Interesting excerpts from Pedro Regis

Discussion in 'Pope Francis' started by BrianK, Aug 21, 2016.

  1. BrianK

    BrianK Guest

    Message 3276, June 2, 2010

    The day will come when an apparently good and just man will appear. He will deceive many people, for he will realize great prodigies. He will come from the southern hemisphere and many people will consider him as a savior. Pay attention and don’t be deceived.

    Message 3098, December 23, 2008
    …The Church of My Jesus will carry a heavy cross. The day will come when there will be two thrones, but only on one will be the true successor of Peter. It will be a time of great spiritual confusion for the Church. Stay with the truth. Listen to what I say and remain firm in the faith.

    Message 3148, April 17, 2009
    Dear Sons and Daughters, an arrogant Pope will divide the Church. His orders will be obeyed and what is precious will be thrown out. A great spiritual confusion is on the way. Pray. You can only defeat the devil by the power of prayer. Stay with the truth and accept the Gospel of My Son Jesus. Those who remain faithful to the end will be saved.

    Message 3093, December 9, 2008

    The smoke of satan has spread everywhere and My poor children have become spiritually blind. Very few will remain faithful to God. Pray. Pray. Pray. The Church of My Jesus will drink the bitter cup of pain. The throne of Peter will be shaken and there will be confusion everywhere. Through the merciful Grace of The Lord, a man will contribute to the return of My poor fleeing children, and truth will reign in the house of God. The day will come when he who is seated on the throne of Peter will change the path of the Church forever. Don´t flee from the truth.

    …The day will come when the Pope will be taken from his throne. The kingdom will be divided, with great spiritual confusion everywhere. Don´t lose heart. Stay with the truth and you will be victorious…

    …The smoke of the devil will spread everywhere and people will be contaminated with false doctrines. They will abandon the Gospel and embrace false ideologies. Don’t forget, the truth is fully maintained only in the Catholic Church. If you want to remain on the way to salvation that I have pointed out during these years, listen to the true magisterium of the Church and flee from the lies of the devil…

    Message 3119, February 7, 2009

    … You live in the time of the great spiritual tribulations I have announced to you. Pray for the church. The great suffering of the church will come from the political powers. Laws will be passed to impede the action of the church. Churches will be destroyed in many places and Christians will weep and lament. I suffer because of what awaits you….

    Message 3129, March 3, 2009
    …There will be a great profanation and the throne of Peter will be overturned. Be strong in the faith. Don’t back away. Trust in Jesus. After all the persecutions, the victory of The Lord will come. I am your Mom. Open your hearts to My call and bring My appeals to everyone. Courage….
    … The action of the devil will cause great spiritual confusion in the house of God. The day will come when the fierce bear will unite with the devouring Lion. The fury of these animals will fall upon the Church and My consecrated people will carry a heavy cross. I suffer because of what awaits you. Listen to Me….

    Message 3073, October 26, 2008
    Dear Sons and Daughters, love the truth and seek to be as Jesus in everything. Be faithful to Jesus. Be faithful to the Church. When all the persecutions are over, the Church of My Jesus will experience a great victory. Only the Church founded by Christ will deliver men and women faithful to Christ. You can attain salvation only through the one true Church. You can encounter the necessary means for salvation only in the Church of My Jesus. Enemies will try to destroy the Church. They will manage great things, but cannot prevail against those who truly love the truth. In the great and last persecution of the Church, the enemies will be surprised. Christ will come to defend His Church. Don’t stray from the way I have pointed out. Be just. Pray. You can comprehend My appeals only by prayer. Forward without fear.

    Message 2502, March 29, 2005
    Dear Sons and Daughters, friends of the king unite against him, but God will severely punish them for their betrayal and because they opened the door for the assassins to enter. The city of the seven hills will fall. The day will come when the king will leave his home to dwell in another country.

    A few more related messages from 2008:

    January 5, 2008: Message 2939
    Dear Sons and Daughters, a war will explode on Rome and there will be few survivors. He who is against Christ will bring suffering and sorrow to all Europe. The throne of Peter will be empty. Tears of pain and weeping of lamentations will be seen in the Church.

    May 13, 2008: Message 2996
    Dear Sons and Daughters, … Now is the time I foretold to you in the past. …A man clothed in white will be persecuted and killed. The faithful will have to weep and lament on the feast of a great martyr. …

    May 22, 2008: Message 3000
    Dear Sons and Daughters, … The day will come when men will be obliged to deny the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. The faithful will be threatened and taken to court. There will be a great persecution against the church. It will be a time of great pain for the faithful. Many of the consecrated will back out from fear. The enemy will conquer in many places, but the final victory belongs to The Lord….

    June 24, 2008: Message 3014
    Dear Sons and Daughters, the revolt of many consecrated persons will cause great suffering for the Church. The heart of the Church will be wounded by a great schism. The work of the devil will cause many consecrated souls to go away from the truth….

    August 29, 2008: Message 3046
    Dear Sons and Daughters, bend your knees in prayer for the Church of My Jesus. The one who could have been Peter will become Judas. He will open the doors for the enemy and will make men and women of faith suffer….

    September 9, 2008: Message 3051
    Dear Sons and Daughters, pray for the Church of My Jesus. Europe will rise up against the Church. It will reject the truth and cause great suffering to a successor of Peter….

    December 19, 2008: Message 3096
    Dear Sons and Daughters, the day will come when there will be few men and women of faith. The church will be without Peter, and many will follow their own thoughts….

    A summary:
    December 23, 2008: Message 3098
    Dear Sons and Daughters, … The Church of My Jesus will carry a heavy cross. The day will come when there will be two thrones, but only on one will be the true successor of Peter. It will be a time of great spiritual confusion for the Church. Stay with the truth. Listen to what I say and remain firm in the faith….

    I think a doctor who had once promoted a false (demonic) visionary may have collected these, but that makes this no less remarkable. (We cannot permit human coincidences and foibles dictate to us our spiritual discernment or permit them to close our eyes to other realities that might still be apparent.)
    Sunnyveil and Pray4peace like this.
  2. davidtlig

    davidtlig Guest

    So, Brian recommends we check out some private revelations....! But he is right to make use of these for his own agenda of trying to undermine Pope Francis. I am sorry to say that I believe the Pedro Regis messages to be not authentic even though many on the forum seem to accept them. It is not without significance that the 'Biblical False Prophet' website promotes the messages. The same site hosts the archives of the MDM messages!
  3. BrianK

    BrianK Guest

    Correlation, as usual, is not causation.

    My recent comment precipitated this thread, and it is urgent that folks grasp the deeper evil of what MDM has accomplished, perfectly illustrated by your typical response. Thanks for further illustrating my point. Again.

    A known agenda to attempt to tar any valid criticism of the pope as simply inspired by MDM so it can be mocked and discredited has already attempted to be employed here. But the real MDM deception behind the deception has become obvious:

    As I said on another thread here:

    [MDM] has been exposed as a fraud and condemned by the Church and is not welcome here.

    Frankly the devil knew what he was doing when he inspired the MDM fraud. He lead many souls astray with its messages.

    But more importantly it made faithful Catholics completely disregard any voices of concern about this pope, thinking any otherwise valid criticism of this pope is inspired by these false messages.

    MDM made the job of actually promoting Truth and defending the Faith very much harder.

    Diabolically cunning.

    Now when folks don't want to consider the words of a poster, they can falsely charge him with being a secret MDM follower. Any message they don't want to hear, they can claim as inspired by this fraud.

    I didn't understand what the devil was up to when the obvious fraud of MDM was exposed. Now I do. Again, diabolically cunning in disarming faithful Catholics for what is ahead.
    Now MDM is being used to discredit Pedro's supposed heavenly messages. Me? I am agnostic on everything till the Church decides, then I simply abide by the Church's decision.

    "Ecclesia supplet" as an old liberal pastor of mine would say.
  4. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014
    I too am surprised Brian has turned to prophecy to try an establish his anti-Pope Francis ti-raid. I have little doubt that Pedro Regis is a messenger of heaven's voice, but likewise I have no doubt Pope Francis is not the person in Pedro's messages. The false prophet or antipope will soon be upon us and he will change the Mass by removing the sacrifice of Christ and leave the rest. It will be more about self worship than sacrificial worship.
    34yrsstudyingprophecy likes this.
  5. BrianK

    BrianK Guest

    This is a valid opinion, but it is only that, an opinion.

    I have supplied voluminous documentation in other threads to substantiate my opinion that these supposed heavenly messages could and likely do refer to this present time.
  6. fallen saint

    fallen saint Baby steps :)

    May 31, 2014
    You and your nonsense. This forum is being taken over by your anti-papal garbage. A real discussion would be acceptable. Or maybe one thread of your hate would be acceptable...but starting three or four threads trying to get the world to go against the pope is EVIL. And yes its arrogant and the smoke of pride is everywhere. hominem blah, blah blah you are causing more harm then good. If this forum is a mouth piece for SP10 then just walk the walk. All interesting threads have been discarded because of you and your cohorts...every second to bash the pope. If that is the only thing that holds this forum...Then maybe its not catholic anymore.

    Then again, maybe i am wasting my time here. Maybe its have called me a liberal and progressive when i have been labeled as a conservative throughout my lifetime. Padraigs forum was good, even when he had his false prophets but at least they were on one thread. I stated my peace on those threads then dusted my feet and walked away. But you spam every thread then it becomes a battle of swatting flies.

    You are spamming every thread.

    Last edited: Aug 21, 2016
  7. davidtlig

    davidtlig Guest

    This as near to an endorsement of particular 'heavenly' messages as we are likely to get from Brian. This should concern those who believe these messages to be authentic.

    Brian will view this post as another 'inane' response but any response he disagrees with is likely to receive that accolade.
    34yrsstudyingprophecy likes this.
  8. Harper

    Harper Guest

    I respect Brian but disagree with some of what he posts on Pope Francis. But I don't understand the point you are making, David, when you say Brian's citing Pedro Regis should concern those who believe these messages to be authentic. How could Brian's opinion possibly affect the validity of any set of messages? They must be judged on their own merits.
  9. BrianK

    BrianK Guest

    “If you’re not catching flak you’re not over the target”

    Saul Alinsky’s 12 Rules for Radicals


    * RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. (Pretty crude, rude and mean, huh? They want to create anger and fear.)


    * RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)
    Light likes this.
  10. fallen saint

    fallen saint Baby steps :)

    May 31, 2014
    Saul Alinsky

    I smell smoke...the created one is near.

  11. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014
    Do your voluminous documentations have Pope Francis as an anti-pope and/or false prophet? I know you may want to hesitate in answering this specifically, but if you believe it you should have no problem saying as much.
  12. BrianK

    BrianK Guest

    No, absolutely not. That's why I am agnostic regarding alleged seers whose messages have not been definitively judged by the Church.

    He is a validly elected pope who has committed numerous documented cases of material heresy in his non magisterial off the cuff statements and interviews (as opposed to formal heresy, a charge only the Church can make and regarding magisterial statements on matters of Faith and/or Morals).

    It is the documented teaching of the Church that such is possible and there is no sin in warning the Faithful. In fact it's a Christian duty.

    He has not attempted to change doctrine, but his proposals for pastoral action are worded to make the barest requirements into ideals requiring heroic virtue and rarely attained. That means that while dogmas remain on the book, practice reduces them to mere suggestions, which in time will be completely ignored.

    This places numerous eternal souls at risk.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2016
    Light likes this.
  13. Dolours

    Dolours Guest

    I don't see anything new in those Pedro Regis messages. (To be honest, I'm kind of sceptical of most messages supposedly from Heaven posted on the forum).

    I also don't believe that there will be any schism in the Church during this pontificate. Pope Francis is, of course, the validly elected Pope.

    Brian: I understand and to a large extent share your concerns, but repeating the same message is likely to alienate rather than convince others. You have done your duty. Time to let the princes of the Church do theirs.
    Totus tuus and Yellowcoffeecup like this.
  14. BrianK

    BrianK Guest

    Thanks, you've been very kind; it's time to go anyway.

    I had a deadline and can't post any more after today, so I apologize for trying too hard in the short time I had left.

    For the critics of the remnant defenders of the Faith, enjoy playing with yourselves. I give you the last word. You won't need that Ignore button for me anymore ;-)

  15. any name you wish

    any name you wish Archangels

    Apr 15, 2016
    Man, everyone is getting so combative...:cry:
  16. Dolours

    Dolours Guest

    Brian, I hope this doesn't mean that you are leaving the forum. I have learned so much from you and have been inspired by your commitment to the Faith. What I was trying to say was that if people haven't got the message by now they never will. Any Catholic with even a basic familiarity with the Faith can see what's happening. Some will deny it to the bitter end. Some will go with the flow. Some will keep on practising the faith and setting an example to those around them. Some will keep their heads down hoping it will all blow over. And some will seek out Churches that are more resistant to modernism. All will answer before God some day and there won't be any Pope, Bishop or Priest standing beside us when we give account of ourselves. The Faith handed down to us is the same yesterday, today and forever no matter who tries to twist it. Fortunately for us, we won't have to stand before God and account for the countless souls entrusted to the care of Bishops.

    Almighty God will have the last word.
    Heidi, Light, Totus tuus and 3 others like this.
  17. Harper

    Harper Guest

    I agree. Brian always gives opinion backed up by facts, not emotion. That is so important these days.
    I believe Pope Francis is a transitional figure. He's 79, and has health issues (he had a lung removed early in life). Pope Benedict broke the ice with his resignation; Francis may well follow suit in a few years. What we are discussing is the last hurrah of the 20th century modernists as they scramble to secure a legacy.
    Dolours, Heidi and Pray4peace like this.
  18. fallen saint

    fallen saint Baby steps :)

    May 31, 2014
    Harper these words modernist. Who is a modernist? Homosexual unions? Adultary having access to communion? I don't get it. Last Hurrah? Please explain where the Holy Father is a modernist. Pure speculation, maybe a spiritualist, but not a modernist.

    Stop reading the media and start reading his homilies. That will change your opinions.

    May Gods Will be Done
    34yrsstudyingprophecy likes this.
  19. Harper

    Harper Guest

    I must have been unclear. Modernists are those clerics whose eyes focus on the world and not on heaven. (Google the term for a fuller discussion.) As for last hurrah, it's an American phrase meaning the last act. (The title of a book/movie based on old-time Boston Mayor James Michael Curley, also Google-able.)

    There are modernists in the Vatican. I don't believe Francis is himself a modernist, but he certainly places people with those views into high positions in the Church and this is worrisome. I have read Francis. I see a disconnect between his correct statements on doctrine and his management of church affairs. I wish he wouldn't speak off the cuff anymore.

    Francis is not a spiritualist, though!
  20. Light

    Light Guest


    I like your post.

    Pope John Paul 11 our recent Saint, was I believe, not one to be easily swayed or manipulated, but there were modernists in the Vatican that pre-empted Pope John Paul 11 from proceeding the way he wished to, by either ignoring his directives or otherwise circumventing his objectives. This was clearly shown as far back as 1999- 2001. I guess his Parkinsons was becoming more pronounced then. Similarily promotion of Eucharistic Adoration was being stymied by the Vatican.

    God Bless

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