Sacred Astronomy and End Times: Written in the Stars

Discussion in 'The mystical and Paranormal' started by Woman Clothed WithThe Sun, Nov 2, 2014.

  1. Woman Clothed WithThe Sun

    Woman Clothed WithThe Sun Archangels

    Sep 17, 2012
    I have recently stumbled upon a whole new (to me) perspective for looking at the End Times.
    It is called Sacred Astronomy that is the very ancient sacred science that led the Magi to know that a new King of the Jews was born, and that He was man and God.

    There is a Spanish Catholic university professor (of geology) by name Antonio Yagüe. He has extensively (and intensively) studied Marian apparitions as well as history, Scripture, and Sacred Astronomy.
    I think that he is also gifted with authentic spiritual inspiration in his work. He is not a seer or a locutionist. He is a very devoted and faithful Catholic.

    He has several books, some available in English as ebooks.
    his website is
    He has also many videos in his YouTube channel where he explains his HYPOTHESIS, which are extremely well founded and presented in a simple and accessible way.

    I think that it is well worth taking a look at his work and the explanations, connections, conclusions, and hypothesis he presents, including a complete time frame for the Tribulation and specific dates for the main events, like the Miracle, the Warning, the Abomination of Desolation, etc.

    He has a complete series of 8 video presentations to begin with, named End Times Astronomical Signs.
    I will try to post some information just enough for people to see if they are interested in exploring it further. This is a big work.

    End Times Astronomical Signs: Summary of video series
    Published on Jan 4, 2014

    Sacred Astronomy is the science that led the Magi to find out when and where was the first coming of Jesus Christ. This arcane knowledge, that has nothing to do with horoscopes and astrologers, was forgotten for many centuries. Thanks to linguistic studies of various scholars in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries it has been rescued and now we know the process that led to those holy Sages to the stable in Bethlehem. By analogy, knowing that the second coming of our Lord at the End of Times will be preceded by signs in the sun, moon and stars, a question arises to which this series of videos is addressed and its companion e- book: if in the stars was the information about his first coming, will it also be in the stars data that lead us to his second coming?

    This first video is a summary of the content of the series of videos that progressively give detailed answer to this question. In these videos will be reviewed the principles of Sacred Astronomy, the phenomenon of the star of Bethlehem that the Magi followed, compliance in the near future of astronomical signs prophesied in the Bible and the Marian apparitions of Garabandal, Guadalupe and the Book of Revelation; a strong hypothesis about the deadline for the End Times according to Sacred Astronomy; the convergence of these biblical prophecies and Marian apparitions finding upcoming astronomical phenomena; the parallelism between signs on the moon of the first and second comings of Jesus Christ and, finally, the possible dates marked by the Sacred Astronomy to many prophesied events that will occur during the end of times and the Apocalypse.

    The second part of this video series displays several prophetic Scripture patterns that help to understand the development of latter times. Most important among these is the Passion and Death of Jesus Christ itself as prophetic pattern of the Passion that the Church will live in the last times. Sacred Astronomy and the patterns build a real watch to the events of the Apocalypse. We will see into the third secret of Fatima in the light of Sacred Astronomy and show how the final stage of the tribulation will be linked to the Fall feasts of the Mosaic Law, parallel to how the First Coming was linked to Spring feasts.

    With all these findings we will understand that the prophetic and heavenly signs point to a short and near time frame for the second coming of the Lord and the End of Times. God the Father will finally define inside this time frame the day and time of the return of our Lord Jesus Christ, on which no one knows. We will show how to reconcile the vigilance on the return of our Lord through the social signs of the times, the signs in the stars and the meditation of sacred prophecies, and the fact that the final decision on the specific day and time that will happen the return remains in the hands of God the Father.

    Considerations relating to the first part of these teachings and findings have been setup for accuracy and detail in writing on an ebook that can be downloaded at
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2014
    sparrow, padraig and Indy like this.
  2. Woman Clothed WithThe Sun

    Woman Clothed WithThe Sun Archangels

    Sep 17, 2012
    End Times Astronomical Signs: Sacred Astronomy Science (Video 1)
    This first video of the series does a quick sketch on Science of Sacred Astronomy. It starts with the reasons and objectives that Scripture gives to the creation by God of stars, which are not merely ornamental or settled randomly. In the stars God put not only an example of his greatness and immeasurable beauty, but a great Wisdom and level of customization: surely no two stars equal among the millions who populate the sky. God gave each of them a mission that we know by its name and grouped for our eyes into figures called constellations to send us a message with the combination of both properties and the order and relative position in the sky. That message is summarized in Psalm 19, telling how without words, they announce the glory of God to all Earth, day after day and night after night.

    That knowledge was known by men before the flood, but later the message was relegated to certain elites or perverted by astrology and horoscopes. In the nineteenth century, the same number as the previous Psalm, several linguists scholars systematically collected the names of stars and constellations in ancient cultures concluding that despite translations the meaning of the name of each star was constant, transmitting the initial message to all men. And that message was the same Redemption Plan announced by God at the gates of Paradise, 2500 years before to be written in the Bible. Through images of constellations every night God reminded the men, who still had no writing skills, His promise to redeem them from sin and from the yoke of the infernal serpent.

    The Video dedicates an important part to review the symbolic meaning attributed by this sacred old knowledge to various constellations. It is not intended to do a thorough job, which will lasted many hours, but only to know how you can get the lines of this science and thereby become interested in reading more extensive and detailed works. Among the 48 ancient constellations, the symbolism of redemption briefly explains of the following 18 constellations: Sagittarius Centaur, Aquarius, Virgo, Coma, Corona Borealis, Serpent, Ophiuchus, Scorpio, Orion, Perseus, Auriga, Capricorn, Cancer, Gemini, Cassiopeia and Cepheus. In some of them there are clear references to the prophesied events of the End Times

    As recalled at the end of the video, themes and arguments have been setup for accuracy and detail in an ebook that can be downloaded at:

    End Times Astronomical Signs: Star of Bethlehem (video 2)

    In this second video, the knowledge of Sacred Astronomy apply to the case of the Magi, as a proof that the message contained in the stars is of divine origin. First it is noted that the Magi were the first to know where and when the Redeemer born heading to a whole expectant nation waiting for the event. And also they knew who he was, the nature and future history of that child because their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh that they presented him.

    After that the video explains the astronomical phenomenon that they observed to decide his trip to Jerusalem. With today's computers, it is possible to place ourselves in front of the movements of the stars and planets of those years with absolute precision and analyze how they did. After studying what phenomena are consistent with the logic of the Gospel story, was concluded that the astronomical signal most likely was formed by a series of 6 conjunctions of Jupiter between years 3 and 2 BC with the star Regulus and the planet Venus. In a video animation is shown these movements that were the star of Bethlehem signal.

    Symbolism that could read the Magi in such conjunctions to decide to depart for Jerusalem is explained. It becomes clear that God wanted to unite the knowledge of Holy Scripture, and Sacred Astronomy to allow the Magi finding his Son. Bible and Sacred Astronomy are two ways of the same Revelation. The adjustment of the two is absolute when pointing to Bethlehem as the place where the Savior was.

    Finally the big question arises: if at the stars was the information about the first coming of the Redeemer, will the stars contain the information about the Second Coming? The mention to signs in the stars in the preaching of the Lord about end of times let think an affirmative answer. The next video, will deal with those future signs in the sun, moon and stars from the pattern that followed the Magi.

    As recalled at the end of the video, themes and arguments have been setup for accuracy and detail in an ebook that can be downloaded at:
  3. Woman Clothed WithThe Sun

    Woman Clothed WithThe Sun Archangels

    Sep 17, 2012
    While the previous videos are an introduction, this video is a must. Here there is a date for the miracle based in the Stars where all the indications of Garabandal are taken into account.
    The complete match occurs only once in 100.000 years ....

    End Times Astronomical Signs: The Sign of the Woman in Apocalypse (video3)
    This third video begins to apply the knowledge of Sacred Astronomy to our times. Up to here we have surveyed the symbols of constellations that the Magi used as reference for interpreting the astronomical Bethlehem sign and showed in detail what could most likely be the star of Bethlehem. This new video starts the search for signs in our days utilizing the kind of knowledge that the Magi had.

    Firstly through Scripture texts, which can also be interpreted as astronomical situations, a first sign for our search is defined. The preference lies with the prophecy of Revelation 12 on the sign in the sky of the Woman clothed with the sun with the moon at her feet, that is about to give birth. This can be compared/matched with the constellation of Virgo with the planet Jupiter in her belly and the moon at her feet. The problem is that this signal occurs every 12 years and therefore it is difficult to know which of the many possible dates will be the prophesied particular historical moment.

    To further refine a date the search goes to Marian apparitions that give information about stars. The Virgin of Guadalupe with the stars of her mantle is a first step, which is explained in detail and confirms the connection between his appearance, Sacred Scripture and Sacred Astronomy. However, it is necessary to look at other appearances to further elaborate the moment in history of the apocalyptic sign. Finally it is shown that the apparitions of the Virgin of Garabandal reveal what is still hiden in the Virgin of Guadalupe.

    With the set of time data about the Miracle of Garabandal we have, the potential occurrence of the sign is limited only to a closer date, and also a second one 937 years distant in the future. The nearest occurrence of the sign not only meets all prophesied premises but also becomes a unique astronomical situation in 100,000 years. Finally the video findings are riveted to continue the search for other phenomena prophesied about the End Times in the following videos.

    js1975 likes this.
  4. Andy3

    Andy3 Powers

    Sep 12, 2013
    Sister, Have you ever seen this? I wonder if this guy was figuring out sacred astronomy.

  5. Woman Clothed WithThe Sun

    Woman Clothed WithThe Sun Archangels

    Sep 17, 2012
    The next video of the series is another 'must watch' video.
    Based on Scripture and Sacred Astronomy this is a thorough study of the time asigned for the Tribulation and its completion.

    End Times Astronomical Signs: Time Limit and Abomination of Desolation (video 4)
    This fourth video continues to apply the knowledge of Sacred Astronomy in finding possible dates for the events prophesied related to end of times. The goal of our investigations is not to acquire a vain boasting wisdom, but to have more insight in order to discern the many current false prophets who are predicting -especially online- new impending disasters at every turn. Thanks to this knowledge we are expected to have peace and hope, both human and supernatural, before the tough times of the end; times of great importance for the history of man's redemption.

    The date found in the previous video for the sign of the Woman, is not the primary objective of our search but it is our starting point to find the time of the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, so we must make further assumptions tracking astronomical events. We know that after the sign -of the Woman- in heaven time is short for the devil's defeat as indicated in Revelation 12 and 20: It won't take long for the devil to be bound for a thousand years and for the start of a new era in the history of Redemption.

    Based on the symbolism for Jupiter and Saturn planets in Sacred Astronomy, it is now of particular interest to find the next conjunction of both planets. The possible validity of the date found is confronted with two major prophecies that establish specific intervals between events: The prophecy of the seventy weeks of Daniel and the three and a half times prophecy of Daniel and Revelation . The result is an unimaginable fit between the date of the conjunction and within 70 weeks of years from the appearance of the Virgin of Guadalupe in Mexico. It is as well three and a half lunar years from the date when that Saturn touches Ophiuchus' foot. This event recalls/repeats in the sky the images of the prophecy in Genesis at the gates of Paradise, She shall crush thy head and you will strike his heel. It also agrees/matches the anniversary date of the previous two destructions of the Temple of Jerusalem.

    These findings begin to strongly configure the essential facts prophesied for the last week of Daniel, which will be followed with new astronomical findings in new videos. In any case, these assumptions and knowledge from Astronomy and Sacred Scripture, confirms that the difficult times of the great tribulation is already as near as very few years or even a few months.

    As recalled at the end of the video, themes and arguments have been setup for accuracy and detail in an ebook that can be downloaded at:
  6. CrewDog

    CrewDog Guest

    I first saw this Star of Bethlehem "show" 5/6 years ago on a Protestant TV Channel and noticed that EWTN-TV (Catholic) has been broadcasting it at Christmas for the past several years. I believe that it's worth watching and will reinforce the Faith of believers. There are always Nay-Sayers "Out There". Two Christmases ago I bought copies for me and my Family as a Christmas present. More info here:
    GOD BLESS!! ;-)
  7. Woman Clothed WithThe Sun

    Woman Clothed WithThe Sun Archangels

    Sep 17, 2012
    Yes Andy, thank you.
    There are great videos connecting the dots between Scripture and Sacred Astronomy.
  8. little me

    little me Archangels

    Jun 20, 2014
    Wow, that video was facinating! He was a bit painful to listen to but the information was amazing. We really have lost our connection with the reality of the stars/constellations. Previous civilizations were much more in tune with God, His guidance. We have fallen so far away from reality in our time.
  9. Fascinating! Thankyou for posting this gem.

    "That knowledge was known by men before the flood, but later the message was relegated to certain elites or perverted by astrology and horoscopes. In the nineteenth century, the same number as the previous Psalm, several linguists scholars systematically collected the names of stars and constellations in ancient cultures concluding that despite translations the meaning of the name of each star was constant, transmitting the initial message to all men. And that message was the same Redemption Plan announced by God at the gates of Paradise, 2500 years before to be written in the Bible. Through images of constellations every night God reminded the men, who still had no writing skills, His promise to redeem them from sin and from the yoke of the infernal serpent."

    Some theorize that Christ was born under the Constellation of Leo (the Lion) due to exactly what it states above.
    Perhaps he was born under Virgo yet will return under Leo...
  10. Woman Clothed WithThe Sun

    Woman Clothed WithThe Sun Archangels

    Sep 17, 2012
    End Times Astronomical Signs: Signs in the Moon (video 5)

    This fifth video about Sacred Astronomy and the End of Times, looks at the signs on the moon that indicate the status of latter times. Firstly the signs on the moon are classified as natural and unnatural. The former can be deduced from the study of the regular movements of the moon while the latter will occur although, for now, it is not possible to assign them a date.

    Among the natural signs, two are discussed in this video while others are ealt with in other videos. The first one is the biblical tetrad, or 4 consecutive Total Lunar eclipses that occur in consecutive Mosaic feasts of Easter and Booths or Tabernacles. Since the year 1 AC there have been no more than 7 Biblical tetrads. 4 Total Lunar eclipses will occur on those Jewish feast dates in the years 2014 and 2015. Its interpretation varies on the basis of an important fact in the history of Israel, as the two previous biblical tetrads occurred in 1967-1968 within one year of the recovery of Jerusalem by the Jews and in 1949-1950 within the recognition of the state of Israel as a nation by the UN.

    Also the video shows a very unique matching of 12 Moon eclipses on the same day of solar years 7 BC to 1 BC, that is before the first coming of our Lord, and for the years 2014 to 2020, that are prior to the second coming of the Savior. This coincidence of lunar phenomena in both series of years is quite uncommon and is interpreted as a parallel between the two periods or confirmation of astronomical signals found and exposed in previous videos.

    Finally, two unpredictable Moon events prophesied in Scripture that will be discussed in detail in later videos are anticipated: a blood Moon at the same time that the sun is black, and the simultaneous decrease of the intensity of light from both objects in the sky.
    little me likes this.
  11. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Pulaski, NY

    Thank you. These certainly are fascinating videos.:eek: The number of correlations and prophecies focused on these days are multiplying. With such convergence, both hope and caution must go hand-in-hand. We must be cautious and not be distracted from earnestly living our Faith; still, we must hope in God for His deliverance in these chaotic times!

    Safe in the Refuge of the Immaculate Heart!
  12. Woman Clothed WithThe Sun

    Woman Clothed WithThe Sun Archangels

    Sep 17, 2012
    I too think that these are extraordinary correlations accross the board of sciences and Scripture besides Marian apparitions.
    My sense of urgency has multiplied in the last weeks since I discovered this theme. I think it is not mere chance.
    Many, MANY people are oblivious at was is happening in front of us all. Heaven is "pursuing" us with messages, signs, and wonders besides all the ordinary means that have been available for us for centuries. We seem to not pay attention. We don't want to take the message in because it is very hard -we need to convert and change.
    But when Heaven is saying again and again that the times ahead will be VERY DIFFICULT, this means difficult in a universal and astronomic scale so to speak. The whole thing is about conversion of heart, about prayer and fasting, about faith and surrender to God.
    Like in the times of Noah, how many people laugh at you and at me if we even mention anything about Marian apparitions or about danger of the times we live in.

    I do believe that it is important that the kind of information contained in these videos be out for people to access, watch, and make up their minds about how serious are the threats of Heaven for us to change our lives.

    If we CHANGE OUR LIVES it is not too late. But we don't seem to want to repent in a large scale. So we will live the consequences.
    Ultimately the reason for everything that God is doing and will allow to happen is for our salvation, the salvation of the greatest possible number of people.
    Presiel likes this.
  13. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    Nov 30, 2008
    How true that many cannot see what is happening.

    Parts of Europe are no longer 'normal'.

    Greece is an economic disaster zone and not a functioning autonomous state.

    In Ukraine things are on a war footing. The example below shows that the schools in parts of eastern Ukraine are virtually empty because children have moved to 'safer' areas with their parents or their parents are too scared to send them to school because of the violence.
  14. Woman Clothed WithThe Sun

    Woman Clothed WithThe Sun Archangels

    Sep 17, 2012
    Things get tougher here but this video is worth the time and the effort of listening to a second-language English speaker:

    End Times Astronomical Signs: The 6th Seal or Warning (video 6)

    In this sixth video on Sacred Astronomy and the End of Times we start to explore the time when other prophesied events can occur, specifically the Warning or Sixth Seal of Revelation.

    Throughout the video spiritual aspects and material aspects of the event are shown, and reasons that point to a specific date. Agin we are using information from Garabandal apparitions, from Sacred Scripture and from Sacred Astronomy. Regarding material aspects our hypothesis is an astronomical catastrophe for the Warning following the description of the sixth seal of Revelation, which is also an astronomical description linked to a non natural situation of the Moon and the Sun, whose main effect on Earth is a Pole shift. Among the material effects associated with the catastrophe there is an special reference to big tidal waves generated by the overturning of the poles that are much more destructive than tsunamis, their causes, effects, and reference to various prophetic passages that describe this phenomenon in the Bible.

    Regarding the spiritual aspects of the Warning it is explained the two effects that Revelation indicates: the desire of men to hide in underground caves and the unusual vision that everyone have of the throne of God and the wrath of the Lamb. To more clearly outline these events, several descriptions about the event made by the girls of Garabandal are remembered.

    Finally a date is proposed from the prophetic information of Garabandal and data from Revelation. The verification of the proposed date is done by Sacred Astronomy through the position of the Moon, in a scenario that fits perfectly to meet the astronomical condition prophesied of seeing a black sun from Earth and simultaneously a blood moon.

  15. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I LOVE this stuff. So unusual. Must read it carefully at the weekend when I have time.
    Andy3 likes this.
  16. Lily

    Lily Angels

    Sep 16, 2013
    Yes, thank you WCWTS, these are VERY interesting videos. I agree with Little Me, he is a bit painful to listen to, but very fascinating. I especially enjoyed videos 3 and 6, thanks again for uploading them for us.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2014
  17. Mac

    Mac "To Jesus, through Mary"

    May 14, 2014
  18. Lily

    Lily Angels

    Sep 16, 2013
    Seems ODD that ALL these ancient peoples were looking at the STARS!!!!!
  19. Woman Clothed WithThe Sun

    Woman Clothed WithThe Sun Archangels

    Sep 17, 2012
    Another good video. This one is complementary to the series and takes a closer look at the Miracle.
    The great Miracle of Garabandal after the death of J. Lomangino

    Published on Jun 28, 2014

    On June 18, 2014 Joey Lomangino died in New York. He was a blind man who had visited San Sebastian de Garabandal during the time of the apparitions after having requested counsel from St. Pio of Pietrelcina.

    His blindness came from an accident that left him without eyes. Some time after his visit to Garabandal, Conchita, one of the four seers, wrote him to say that the Virgin had told her that the day of the great Miracle he will have new eyes.

    This data has been used to speculate on the proximity of the Great Miracle date because of the advanced age of Joey Lomangino. The fact of his death has triggered a large number of questions, but one in particular: are the Garabandal apparitions real? And within it many question the reality of future large events prophesied there, specially the Warning, the Miracle and the Punishment.

    This video and its slides -which could be downloaded from -
    gives answer to that question, deeping into the meaning of existing information about the great Miracle of Garabandal. The conclusion is that it is easy to interpret the prophecies of Garabandal. The most difficult thing is to believe in what they present us. As in Jesus time when the Jews wondered, How can this man give us his flesh to eat? And they left him forgetting that nothing is impossible to God.

  20. Adoremus

    Adoremus Powers

    Feb 11, 2013
    I think in the days before TV and all the other distractions that we have today, people were so much more in tune with nature and all of creation. We have lost that connection to a huge extent, which is a real pity. We think we have so much but really we are impoverished of so much knowledge that people had long ago.

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