I was praying this morning and contemplating the sufferings of Jesus and his betrayal by his apostles and I was thinking that at least he was not betrayed by family members. However, it struck me that Jesus had cousins and I had never thought of his immediate family tree (the lineal genealogy is given in the NT through both Mary & Joseph back to Adam). I have an interest in genealogy so here is the putative and immediate tree of Jesus Christ but I am going to try to verify this -- We know Jesus had no brothers or sisters - he appears to have had 4 male cousins and 2 female cousins - it is a complex web
I see one immediate problem in this genealogical table Maria (Heli) is given as the sister of the Blessed Virgin Mary. I have always assumed that our Lady was an only child - how can we reconcile this? Very unlikely to have two Mary's as sisters - it is more likely that Maria (Heli) was a sister in law of our Lady - it is most likely that this Mary (Heli) was the wife of the brother of St Joseph. I have come across this before in older wills - no distinction between sister and sister in law or brother and brother in law.
I really wanted to know some details of the life of Jesus' paternal grandparents, even if it was through private revelations (not condemned by the Church). I imagine that they were very God-fearing, like Saint Joachim and Saint Anne.
I love reading St Anne Catherine Emerich who had visions of all the descendants of Adam down to Jesus. She does say that Mary had an older sister, also Mary. If you read her complete visions it's very hard to think that she made them up. Her descriptions of places and people are so detailed and intricate they are almost tedious. Archeologists say there is absolutely no way she could have known these things and they even found the house John built for Mary in Turkey from her detailed instructions. Anyway, you would find her Complete Visions book very interesting. She does explain that the Blessed Virgin Mary was "the holy child" God had promised Anne and Jocquim. They had named their first daughter Mary thinking it would be the mother of the messiah they were promised but then found out she was not. She was full grown and married before the Blessed Virgin was born to Anne and Jocquim.
Historical documents, interestingly enough, reveal that cousins of Jesus via Alphaeus and Mary of Cleophas were the first three bishops of Jerusalem: James until shortly before 40AD, then Jude, and then Simon who was martyred in the early 2nd century! A holy family! Safe under Mary's Mantle!
Whilst I respect Ann Catherine Emerich I find it difficult to believe that there were two Mary's in one family. I have conducted genealogical research for twenty years and never have come across that ever. Naming traditions were strong in all cultures. Often there were set patterns naming after parents and grand parents and so on. It was a Jewish custom not to give siblings the same name. Children were named after dead relatives and not living ones. I still contend the second Mary was a sister in law but in the ancient world she would be considered a real sister even if it were through marriage.
I am not sure if she did or not. Part of the problem is the lack of clarity in Scriptures and also other documentary material outside of private revelation.