Ralph Martin - I Never Thought I’d See This Happen False teaching at a high level in the Church Recently a very prominent Cardinal, very close to Pope Francis, flat out said he didn’t believe the Catholic teaching on homosexuality and that the Catechism should be revised. And at about the same time the Synodal Assembly of the German Church voted overwhelmingly to advocate for blessing same sex unions. And then Pope Francis at his weekly General Audience seemed to imply that everyone is saved. What’s going on? What should we do?
Normally Ralph Martin is calm. It's unusual to hear him so flustered. It's like he has awoken to a nightmare scenario. But of course many of us have been awake on this forum to the infiltration of false teachers into the Church over the last half century. That top cardinals want to rewrite the catechism & change church teachings means that they are imbued with the spirit of secularism and not the Holy Spirit. They do not know Christ for they hear not His voice. Wolves in sheeps clothing.
I am wondering if there will be an exodus of Catholics out of the Church if some bishops approve simulation of blessings for homosexuals as in the German Church, if the Synod on Synodality allows it, many felt that our Church has adapted to modernity and that it represents the great Babylon of the book of revelation.
I think true Catholics remain Catholic in doctrine and practice. Whatever the false church does is on them. The Church in Japan remained faithful for 400 years without priest or sacraments. It can be done. ( hoping we won't have to)
Yes Garabandal. I had much the same reaction when I listened early this AM.(thank you for posting btw) I commented on another thread that if PF and his pals have lost Ralph Martin they have really crossed a serious line in the sand. Patrick Coffin has a very somber and sober podcast up challenging PF's legitimacy. He goes point by point. Taylor Marshall also has a podcast along the same lines. Its way above my pay grade. But I am not obliged to obey error. Ralph Martin believes that PF has publicly taught error now. I think that's what he said.
I'm reminded of French historian Imbert Saint-Amand, in one of his books pertaining to the French Revolution and the anti-Catholic "activities" of the time: Mr. Saint-Amand said of the ancient Church, "She can grow young again."
The gist of Father Gerald E. Murray's article on this bishop, in today's Catholic Thing article: The homosexualist bishop who considers the two-millenia-old doctrine of the Church his own personal property to play around with is an example of extreme clericalism. He's broken the vows he took on becoming a bishop and is also a fraud, as he's not doing the job he's very well paid to do.
And all clergy are to be CELIBATE, ergo personal sexuality shouldn't be an issue at all for them. Any / all of them. What part of "crucified with Christ" in this do they not understand?
In my opinion Ralph Martin is above Coffin and Marshall - above for me anyway. I am very fond of his books. I have no doubts his book 'The fulfillment of all desires' is a classic -- That Ralph Martin is calling out the hierarchy is really, really something!!
Wow. Fr Murry does not comment lightly. He has been so careful to be prudent and charitable. The time for calling-out is upon us. Thanks be to God.
Father Murray calls upon this bishop to either repent and recant or resign. The only book of Ralph Martin's that I have read is his 'Will Many be Saved?', an excellent demolition of the Universalist heresy with skillful use of the documents of Vatican II for support. He seems heavy-hitting and irrefutably orthodox.
I was listening to the wonderful famous sermon of St Leonard of Port Maurice just last night. All Catholics should listen to it. It is a great remedy against Modernist heresy. 'The Little Number of those Saved'.
One good thing about all this. More and more of God's living saints are rising up and speaking out in a firm, certain way about this huge wickedness that is taking place. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Mary.
If the Vatican decides to decentralize it’s authority, there will be no firewall to keep the anti catholic wolves at bay. There will be no fear of reprisal…heck, they’re doing want they want to now. There is no penalty…just promotions. The wolves aren’t even hiding their intentions….much like the commies in our nation now. Doing the work of the devil just cloaked in false mantel of mercy.
Yes, we need courageous leaders to be a voice to the faithful…leaders are rising up. A few are mistakenly at each other’s throats….we don’t need that and I hope it ends. United we stand, not the other way around.
https://www.gutenberg.org/files/32408/32408-h/32408-h.htm (at [240]) "France had still its moments of enthusiasm and illusion before plunging into the abyss of woes. It seemed under an hallucination, or suffering from a sort of vertigo. A nameless frenzy, both in good and evil, agitated and disturbed it beyond measure in 1792, that year so fertile in surprises and dramas of every kind. Strange and bizarre epoch, full of love and hatred, launching itself from one extreme to the other with frightful inconstancy, now weeping with tenderness, and now howling with rage! Society resembled a drunken man who is sometimes amiable in his cups, and sometimes cruel. There were sudden halts on the road of fury, oases in the midst of scorching sands, beneath a sun whose fire consumed. But the caravan does not rest long beneath the shady trees. Quickly it resumes its course as if urged by a mysterious force, and soon the terrible simoom overwhelms and destroys it." Sounds familiar.