Anne The Lay Sept. 1st

Discussion in 'The mystical and Paranormal' started by Lee, Sep 4, 2008.

  1. Lee

    Lee Principalities

    Sep 8, 2007
    Northern California
    Forgive my tardiness please.

    On the first of every month, Our Lord gives Anne a new message about His
    call to service.

    September 1, 2008


    Dear apostles, I want you to know joy. Eternal joy will be yours in
    heaven, of course, but I want you to know joy now, during your time of
    service. If you do as I say, as I am asking you, this heavenly joy will
    become more and more available to you and you will share this joy more and
    more freely. You will be a true representative of heaven in your joy and
    others will be attracted to the heaven that you represent. I want you to
    believe Me when I tell you that you can trust Me. If you could not trust
    Me, dear apostles, why would you continue to follow Me? The answer is that
    you can trust Me, of course, or you would fall away as others have fallen
    away. You do trust Me. You rely on Me and you are safe with Me. You have
    made a wise decision by putting yourself into My care. It is always the
    best decision to rely on the One who loves you perfectly and holds, in His
    heart, the perfect plan for your time on earth. Why would you let fear
    diminish your joy? Why would you let anxiety for yourself or others
    eradicate the joy that is available to you in the present moment? My
    dearest apostles, you live in the present, not the future. If the present
    is difficult, I am there. If the future becomes difficult, I will be there,
    too. You will not be abandoned and your loved ones will not be abandoned.
    Ultimately, the greater the trust in Me, the greater the joy in each
    moment. I want you to abandon fear. I want you to cast yourself into the
    providence that surrounds you. Fear is a snare for you or I would not treat
    it so seriously. Ask Me now for greater trust and I will give it to you.
    Ask Me now for greater joy and I will give that to you, also. It is
    important that others see in you an accurate reflection of the graces
    heaven makes available to apostles. Do not hide these graces away. Let
    these graces flow out from you to those around you. Share what is good,
    dear apostles, not what is bad. Share what comes from Me and you will help
    to draw others back into our family. I am telling you that I have greater
    graces available to you so make your Jesus happy and ask for these graces.
    You will be blessed with all that you need and joy will be yours. Be at
    peace. I will never abandon you.
  2. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    'Ask for greater trust and joy..', how wonderful Lee! I will start to pray for this right now!! But, to be honest I am so full of joy these days I fear I might burst if God made me any happier. God is so generous!

    But more trust, much, much, more trust!1

    A little more joy too!! Can't get enough of a good thing!!! :lol: :lol:

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