pope. But we currently have two men dressed in Papal white and one of them, Pope Benedict, resigned under highly suspect circumstances. Those who ask the hard questions regarding the circumstances of his resignation - courageous Catholics like Ann Barnhardt and Brother Bugnolo - are often marginalized. But I'll take Barnahardt and Bugnolo anyday and everyday over the so-called "mainstream" Catholic Press. Truth has a certain ring to it and I think Barnhardt and Bugnolo are asking all the right questions.
  17. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I don't think I'll watch it. I have increasingly strong suspicions about the whole awful buisness. But since there is not much we can do as ordinary lay people but pray that I will do. If I had been a Bishop or Cardinal it would be different, but I am not.

    The whole thing stinks to high heaven. Prayers.

    Last edited: Jun 15, 2021
    AED, Clare A, Praetorian and 4 others like this.
  18. josephite

    josephite Powers

    Oct 30, 2012
    Purple Flower , I don't think staying alert can be considered critical or disobedient and I don't think anyone is saying to be disobedient to the Holy Father.
    I pray for our Holy Father as does Brian and probably the majority of the forum.

    With further evidence coming to hand of the possibility that Pope Benedict did not resign from the munus of the papacy but only of the ministerial work and with many ambiguous encyclicals and a call for clarity via the Dubia submitted by four Cardinals, unanswered, I don't believe the two popes debate can be seen as off limits.

    I remember when Pope Francis stated that artificial contraception was permitted for the young women of South America who felt threatened by the zika virus. I personally realised this statement was not a morally correct teaching. However, I saw the harm it caused the weak, in my family, work place and country, I shudder to think of the harm it may have caused the weak young married women of South America.

    I believe the majority of Catholics did not raise up our heads against the pope at this time, but we calmly lay down (after explaining the difference between Catholic truth and the popes personal opinion to those who were rejoicing) and together we have rested on his bosom.
    I truly hope no harm has been done by any Catholics questioning papal statements.
    May God Have mercy on us all.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2021
  19. thomas21

    thomas21 Archangels

    Aug 31, 2020
    Obedience is only due legitimate authority, and with legitimate authority in spheres where they have they have true authority. Obeying a dictator who takes over your country is not true obedience, but may even be cowardice. Obeying a school teacher who tells you to commit a felony is not true obedience. If it's laughable in a human court of justice to make that excuse, how much more laughable is it before God?

    The problem is Francis is mixing the spheres where, even if he were pope, he has no authority whatsoever with moral teaching. So he'll say that you are morally obligated to get deathvaxxed or you are morally obligated to have less children or you are morally obligated to support the Great Reset. There are two questions to ask: Does a pope have the authority to command Catholics to do so? If so, is His authority legitimate?

    Even if a true pope were to tell you to invest your money in a certain private company you could tell him "Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin." Clearly that has nothing to do with the mission of the Church.

    Bugnolo is not telling you to trust him because he speaks with authority, but because he points to objectively verifiable facts to make his case. He is not arguing from authority but from matters of fact. Reality takes precedence over authority in judgement. Which is why we are justified in not accepting the media's and "expert's" narrative: their claims contradict the clear facts.

    If you disagree with these facts, show evidence that contradicts them. Bugnolo is not asking you to trust him. Read the Latin yourself. If his premises are true the conclusion logically follows.

    Obedience is not servility. People are using fear of being "schismatic" to make you shut up and obey, even when the authority or commands are reasonable to doubt. An excess of obedience is a defect and not a virtue, per Thomas Aquinas. Obey where you have to legitimately obey.
  20. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Dec 30, 2016
    Thank you, Padraig. You have expressed yourself well and I concur.
    Praetorian likes this.

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