Anne The Lay, June 1st

Discussion in 'The mystical and Paranormal' started by Lee, Jun 2, 2008.

  1. Lee

    Lee Principalities

    Sep 8, 2007
    Northern California
    On the first of every month, Our Lord gives Anne a new message about His
    call to service.

    June 1, 2008


    I am here, with you at all times. I watch you struggle for holiness and I
    encourage you to continue along on the path you have chosen. When you are
    discouraged, you sometimes look to other paths, chosen by other people.
    From where you are looking, their path might look smooth and easy, happy
    and fulfilling. Perhaps their path does not include the sacrifices that you
    find are necessary to travel along the path I have marked out for you.
    Perhaps their path does not appear to be as steep, as filled with
    obstacles, and perhaps their path appears to include more worldly acclaim
    and acceptance. Poor little apostles. Here is what you cannot see when you
    admire the apparent easiness of the paths of others who are not chosen as
    you are chosen. You do not see that others, who have not made the same
    level of commitment, are not enjoying the same level of unity with heaven.
    Yes, their struggle seems less. Yes, their rewards seem immediate and
    plentiful. But you have something that nobody else has in the same way and
    that is Me. Nobody has the same relationship with Me that you have. You are
    My beloved apostle and I love all of My apostles. But the love I have for
    you and the plan I have for you is unique. It will never be repeated. I
    need you to continue on in your service to Me. I need you to remember that
    you are called to live differently, that your life, which may not be
    proceeding exactly as you planned, is proceeding exactly as I planned. Can
    you accept this? Can you remind yourself that you have allowed your Saviour
    to navigate your earthly journey? Can you rejoice in the path that I have
    marked out for you, even if it includes suffering? Please, My beloved
    apostle, try. I will help you with this. Rejoice in your apostolic
    commitment to Me. I will send you graces in each moment. These graces are
    unrepeatable, meaning that if a person rejects My grace in this moment,
    that grace moment cannot be recaptured. Time passes while you are on earth.
    Opportunities also pass. You are taking advantage of your time on earth for
    the family of God and for your loved ones and for you, yourself. You are so
    precious to Me. I am caring for you, I promise. When you are tempted to
    discouragement, remember that I am with you in each moment, sending perfect
    graces and blessings to you and through you. Be at peace in My will for you
    and I will protect My plan for you. You are loved by all of heaven and you
    are loved by Me.
  2. Catholic

    Catholic New Member

    May 24, 2008
    Anne's Books - Volume 6

    Anne the Lay Apostle has 10 books of Messages she has received, though volumes 5 and 8 have never been published. Perhaps they pertain to the upcoming events and will be released at a later time.

    I just read Volume VI about Families. There's a section for Mothers, one for Fathers, and one for Children. I'm reading the Messages to Children from Jesus and Mary to my children at night.

    This volume is very short, easy to read, poignant, and inspiring for all families. I highly recommend it. (I have not read any other Volumes, yet).
  3. Lee

    Lee Principalities

    Sep 8, 2007
    Northern California
    I've read all of her writings and the one that really captured me was CLIMBING THE MOUNTAIN. I bought extra copies so I could share them with others. They are wonderful gifts to us.
  4. Catholic

    Catholic New Member

    May 24, 2008
    Anne's Volumes

    Her messages are so simple, yet so profound. It's truly amazing.
    I wonder when the "missing" Volumes will be released.
  5. Lee

    Lee Principalities

    Sep 8, 2007
    Northern California
    My guess would be when God says so...hope that's soon.

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