Palm Sunday 2022

Discussion in 'Scriptural Thoughts' started by Mark Dohle, Apr 10, 2022.

  1. Mark Dohle

    Mark Dohle Powers

    Jan 9, 2017


    Palm Sunday 2022

    “We see this in the folly of war, where Christ is crucified yet another time,” the pope underlined. “Christ is once more nailed to the Cross in mothers who mourn the unjust death of husbands and sons. He is crucified in refugees who flee from bombs with children in their arms. He is crucified in the elderly left alone to die; in young people deprived of a future; in soldiers sent to kill their brothers and sisters. “Pope Francis, Palm Sunday 2022


    It is the tragedy of our species that we do not necessarily learn from our experiences. We seemed tied to an endless cycle of violence that seems impossible to break.

    Jesus knows the hearts of men and women (and because He did not need anyone to testify concerning man, for He Himself knew what was in man John 2:25). He knows my heart. How it is prone to violence, and thoughts of revenge. To being inconstant in my walk with him. My often slow response to his grace. Yet, he calls me and gives me the grace to continue and not to despair. So I believe it is with everyone.

    On Palm Sunday Jesus knew that soon he would be alone, except for a very few. Yet he continues to love, teach, and move forward in spite of the instability of the human heart. God’s love is based on a deep understanding of our human struggles and weaknesses. For even if our hearts condemn us, God is greater than our hearts. 1 John 3:20.

    Let us focus this Holy Week on God’s trustworthiness and love, and not on our own insufficiency unless it is to lead us to make deep acts of trust, thanksgiving, and love.

    Lord, teach us to see one another with your eyes, and to embrace with your heart, and to understand with your mind.-Br.MD

    Last edited: Apr 11, 2022
    Jo M, djmoforegon, Carol55 and 3 others like this.
  2. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

    Feb 15, 2015

    Very good sentiments for this Palm Sunday .

    I pray that Gods grace would enter into the hearts of all men, from all nations to lay down arms against any and all nations. I pray God allows all nations their sovereignty free from the fear of global control from a godless elite few. I pray that all people live free in their homeland without fear from governments either within or afar.

    And when our God given rights are being attacked and destroyed, give your faithful children the ability to defend those rights and to live in a free country where we may freely worship our Lord according to our will and not have our faith suppressed by any man or government.

    Have a blessed Palm Sunday while we are still free to worship in my part of this world. May we always be and stay a free nation, that no world elite government will ever control or deny our religious beliefs.
    Jo M, djmoforegon, Carol55 and 2 others like this.
  3. Carol55

    Carol55 Ave Maria

    Mar 18, 2016
    Long Island, New York
    Thank you Brother Mark.

    I see mainly two paths that we can take when we are hurt by others, the destructive one or the path that will lead to our salvation which is forgiveness. If we could look at these horrible atrocities that we witness not just in Ukraine but in many places in the world and do our best to remain on the path that leads to our salvation we set a good example for all those that we come in contact with but if we choose the path of revenge and/or vindictiveness we do harm to ourselves and all of those around us. I am not saying that it is always be easy and that we won't fail at times but if we can continue to work at forgiveness maybe we can help break the cycle of violence.

    I hope that you have a very holy Holy Week.
    Mark Dohle, Jo M and djmoforegon like this.

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