So five months after Pope Francis’ “consecration of Russia,” what is the consensus? Was the consecration of Russia requested by Our Lady of Fatima actually fulfilled? If so, what tangible signs are there five months later that the consecration was done? The world is still on the brink of a global war since the Russia and Ukraine conflict, food and water shortages are looming, the post vaxx die off is in full swing, and other plagues seem to be waiting in the wings. Myself? I’m beyond skeptical.
I was hopeful, but very very naive about it. I see the overturning of Roe v Wade as the only good fruit. It's not nothing, but since his trip to Canada along with his "red hat" brigade, especially the new ones being "hatted" this weekend, I've been thinking alot lately of moving back to the land of my ancestors so I can drown along with the good crew who never left.
Idk maybe I’m wrong but sometimes I wonder if the overturning of Roe was/ is One of Gods last test for the US. Before ordinary people could be against Roe but couldn’t/ didn’t have to really do anything about it as the decision was taken out of the hand of the people and made law by the courts. Now each person through their vote (or lack of voting) has the ability to make his/her voice heard on whether abortion should be legal or illegal and if legal limitations etc. I could be totally wrong but this thought has crossed my mind that now I and those around me are now more accountable than before
As for Myself? I've no doubt as to what's going down. . Having Devoured Scriptures and pertinent Magisterium and Geopolitics including Russia and other nations, and the Catholic Church and God's Enemies, and this Globe (I view it as being about as big as a Basketball) etc, for years.. For years? - and for Reasons - I've come to believe that Russia has definitely broken the century-long grip of AntiChurch Communism - and has shown many signs of slowly changing the deeply embedded mindsets of many of the Russian citizenry. God's Prophesies have been unfurling before our very eyes - and it takes Faith to embrace them in the manner He wants us to. A thought.. The pre-Marxist Russian Revolution Russia - is/was not the Russia whose errors Lucia refers to. The Errors entered into Russia from AntiChristians.. ! It is THEM who are God's ENEMY! IF as some believe, that Russia (all it's peoples? just the Apostolic ROC? ) either has been or shall be 'converted', does that not mean that God somehow favors Russia? That said, to me, its the West which from 1917 to Today, has been moving closer to Satan - and is Very Obviously in need of Conversion..
I find it difficult to answer this as even current events in the world (which demonstrate that there is no world peace) could be the catalyst for the world conversion predicted at Fatima and Garanbadal; even if Russia has not been converted, she could be God's instrument to convert the whole world and the children of the new Israel (church); something similar to the role of the king of Assyria described in Isaiah 10:5 who is strengthened by God as a way of punishing Israel. Isaiah 10;5-22 5 Woe to Assyria, rod of my anger, the club in their hands is my fury! 6 I was sending him against a godless nation, commissioning him against the people who enraged me, to pillage and plunder at will and trample on them like the mud in the streets. 7 But this was not his intention nor did his heart plan it so, for he dreamed of putting an end to them, of liquidating nations without number! 8 For he thought, 'Are not my officers all kings? 9 Is not Calno like Carchemish, Hamath like Arpad, Samaria like Damascus? 10 As my hand has found the kingdoms of the false gods, where there were more images than in Jerusalem and Samaria, 11 as I have treated Samaria and her false gods shall I not treat Jerusalem and her statues too?' 12 When the Lord has completed all his work on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem, he will punish the fruit of the king of Assyria's boastful heart and the insolence of his haughty looks. 13 For he thinks: 'By the strength of my own arm I have done this and by my own wisdom: how intelligent I have been! I have abolished the frontiers between peoples, I have plundered their treasures, like a hero, I have subjugated their inhabitants. 14 My hand has found, as though a bird's nest, the riches of the peoples. Like someone collecting deserted eggs, I have collected the whole world while no one has fluttered a wing or opened a beak to squawk.' 15 Does the axe claim more credit than the man who wields it, or the saw more strength than the man who handles it? As though a staff controlled those who raise it, or the club could raise what is not made of wood! 16 That is why Yahweh Sabaoth is going to inflict leanness on his stout men, and beneath his glory kindle a fever burning like a fire. 17 The light of Israel will become a fire and its Holy One a flame burning and devouring his thorn-bushes and brambles in a day. 18 He will consume his luxuriant forest and productive ground, he will ravage body and soul: it will be like a consumptive wasting away; 19 and what remain of the trees of his forest will be so few that a child could write their number. 20 When that day comes, the remnant of Israel and the survivors of the House of Jacob will stop relying on the man who strikes them and will truly rely on Yahweh, the Holy One of Israel. 21 A remnant will return, the remnant of Jacob, to the mighty God. 22 Israel, though your people are like the sand of the sea, only a remnant of them will return: a destruction has been decreed which will make justice overflow.
Past and Current and Future events .. are going along in accordance to Script(ural), Tradition and Magisterial Prophecies..
Yes.. And He tells us to "not be afraid" Matthew 24 - the entire chapter concerns Jesus' Preaching on the End Times.. It's not a long read A clippet.. “Watch out that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many. 6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of birth pains. --- thus spake JESUS - circa 2000 years ago..
I agree with what Bishop Athanasius Schneider has said about this: "Fatima being fulfilled Speaking of consecrations, I asked him about Pope Francis’ consecration of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This action by Pope Francis has been a source of debate for Catholics, with some believing that the Pope – however unlikely it was for a man like Francis – had finally fulfilled Our Lady’s requests to consecrate Russia as was instructed to Sister Lucia. “Thanks be to God, the pope finally consecrated Russia to the Immaculate Heart on March 25th.” I pressed the bishop just a bit to get a more developed answer so that he might address some of the concerns individuals may have about the validity of the consecration. “We have to have the right understanding of the consecration,” he said. “This is not a sacrament. A sacrament is operating instantly when the conditions are fulfilled … a consecration that the pope is doing is a sacramental (he spoke with emphasis).” Contrasting a sacramental and a sacramental, he explained: “It is a kind of intercession, prayer. It is a work of the church directly, not of God Himself directly. It is a work of the Church and depends on the prayers of the Church.” “In the eyes of God, it has an objective value because it is a work of the Church.” It should be expected that the effects of a consecration are “not immediate,” he added. “People who are awaiting from this consecration of Fatima – which the pope did – an immediate effect, they have in my opinion a deficient understanding of this because it is a kind of understanding like a magic act. It’s not a magic act … doing something then it is produced. These attitudes of these people are implicitly a lack of faith. It’s a lack of faith, they want immediately to see the result. This is not Catholic, this is not Catholic.” He went on to say that “it is up to God” to know the timing of what will come of the Consecration of Russia. Bishop Schneider also stressed that for the bishops to be “in union” with the Pope – which was a stipulation given by the Virgin Mary – “is not a question of arithmetic.” I said to him, “Whenever the Pope does something publicly as the Vicar of Christ, as the head of the bishops on Earth and says he’s doing so in union with them, I mean, that is de facto something done in union with the bishops … ” Schneider replied, “Exactly, I agree with you.” In addition, he made reference to the fact that arithmetical majority is not required for even an ecumenical council decision to be an act of the Pope in union with the bishops. “If the majority of the bishops would vote for a deficient formulation about faith or something ambiguous, and the minority would vote for a clear statement … if the Pope will join the minority and not the majority, then it will be the decision of the entire Catholic Church … it is sufficient that the pope and the minority … will constitute the entire Church.” The interview ended with Bishop Schneider leading the prayer he composed to hasten the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
SSPX Catholic Kennedy Hall made a Good Case here that one of the immediate visible fruits of the Consecration of Russia was the long hoped-for overturning of Roe v Wade: The Annunciation was on March 25th. About 3 Months Later, both on the Feast of the Sacred Heart, and also that of St. John the Baptist, the Victory came. Here is the excerpt. Apart from that, I still think something significant will happen in the coming years, including 2025 and 2033. I agree with Bishop Athanasius that the Triumph of the Immaculata will eventually come, but in God's Time, not in ours. "There is a world of significance to unpack in this providential meeting of the Sacred Heart and John the Baptist. Let us consider the first meeting between Christ and John. Immediately after the Annunciation (March 25, the day Pope Francis did the consecration) Mary and her Immaculate Heart visited her cousin Elizabeth, and it is said that upon her arrival, “the infant leaped in her womb.” Thus, we understand that John – who was around the age of six months gestation – leaped at the arrival of his Saviour, who was in the very early stages of life in utero. We might say that the first encounter between John the Baptist and Christ was a moment when the fluttering of the Sacred Heart caused John’s to jump for joy The pro-life significance in this encounter is easy to see, given that a Sacred Child and a saint-to-be were able to connect in a way that goes beyond mere biology. There is a spiritual element to the encounter, which tells us that God has endowed the unborn with a unique human soul, thus the full dignity of a fully-grown human person. Very important to recall, as well, is that Our Lady stayed with Elizabeth for exactly three months, until the birth of John, and then she left. Now, if Heaven were to make its presence known in the world, especially in a moment like this, I think we can responsibly make a few connections. Three months after Pope Francis consecrated Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, there comes a providential day when the Sacred Heart and the Heart of John collide, and on that same day a judicial miracle takes place wherein the beating hearts of innocent children are given their rights.
Unfortunately, no sign of a period of peace but I think that we knew that it wouldn't be fast based on everything that Sister Lucia told us especially it will be done late and like the King of France... and as Bishop Schneider states in the above post. There is this from the CP, Nate - Cancel Everything and Leave Town! Aug 25, 2022| The whole system is literally collapsing before our eyes Nate mentions the following in the above video (Nate states 137 but he really means 137k) - Putin Orders Russia to Recruit 137,000 More Troops as War Drags Presidential decree to bring troop total to 1.15 million Kremlin seen building forces following casualties in Ukraine Bloomberg News August 25, 2022 at 11:15 AM EDT | President Vladimir Putin ordered his army to boost its troop total by 137,000 to 1.15 million, the highest level in more than a decade, as Russia digs in for its war against Ukrainian forces backed by the US and its allies. [Please click on the above link to read the entire article.]
Timelines etc I personally think are for the birds especially in reference to God's timings vs man's. Holy smokes we just have to read a few chapters of genesis to see amidst the incest, murder, idolatry, etc etc etc God is working imperceptibly though by no means obviously. The good from evil is only seen with a wide lens
I wouldn't expect immediate effects, but I do believe the Consecration will ultimately have some very powerful effects, within, say, then next 10-12 years. If even a Partial Consecration had such manifest positive effects in my opinion as the partial downfall of Communism in the former Soviet bloc, and a return to at least Orthodox Christianity within about 10 years after 84, it's reasonable to expect the Complete Consecration to have Greater Effects in around that time. I also hope the current conflict will avoid Nuclear War. Yet, I am not sure if the Warning requires a (limited) Nuclear War to precede it, and the Warning then stops that Nuclear War, and gets humanity's attention. I also hope the Year 2033 A.D., 2000th Anniversary of Redemption, if we get there, will be good. The Churches are already planning some kind of Joint Commemoration of this Grand Jubilee. Maybe the Fifth Marian Dogma will be declared, or East and West Church Re-Union, or something like that. God Bless.
Yes.. And The wider that lens {minimum a few years - better 8 to 20+ yrs)- the easier it is to note the bad.. To keep it short, this has been anticipated along with stating that neither "side" - US/NATO - AND Russia & Friends - are planning to ever give in.. ergo. it's a sort of ongoing nuke-connected quasi-stalemate Russia's POV hates what it deems are Ukraine's Nazi Leadership who're being financed by and given arms to and more - by the collective Globalist West who've tried to use Ukraine as a stepping stone to overthrow Russia Russia's 6,000 nukes, advanced Hypersonic Missiles, Etc, and Strategic Alliance w/China, Belarus, etc., shall never allow that to 0ccur.