The Man of Peace Strikes Again

Discussion in 'Pope Francis' started by PNF, Dec 16, 2022.

  1. PNF

    PNF Archangels

    Aug 6, 2022

    Pope Francis pushes ‘universal human fraternity’ instead of religion in World Day of Peace message
    Pope Francis continues to make repeated promotions of a style of human fraternity described as based on 'religious indifferentism.'
    Pope Francis during a December 1 award ceremony at the VaticanScreenshot/Twitter


    • VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) — In a message for the upcoming World Day of Peace, Pope Francis has once again urged the world to practice his version of irreligious fraternity, while avoiding making reference to a need for faith or the necessity of a moral conversion.

      In a message released by the Holy See December 16, in preparation for the World Day of Peace on January 1, Pope Francis highlighted the previous years of living under COVID-19-related restrictions, saying that it is now time “to question, learn, grow and allow ourselves to be transformed as individuals and as communities.”

      While the Pope’s message contained five passing references to God, the chief aspect of the message was not a promotion of faith, but rather of a style of human fraternity drawn from Francis’ “blasphemous” encyclical Fratelli tutti, which touts a form of brotherhood without God and “religious indifferentism.”

      “The greatest lesson we learned from COVID-19 was the realization that we all need one another,” stated Francis. He added that “our greatest and yet most fragile treasure is our shared humanity as brothers and sisters, children of God.”

      “None of us can be saved alone,” stated the Pope, adding that in order to remedy this “we urgently need to join together in seeking and promoting the universal values that can guide the growth of this human fraternity.”

      Referring to the years which have elapsed since the onset of COVID-19, Francis declared that the “experience” had highlighted a need “to restore the word ‘together’ to a central place,” while avoiding mentioning any greater need of a return to the practice of faith.

      READ: Spanish Freemasons praise Pope Francis, laud ‘International Fraternity Day’

      When God was mentioned in the Papal message, it was in reference to a perceived need “to let God … transform our customary criteria for viewing the world around us” so that people might be able to open their “minds and hearts to universal human fraternity.”

      In order to promote this fraternity – which echoes that contained in Fratelli tutti – Francis did not mention anything pertaining to the true root of the moral crisis he mentioned, but instead noted that “we are called to confront the challenges of our world in a spirit of responsibility and compassion.”

      He highlighted issues such as “public health,” seeking peace, fighting “climate change,” and fighting the “virus of inequality,” as well as advocating for an increase in numbers of migrants and more integrated immigration.

      ‘Excessive’ trust in ‘technology’ doesn’t deter Pope from praising COVID jabs
      Francis also decried what he called an “excessive” trust which had been placed in “progress, technology and the effects of globalization,” which had become “an individualistic and idolatrous intoxication.”

      However, shortly after this he repeated his regular praise of the abortion-tainted COVID-19 injection. The Pope noted how a “vaccine has been found for COVID-19,” but that “suitable solutions have not yet been found for the war” in Ukraine.

      READ: Pope Francis joins ecumenical leaders in Rome to promote peace in the ‘spirit’ of 1986 Assisi meeting

      Despite being promoted as safe and an “act of love” by Francis, as well as numerous high-ranking Vatican officials, the injection has been linked to an increasing number of adverse reactions and deaths.

      In the United States, while the Centers for Disease Control’s passive Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) received only around 150 annual death reports before 2021, it currently shows 1,472,227 reports of adverse events after COVID vaccines administered between Dec. 14, 2020, and December 02, 2022. This data includes a total 32,621 reports of deaths, 185,412 hospitalizations, and 60,758 permanent disabilities.

      Irreligious ‘fraternity’ promoted once again
      Francis has regularly taken opportunities to push this form of human fraternity, most notably alongside the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar and in the 2019 Abu Dhabi document on human fraternity.

      READ: Pope Francis preaches ‘fraternity’ divorced from Catholicism at interfaith meetings in Bahrain

      These occasions, which have been increasing in recent years, have been regularly rooted both in the Abu Dhabi document and the kind of “fraternity” promoted by his encyclical Fratelli tutti, texts which are problematic for Catholics. The Abu Dhabi text has been described as seeming seeking to “overturn the doctrine of the Gospel” due to its promotion of equality of religions in a form of “fraternity.”

      According to Church historian Roberto de Mattei, when “fraternity” is divorced from Christian charity, “far from constituting an element of cohesion in society,” it “becomes the source of its disintegration.” He argued that “if men, in the name of fraternity, are forced to live together without an end that gives meaning to their sense of belonging, the ‘ark’ becomes a prison.”

      READ: Pope Francis’ new foundation appears to have more in common with French Revolution than with Catholicism

      Fratelli tutti has also been similarly condemend by former Papal Nuncio to the U.S., Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, as promoting a “blasphemous” form of brotherhood without God as well as “religious indifferentism.”

      Given this criticism of the central theme of today’s message, the Pope’s message for the World Day of Peace has not been received warmly by faithful Catholic. Eric Sammons, the executive director of Crisis Publications, wrote that the Pope’s message demonstrated “[t]hat too many Church leaders prioritize the physical over the spiritual.”
    Byron likes this.
  2. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Pulaski, NY
    From the above post:

    "Pope Francis continues to make repeated promotions of a style of human fraternity described as based on 'religious indifferentism."

    How can the Holy Father promote something so fundamentally opposed to the Gospel, when Jesus proclaimed, "Repent and believe the Gospel!" Jesus is the good News. No one and nothing can replace Him! No where has Pope Francis pointed to fraternity as a stepping stone to Christ. Without Christ there are only dead ends.

    John 14:6 I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father but through me.
    Sam, AED, MetAn and 3 others like this.
  3. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    Nov 30, 2008
    He can beat the 'peace drum' from now until his dying breath - but there will be no peace until he consecrates Russia (alone) in union with all of the Bishops of the world.
    Mario likes this.
  4. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    Nov 30, 2008
    They do not see Jesus as the 'only' way.
    Mario, Sam and AED like this.
  5. AED

    AED Powers

    Mar 23, 2016

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