This sad reality of suppression for upholding truth will continue to expand. Our German bishops are part of this worldwide rejection of the clear and unequivocal teaching condemning the practice of a homosexual lifestyle. It is a steamroller out to crush the clear teaching of Romans 1. We must remember that Holy Church will ultimately prevail. Lord have Mercy!
The greater the cost, the purer the intention, the more the fruit of joy shall be experienced. The testimony concerning Sts. Perpetua and Felicity states that the crowd along the way into the colosseum mocking the soon-to-be martyrs were silenced by radiant joy on the ladies' faces. O Mary of the Annunciation, pray for us who have recourse to thee!
Such a brave, brave fella. This might come to the doors of we forum members at some not-to-distant point. I hope I am not found wanting.