Newsmagazine released an article today claim that the ‘Pope is dying’ and the Vatican is preparing for a conclave; here’s Timothy Gordon’s take on this whatever your thoughts are regarding him: Whatever your take is on this, we should pray much for the Holy Father whether he is nearing death or not.
this would create a very stormy conclave at a higher level than 2013; I find it difficult to have a quick conclave without an impasse in the midst of a college of cardinals with many cardinals appointed by Francis, however with many cardinals who show resistance to this pontificate.
There have been rumors and they still are just rumors. I would expect a Pope who is now dismantling the Roman Catholic Church would be afraid of death especially given his age. My prayers for him always and for who will follow after Him.
I had read a while back in some of the Italian "insider" sites claiming that this was the case. It makes some sense given his long stay in the hospital for what was considered a relatively routine procedure. I hope it is not true and my prayers are with him as always.
There is no need to speculate when anyone is going to die. God knows the hour and minute when he and all will depart from the realm of mortals. The Pope could very easily outlive those predicting his demise. Prayer to St. Gregory VII O invincible defender of Holy Church's freedom, Saint Gregory of great renown, by that firmness thou didst show in maintaining the Church's rights against all her enemies, stretch forth from Heaven thy mighty arm, we beseech thee, to comfort her and defend her in the fearful battle she must ever wage with the powers of darkness. Do thou, in an especial manner, give strength in this dread conflict to the venerable Pontiff who has fallen heir not only to thy throne, but likewise to the fearlessness of thy mighty heart; obtain for him the joy of beholding his holy endeavors crowned by the triumph of the Church and the return of the lost sheep into the right path. Grant, finally, that all may understand how vain it is to strive against that faith which has always conquered and is destined always to conquer: "this is the victory which overcometh the world, our faith." This is the prayer that we raise to thee with one accord; and we are confident, that, after thou hast heard our prayers on earth, thou wilt one day call us to stand with thee in Heaven, before the eternal High Priest, Who with the Father and the Holy Spirit liveth and reigneth world without end. Amen
Pope Francis has had a limp for ages, so he might have arthritis or sciatica. I don't think either are terminal. God help him. God help all of us.