Pope Francis and Chilean deity “Atacama giant”

Discussion in 'Pope Francis' started by BrianK, Aug 27, 2022.

  1. BrianK

    BrianK Powers Staff Member

    Jul 20, 2021
    Another Pachalienmama type sacrilege occurred a couple months ago on his visit to Chile. I wasn’t aware of this latest one till today:


    What’s with the Pope’s Giant symbol? Wikipedia suggests that it’s a local Chilean deity (Atacama giant).
    by admin 4 months ago 2.3k Views

    How the Atacama giant is stirring up controversy in Chile

    As Pope Francis visits Chile, his giant Atacama cross is causing quite a stir. Many people are curious about its meaning and origin, but no one seems to know for sure. Some believe it’s a local Chilean deity, while others think it might be something more sinister.

    The Atacama giant has long been a source of intrigue and speculation in Chile. Some see it as an ancient symbol of local identity, while others believe that it may be connected to something darker and more sinister. Regardless of its true meaning, this mysterious figure has become the subject of heated debates and intense scrutiny in recent years, making it one of the most talked-about topics in the country. What do you think about the Atacama giant?

    And what do you think it means to Chile and its people?
    Pope Francis’s Atacama giant is stirring up a lot of controversy in Chile. Some people see it as an ancient symbol of local identity, while others believe that it may be connected to something darker and more sinister. What do you think?


    Personally, I find the Atacama giant to be a fascinating and mysterious figure. At a time when Chile is grappling with many complex issues, such as economic inequality, political unrest, and social polarization, it represents a key part of the country’s history and culture.

    Whether we choose to embrace it or fear it, the Atacama giant will continue to be an enduring symbol that captures the imagination of people in Chile and beyond.

    What do you think about the Atacama giant, and how do you think it will shape the future of Chile?

    Pope Francis

    Pope Francis is the 266th and current Pope of the Catholic Church, reigning since 2013. He is the first Jesuit pope and the first from the Americas. Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, he has worked extensively with poor communities in Latin America. As Pope, Francis has made a number of controversial statements and gestures, such as his criticism of capitalist societies and his call for action on climate change.

    What is the history of the Atacama Giant?
    The Atacama Giant is a humanoid figure that was discovered in an Atacama Desert cemetery in 2003. Since its discovery, the Atacama Giant has been a source of much speculation and debate, with some believing it to be an extraterrestrial being and others asserting that it is simply a human skeleton that has been elongated due to a congenital disorder. However, the true identity of the Atacama Giant remains a mystery.

    The Atacama Desert is located in Chile and is one of the driest places on Earth. Due to the arid conditions of the Atacama Desert, many ancient settlements have been well-preserved. In 2003, a team of archaeologists was investigating an Atacama Desert cemetery when they made the startling discovery of the Atacama Giant.


    What could the Atacama giant mean for Chile?

    The Atacama Giant is a humanoid skeleton that measures approximately six feet tall. It has an elongated skull, which has led to speculation that it may have been artificially distorted. Other strange features of the Atacama Giant include a lack of teeth, as well as an underdeveloped ribcage and pelvis.

    Since its discovery, the Atacama Giant has been subject to much debate and speculation amongst scientists and researchers. Some believe that it is the remains of an extraterrestrial being, due to the elongated skull and other abnormal features. Others have suggested that it is simply a human skeleton that has been affected by several congenital disorders, such as dwarfism and progeria.

    Vestments unveiled that Pope Francis will use on a visit to Chile


    The Vatican has unveiled the vestments that Pope Francis will wear on his upcoming visit to Chile and Peru. At a special ceremony in Rome, the pontiff was presented with an elaborate set of robes, including a white alb robe, a blue chasuble decorated with 12 stars representing the apostles, and a red stole embroidered with the words “misericordiae vultus” (“the face of mercy”).

    The vestments were designed by Argentinean artist Rocio Guerra and are intended to reflect Pope Francis’s commitment to social justice and care for the poor. The pope is scheduled to arrive in Chile on January 15, 2018, where he will meet with local leaders, visit religious sites, and hold mass gatherings. He will then travel to Peru in late January, where he is expected to address issues such as climate change and economic inequality.

    The Atacama giant: mysterious symbol or local deity?

    Despite the controversy surrounding his visit to Chile, many people are eagerly anticipating Pope Francis’s arrival. Many in the Catholic community see him as a breath of fresh air, and his progressive views on social justice resonate with many Chileans. It will be interesting to see how Pope Francis’s visit will impact the country, and whether or not his message will be well-received.

    What’s with the Pope’s Giant symbol? Wikipedia suggests that it’s a local Chilean deity (Atacama giant).
    The Atacama Giant is a subject of much controversy and speculation among researchers and scientists. Some believe that it is an extraterrestrial being, due to its elongated skull and other abnormal features. Others have suggested that it is simply the remains of a human skeleton that has been distorted by a congenital disorder such as dwarfism or progeria.

    Shouldn’t that be inappropriate?
    However, the true identity of the Atacama Giant remains a mystery. Pope Francis’s upcoming visit to Chile has brought renewed attention to the Atacama Giant.

    Some believe that the Pope’s decision to use an image of the Atacama Giant as his official symbol is inappropriate, given the controversy surrounding its origins. Others see it as a nod to the Atacama Giant’s cultural significance in Chile and view the Pope’s choice as a symbol of his commitment to social justice. In the end, only time will tell how this giant symbol will impact the Pope’s visit and Chile more broadly.

    Sent from my iPhone
  2. Carol55

    Carol55 Ave Maria

    Mar 18, 2016
    Long Island, New York
    Anthony Stine recently posted the following video which demonstrates how this is spreading.

    BrianK likes this.
  3. BrianK

    BrianK Powers Staff Member

    Jul 20, 2021
    Yes, thanks. I saw that one, but I don’t remember if he commented on the Atacama Giant in any of his videos this summer. (I usually watch Anthony’s latest video while I’m eating breakfast each morning.)
    Carol55 likes this.
  4. thomas21

    thomas21 Archangels

    Aug 31, 2020
    The Pachamama thing is not a one time thing. Some Churches allow pagan rites to dialogue with pagans but no doubt not to proselytize but to "welcome".
  5. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Dec 30, 2016
    Brian, I could be wrong, but I see that the Pope visited Chile in 2018 or 2019. The pachamama sacrilege occured in the Fall of 2019. Am I right on this? That would explain the lack of current commentary on the giant.
    Jo M and BrianK like this.
  6. Jo M

    Jo M Powers

    Feb 24, 2019
  7. Jo M

    Jo M Powers

    Feb 24, 2019
    Yes, I think it was October 2019.
    HeavenlyHosts likes this.
  8. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Dec 30, 2016
    Yes, and the Giant came before that.
    Jo M likes this.
  9. BrianK

    BrianK Powers Staff Member

    Jul 20, 2021
    Good catch, thanks.

    I just chatted with Anthony Stine about this. He said he covered this in his video here, starting at 1:30:

  10. Carol55

    Carol55 Ave Maria

    Mar 18, 2016
    Long Island, New York
    Too many "coincidences" to be coincidences, I believe. :cry:

    Anthony Stine does not miss much, imo.
    Mary's child and BrianK like this.

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