God speaks

Discussion in 'The mystical and Paranormal' started by kathy k, Sep 2, 2014.

  1. kathy k

    kathy k Guest

    For new forum members:

    Many months ago, I think it was Jackie who brought these messages to the attention of the forum. http://www.godspeakswillyoulisten.org/

    The messages started through Cletus, a holy man who has since died, and continued by his friend Verne, a humble soul who belongs to this forum. If you go to the website, scroll down and there are 3 audio messages, as well as a free download of the book, "God Speaks will you listen". The first pages are by Cletus, who is not very articulate, and then is taken up by Verne around page 12.

    As someone who has read every prophecy and message from heaven I could get my hands on over the past 26 years, I can tell you that these messages took my breath away. Fatima keeps bringing them up (thanks, Fatima!) and I started re-reading them today. I have so assimilated these messages that much of what I believe about the coming storm comes from here. I just came across this regarding the great apostasy:

    From 5/4/07:
    Just as many of my disciples left me, after I proclaimed the doctrine of the Eucharist John 6:61-67, so many leave my church, after the proclamation of my Mother being the mediatrix of all graces. Pride tells you, I have no need for Mother Mary’s intercession. My answer to those people who claim this false teaching is, if my Blessed Mother was good enough for Jesus Christ, true God and true man, then why is my Mother not good enough for you?

    Just wanted to make sure our new members had access to these messages.
  2. Lifesong

    Lifesong Angels

    Jun 1, 2014
    Thanks Kathy!
    picadillo likes this.
  3. mothersuperior7

    mothersuperior7 Powers

    Mar 11, 2012
    WHOA!! Thank you soooo much Kathy!!
    That answers so much. End of story! ;)
    picadillo likes this.
  4. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014
    In reading prophecy for the past 30 years, Verne's messages to me fill in the blanks where prophecy speaks in general terms, Verne's messages from our Lord and our Blessed Mother goes into specifics. In order to appreciate these profound messages, one should know that Verne had a very rough upbringing in satanic family ties and years of atheism. We must keep Verne in prayer as he has a heavy cross to bear in his 'demand' to spread these messages. His friend Cletus was a gift to Verne. If some recall the bridge that colapsed over the Mississippi River between Minneapolis and St. Paul, Mn. 3 years ago, Cletus was at home 50 minutes away talking to Verne on the phone, yet was seen at the catastrophic site hading out little wooden croses to the victims at the same time. God bless Verne as you are in my prayers. I might add that if you go to this web site to read his messages, you can click on the magnifiying glass in upper right of the page to find any particular key-word search (such as chastisement, warning, remanant, refuge or whatever). http://www.scribd.com/doc/22505473/God-Speaks-Will-You-Listen
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2014
  5. Bartimaeus

    Bartimaeus Archangels

    Nov 8, 2012
    East of Ireland
    Do you have to pay for scribd?
  6. MarysChild

    MarysChild Principalities

    Jun 19, 2014
    Minneapolis, Minnesota
    kathy k,
    Where did you see that message? In the version I am reading on scribd, there is no message from 5/4/07. I agree - I love these messages from Verne!
    picadillo likes this.
  7. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014
    No it is free.
  8. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014
    Kathy's link does not have the scribe (key-word search), but the one I provided does. However, Kathy's URL has more recent posts from Veren that are not in the one I provided. I use them both.
  9. Bonaventure

    Bonaventure Guest

    Years ago, in Medjugorje, (1993),I was told by a beautiful Holy Soul who is now deceased (and I believe a saint) that the world will go crazy after Mary is declared Coredemptrix, Mediatrix of all Graces in Catholic Dogma.....this confirms that! I wonder if the upcoming Synod will do this and thus it unfolds.....
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 3, 2014
    Andy3 and FoundSoul like this.
  10. picadillo

    picadillo Guest

    Yes, thank you Kathy and Fatima for keeping these messages in front of us.
  11. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014
    When I read Verne's messages, whether the first time or the 10th time, they speak to me as if God himself is talking to me directly. In 80 printed pages there is not one word, one sentence or one teachings that our Lord or Blessed Mother reveals that does not make sense to me, does not speak truth to me, or is hard for me to understand in clear language what is on their heart. Can anyone who has read these messages give an example of anything else of its kind? Now I know and have read many other locutions, but even Father Gobbi's messages leave room for much interpretation. I cannot say enough about how these messages were written for our time. Yet all along, Verne did not understand that they were for anyone else, but himself. He set them aside and did not persue to have them made known for a long period of time. That in itself if a great sign that he did not bring these messages forward for sensationalism. He had heard his friend Cletus live and speak this way and perhaps thought it was somewhat normal to have heaven speak to you this way. I am amazed they have been kept mostly unknown to the average Christian.
  12. Jackie

    Jackie Archangels

    Jul 30, 2013
    Thank you kathy k, neat how you and Fatima love them.

    I remember sharing the GSWYL messages for a couple of years on secular discussion forums to help
    people see the Catholic prophetic end time. Plus, all the Scripture included.

    I like the Scribe link too because you can search a Scripture or an end time term. Verne and Cletus' messages are so powerful, they tell you how to make it through.
    Fatima likes this.
  13. mothersuperior7

    mothersuperior7 Powers

    Mar 11, 2012
    I remember getting the book from someone and not reading it for a long time. Then I read it and it blew me away. I was so on fire that I couldn't sit still and I wanted to tell the world. He sure is gifted!! (y)
    Fatima likes this.
  14. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014
    Please we must keep Verne in our prayers as satan must really hate him after he deserted him for Jesus. He would love to sift Verne back away from our Lord. Lets not let that happen.
    Andy3 likes this.
  15. mothersuperior7

    mothersuperior7 Powers

    Mar 11, 2012
  16. Peter B

    Peter B Powers

    Mar 14, 2013
    I absolutely agree about the locutions to Verne Dagenais as being of stunning clarity, but outside the Anglophone world there are certainly other equally unambiguous messages. As with Verne D., the fact that some of these are little-known is no measure of their significance: after all, it is wholly Biblical to say that God often speaks in obscure, hidden places to those who are outside the public gaze. Unless those of us who read this material have completely lost the plot, my sense is that once the approaching storm is past, we will look back and realize that since Luisa Piccaretta there is a whole corpus of literally tens of thousands of pages that Heaven has been giving us and which we have largely ignored, incomprehensible though that may seem.

    Looking at messages in French, my feeling in terms of the big picture is very much that God has quietly been raising up a whole ring of messengers both in France and in Canada whose writings need to be seen as working in synergy. What I have read of these is crystal-clear and lines up with what might be termed the 'prophetic consensus'. I have already mentioned Sulema (whom I discovered thanks to Elisa on this forum), recipient of two volumes entitled Je viens vous préparer pour cet événement: l'Illumination des Consciences ('I come to prepare you for this event: the Illumination of Conscience') published by Editions Parvis, whose editorial discernment I in general rate very highly. There is no web version of these books, and they are yet to be translated into English. Then we also have Amour pour tous les miens (4 volumes) by Francine Bériault (Canada, a.k.a. 'La Fille du Oui à Jésus). I have just finished reading all these (600+ pages) and was simply blown away. As I think anyone who has taken the time to watch video presentations of Francine B., a woman of considerable intelligence but limited education, will attest, it is stretching the bounds of credibility to believe that she could have produced this material out of her own imagination. As one theologian noted in his preface to volume 3, there is top-draw systematic theology in here to rival anything by the leading theological lights of the 20th/21st century, and truly profound discourses on a whole range of topics linked to the contemporary world. Like the books of Sulema, the primary purpose of all the volumes is to prepare the readers for the Illumination of Conscience. For those who are already familiar with mystical/prophetic theology, I would recommend going straight to vols 2, 3 and 4. These are available in pdf format in English:
    I can't vouch for the quality of the written translations, although the spoken translations of his presentations are very well-done, but I can say that the French originals are perfectly coherent.
    mothersuperior7 likes this.
  17. FoundSoul

    FoundSoul Angels

    Oct 24, 2012
    I wish the Pope would declare Our Blessed Mother Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate today. That would sort out the wool from the sheep. Do the great Apostacy happen then before the Warning?
    Bonaventure likes this.
  18. FoundSoul

    FoundSoul Angels

    Oct 24, 2012
    I have to read GSWYL again.
  19. Bonaventure

    Bonaventure Guest

    I want to thank all of you here at MOG for pointing me toward God in different ways....So happy to be with you all on this forum...you are my respite from the brewing storm!
  20. Andy3

    Andy3 Powers

    Sep 12, 2013
    Every time I open up one of Verne's messages to read, they speak particularly to something going on in my thoughts I am trying to figure out at the time. God truly speaks to me in those messages as I am sure He speaks to all of us. I have the same thing happen to me whenever I pick up the diary of Gabrielle Bosis the book He and I.
    mothersuperior7 likes this.

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