MESSAGE FROM THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY TO HER BELOVED DAUGHTER LIGHT OF MARY DECEMBER 31, 2013 Beloved, the Earth has been ravaged by man. But the Earth will be reborn, not without first being contaminated by nuclear energy, the scourge of the final instants, misery for the Faithful and poisoning of the Earth that emanates through the volcanoes its state of agony throughout all the Planet. Children, humanity will be surprised by the fury of volcanoes still unknown. Man will again live without the Sun’s heat. Pray, the Yellowstone volcano will mercilessly scourge all of humanity. January 5, 2014 Pray, children, volcanoes awaken with severity and those who are Mine will suffer. Pray for Italy, for the United States and pray for Guatemala.
The front page for the Spanish Revelaciones Marianas - Luz de Maria - has articles and videos related to the repeated content of the messages. Currently, the top article and video is this one on nuclear contamination from a press conference given by Dr. Helen Caldicott, physicist and pediatrician, in March 18, 2011 -only a few days after the Fukushima disaster: You can easily find more recent videos and conferences by Dr. Caldicott in You Tube. MS7 You may find yourself with a blessing in disguise under your feet, who knows. We all are in the same boat.
Well, I didn't really want to bring up this message when I read it a couple of weeks ago, for fear of scaring people too much, but there it is... One thing to remember about the way in which such things appear in Luz de Maria Bonilla's locutions is that they are generally accompanied by the instruction 'Pray', suggesting that they can be mitigated or maybe even prayed away by intercession. The problem is that the hour is advancing and the balance not exactly shifting in the right direction as far as Western society is concerned. Much time has already been given for repentance, but at some point this will run out...
The "mitigation by pray" is usually used by the seers to have a way out. This happens all the time with MDM. I do not know how many catastrophic events that would almost wipe out humanity have been announced by seers since years now. Nothing such as this has happened yet. Anyways, why should God or the Virgin threat us all the time with harm and suffering? The doctrine is clear. If you behave like a Christian you will get in heaven if not then you will end up in hell for ever. Is that not enough? Sorry but I do not believe this and there is no theology able to explain it neither.
Through approved prophecy God warns his people of Divine justice. As the prophets did in the Old Testament. We must be greatful for approved warnings.Of course you have your free will to ignore them Jose.
Our Lord and Our Blessed mother's love for us is unlimited. It is out of this love that they warn us about what is coming. It is to prepare first and foremost our souls. They make it abundantly clear that our Church and our world will be punished and purified for the sins of the world. Jose, God has done everything in his infinite wisdom, love and mercy to warn and prepare mankind, but few are listening. Few are in the state of grace. Few will be the remnant under his mother Mary's mantle. Anyone who does not long for this purification is blind to what our world has become and how it sorrows our Lord and our Mother. Many times heaven has repeated that we are in a worse condition than the times of Noah.
On the 18th February 1993, God is warning us saying: "The sixth seal is about to be broken and you will all be plunged into darkness and there will be no illumination for the smoke poured up out of the Abyss will be like the smoke from a huge furnace so that the sun and the sky will be darkened by it; and out of My Cup of Justice I will make you resemble snakes; vipers. I will make you crawl on your belly and eat dust in these days of darkness; I will crush you to the ground to remind you that you are not better than vipers... you will suffocate and stifle in your sins; in My anger I will tread you down, trample you in My wrath! (...) When the hour of Darkness comes, I will show you your insides; I will turn your soul inside out and when you will see your soul as black as coal, not only will you experience a distress like never before, but you will beat your breast with agony that your own darkness is far worse than the darkness surrounding you. I will make human life scarcer than ever before; then when My wrath will be appeased, I will set My Throne in each one of you and together with one voice and one heart and one language you will praise Me, the Lamb." We are given time, once again, to repent before this prophecy comes on us. Although God says, "nothing can be subtracted from them", we can still diminish the power of this scourge by prayer, repentance and change of life to live holy. We are called to lead a True life in God. God can relent, just like He did with Nineveh. The True Life in God inspirations are not prophecies of doom and gloom. God gives them to us in these times of mercy to shape us up; they are a call out of the sublime Love of God. God will not allow us forever to offend His Holy Name. This is the reason why He comes, in His mercy, to give us many warnings. God bless you all, In Christ, Vassula
I have experienced the inner darkness greater than the outer darkness mentioned in this prophecy. It almost scared me to death as I experienced it for several nights scaring even my poor wife and it was hell on earth. I will post again on this but doubt if I can find words to describe it. Vassulas words do it justice and reading this brought back the realities of my experience to the degree that I have tears in my eyes for the thought of those who will suffer so much with this existential crisis in their lives. However this experience beginning on St Stephens Day 2003 was responsible for my full conversion. God removed His hand on that day and I have sought him everyday since. I was literally frightened to death to come alive in the spiritual domain. Praise God for His holy purification. I would however not like to experience that again. We are dealing with spiritual realities. Hell is as real as the sky we see. Purgatory exists and is a place of intense purification. So let us be purified here on earth for it is much easier on this side.
Thanks for that Garabandal. I'd love to hear your testimony sometime. You really said it perfectly. It is a spiritual reality, or we wouldn't be on this forum! Hell is real.
I thought the prophesy from Fatima's comment regarding Yellowstone sounded just like this prophesy...gulp....
Whenever I think of things like Yellowstone erupting I try not to fear the event but trust in God and Mary. If Mary could protect the priests in Hiroshima and Nagasaki from an atomic bomb she surely can protect us from any other calamity natural or man made if it be her and the will of the Father. Remember we are always safe in the arms of Jesus and Mary when we humble ourselves to them like children who have fallen and run to our parents for comfort and help. Be children everyone!
For those living the Fatima message, it is not fear that heaven warns us of, it is dramatic change in our lives, how we live, how we survive under the mantle of Mary within a very small Church of remnant. These warnings of volcanoes' and such is our warning to die to ourselves and live in the Divine Will. There is no other way. These messages prompt us to empty ourselves of all worldly attachments. Frankly, it use to scare me to leave this world I know and enter the world unseen through faith. Now, I prefer to live in the world of faith, prayer and sacrifice and I dread returning to this world that weighs me down and seems so empty of peace and joy that I experience in the Divine Life of Jesus.
January 12th, 2013 (Our Lord Jesus Christ) My Beloved People : YOU ARE THE APPLE OF MY EYE, AND I LOVE YOU ALL . YOU ALL ARE NEEDED IN MY KINGDOM . I BLESS AND PROTECT THE WAY, I CLEAN DIRTY WATERS FOR YOUR TRANSIT WILL BE MORE BEARABLE AND EASIER. Beloved Ones , as the fingers of one hand , all of you are necessary in My Missions, only that those who feel that they are necessary have to understand that for Me, the needed one is someone who lives , works and acts in the Will of My Father ; one who is humble , it is necessary for me , the proud will be discarded and not by Me , but by his own arrogance. IN MY KINGDOM , MY AFFAIRS HAVE AS BASE LOVE, CHARITY , HOPE AND FAITH . In these four Virtues , who accompanies Me , finds the solution to everything that is presented in the way, but the proud does not accept My Word and My advice , nor My Relief until he faces his own human self exalted , and there he knows himself and thus will judge harshly to himself . Beloved Ones , the one who thinks to be the first will be the last, and the last will be first . I know that I pay the same salary to the one that comes in the first hour that the one who reaches the end of the afternoon , but for this you need to have an unwavering faith in Me and sincere repentance . My children : THIS IS THE GENERATION THAT HAS WITHIN REACH THE SPLENDOUR OF MY HOLY SPIRIT AND SO THE ENEMY OF THE SOUL HAS BEEN DETERMINED IN A CONSTANT BATTLE AGAINST MY PEOPLE. A spiritual battle that he wants to win at any cost whatever : carrying snares to every human creature , destroying hearts and destroying families , killing innocence, corrupting youth, contaminating children and debasing the mind of man so that he will not be able to love. AND YOU KNOW WHY? FOR LOVE IS THE GREATEST VIRTUE THAT CREATURE MAY OWN, HAVE SINCE OWNING MY DIVINE LOVE IS MORE LIKE ME. In Love , in My Love finds the fullness the human being and killing the love, leads man to lose all the graces that are peculiar to him as creature to the image and likeness of My Father. The lack of love in the creature takes him to despise My Mother and … …SHE IS WHO IS DOING THE BATTLE IN THIS INSTANT AGAINST THE INFERNAL ENEMY. SHE IS WHO COMMANDS THE HEAVENLY LEGIONS . I have entrusted you to Her and that is why Satan hardens man to despise My Mother, to deny that I have been instructed Her to keep by side of humanity to defend her, and that she leads you by the hand from revelation to revelation to make you aware that “I am that I am” and that She is My Mother : The Sacred Vessel, the Ark of the Covenant , the Morning Star , counsel and intercessor of Christians. Dear children, in this generation in which the Holy Spirit distributes His gifts everywhere , the malignant distributes his minions throughout the earth , has left an empty hell and has spread all demons on earth for all men forget me and fight fiercely against each other until killing each other . THIS IS NOT MY WILL , THIS IS NOT MY LOVE, THIS IS NOT MY GENERATION , THESE ARE NOT MY CHILDREN , AND THEY SHOULD NOT ACT LIKE THAT … MY BELOVED, MY LOVE IS INFINITE BUT THE WEIGHT OF SIN POURS THE LAST DROP ON THIS INTRANSIGENT HUMANITY , ON THIS HUMANITY THAT STEPS ON ME AND FORGETS ME … I love you , I remain with you until the last moment that you remain in the world , but you are not part of the mundane, you should be the salt of the earth. You, My beloved, must be the water that refreshes when it passes and revives whatever it touches. The heart and mind of man are so dry that I look them extremely cracked and all this because of the lack of My Love … O PERVERSE GENERATION IN WHICH EVERY HUMAN BEING GIVES HIS OWN MEANING TO MY LOVE! … AND MY LOVE IS ONE AND NOT SUBJECT TO PERSONAL CHANGES. THE LACK OF TRUTH BETWEEN YOU TAKES YOU TO VERY LOW PLACES . The Earth is so polluted and the Sun , the Sun cracks it up to its depths. The sun’s rays , instant by instant , reaching Earth increasingly harder and with more pollution for this one . Soon is , children, the moment when the sun will drop all its fury on the planet. Such a strong blast that you, on your knees, will be convinced that without Me, you are nothing. Science will look at scientific advances reduced to nothing and man , the man who is not spiritual and has no faith, will wander through the streets desperate, including losing his memory by feeling reduced to nothing (1) You, My people , who follow me, who continue to my side , you are preparing for upcoming events . You who have obeyed My Orders, My Calls and those of My Mother , given before for this moment , in which My House alerted you about the contamination by radioactivity , you are witness how many mocked Me and My Calls . And you viewed how in a moment, with an earthquake , radioactivity is falling prey harder and is polluting all the water, the air , the earth itself , the man and this, this pollution is one of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse it will continue advancing and will not stay where it is. The man will understand that nuclear energy is one of the great scourges created against himself.(2) Beloved Ones , do not neglect, volcanoes will erupt in sequence and geography will vary . I WILL LOVE YOU INFINITELY, MORE THAN WHAT YOURSELVES BELIEVE THAT I LOVE YOU more than you feel that I love you . I love you in spirit and truth , but you constantly refuse to follow me, and I , Beggar of Love, continue from heart to heart without you paying attention to the signs of this time . You are alerted , because I do not act without telling My People(3) Middle East will enter into effervescence and the world will look a lot of deaths indifferently . My poor children, those who believe that what is distant will not reach them ! Because the indomitable arm of communism will fall on America, and especially will take the pain to America.(4) My beloved, pray , pray for the American People . Beloved Ones , the President should bend his knees before Me, his power is earthly and My power , Heavenly and Divine, his pride will be bend by My House in an instant. My beloved, pray for My beloved Argentina . Pray, this earth will mourn , and then , like a bejeweled bride, to receive the blessing from My House. MY BELOVED, DO NOT FORGET YOUR BROTHERS WHO SUFFER IN THIS MOMENT BY PROFESSING THEIR FAITH, especially those in the Middle East where the pain will enrage and not depart because man’s violence in the Middle East goes far beyond the man himself. Is dominated by those who rule the countries . My People : I SUFFER MUCH FOR YOU ! ,HOW MUCH YOU MUST GIVE ME ! ,AND HOW MUCH YOU DENY ME! PROMPTLY RETURN TO ME , BECAUSE TIME IS NOT TIME AND IS THE MOMENT OF MY SECOND COMING (5) Not refuse to My instruments of which I use to preach the Truth to the world , to speak to announce what those that should speak with Truth conceal. These are not moments of superficialities, these are moments to call My People to unity, to summon to prayer with strength, these are hard moments because My children must act and act according to My will, not their free will. I DO NOT DESIRE GOLDEN CALVES , I WILL DESTROY THEM IN A MOMENT , I WANT HEARTS AND CONSIENCES ALERT TO MY CALLS AND READY TO OBEY MY ORDERS AND MY WORD . You are in critical moments where the great spiritual battle looms without the man perceiving it , for lack of a clear conscience and a firm and strong faith in Me. I WILL RETURN SOON , BUT BEFORE MY RETURN I WILL FACE EACH ONE OF YOU WITH YOUR CONSCIENCE TO LOOK YOURSELVES AS YOU REALLY ARE. THIS ACT OF MERCY OF MY HOUSE IS PRIOR TO MY SECOND COMING . (6) Stay alert, that I, with My open Heart and My hands outstretched towards you , send the new Mana for this generation. Stay alert for My Word through My instruments and discern which ones what My real instruments , because not everyone who tells you to come back to Me , is My real instrument. I love you, I come for you and My Mother, with Her Womb full of Love to welcome you all and shelter you, remains attentive to the word of each one. Walk facing the sky. It approaches to the Earth what will make it shudder , but before all this truth that I must inform you in love, remains My Mercy that is infinite for those humble and contrite hearts that come close to Me . I wait for you, I bless you. My People will triumph. I do not abandon you, neither My Mother abandons you . I love you , I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen . Your Jesus HAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN. HAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN. HAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN.
in padraig's icons of the future of the US he saw a scene that looked like the results of an EMP attack, or what we were guessing was an EMP attack. but maybe the scene was a result of Yellowstone exploding. a super volcano explosion has never happened in modern times...I can't imagine how it would change all american,s and beyond.
We talked about these messages here. I have been reading them for some time at under the name of Light.
The Light of Mary January 20th, 2013 (The Blessed Virgin Mary) Beloved children of My Immaculate Heart: I BLESS YOU. REMAIN ASSURED THAT I INTERCEDE FOR YOU, ESPECIALLY IN THIS INSTANT IN WHICH I, WITH ALL MY HEAR, APPEAL BEFORE MY DIVINE SON, FOR ALL OF HUMANITY. Men do not know My Maternal Love and My Maternal Love has interceded so that My Son’s Hand would not previously descend. HOW YOU OFFEND ME! HOW YOU DISHONOR ME! BUT I, LIKE MY SON, CONTINUE LOVING YOU WITHOUT REST WITH INFINITE LOVE. The Earth creaks from its bowels, the great slides creak. The Earth will shake until man comes to ask for clemency and calls His Father by His Name. My beloved: HOW GREAT IS MAN’S FOOLISHNESS THAT HE DOES NOT WANT TO SEE HIMSELF AS HE IS! IN YOUR CONTINUOUS OFFENSES TO DIVINITY, MAN HIMSELF CLOSES THE PATH OF ETERNAL SALVATION FOR HIMSELF. In this instant you only proclaim My Son’s Love, but if Divine Love prevails, Divine Justice is at the same time, part of that Divine Love. My Beloved, how man turns against man, against his fellowmen snatching the lives of millions and millions of innocent creatures! This is the very serious sin of this generation, for by scorning life, they have opened the doors to the evil of libertinage and covetousness and have used what has been given for the good of humanity against humanity itself. The scourges that mankind has suffered mostly, have been a consequence of man himself. In this instant, what man suffers is unknown to man himself, for the consequences of this suffering are not visible in this instant, but will be after in that they will begin reactions in the human body as you are seeing in this instant in fish and other species of the Animal Kingdom; innocents that suffer the effects of human greed. Another nuclear plant will be shaken, spreading even more contamination … Woe to My People! … Woe to My children! … Woe to those who will suffer at the hand of the powerful who do not see beyond their own egoism! My beloved, do not turn away from My Son, do not turn away from My Protection, I continue beside My children as My Divine Son has entrusted Me. BE PERSEVERANT, DO NOT FEAR WHAT IS COMING, CONTINUE WITH THE CONFIDENCE THAT MY SON KEEPS HIS PROMISES, AND THAT I DO NOT ABANDON MY SON’S PEOPLE. These People are all those who carry out the Father’s Will, for not only the one who says, ”Lord, Lord!” will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. My beloved, as Mother of all of humanity, I convoke you to continue praying, to continue in that practical prayer that is the constant witness of each one of those who are Mine. WITH YOUR WITNESS YOU PREACH AND DEMONSTRATE WHO DWELLS IN YOU. You already know that whatever is necessary for all those who cry out for blessing will descend from Heaven. MY SON RESPECTS FREE WILL, BUT THE ONE WHO IS CONSCIOUS OF WHAT IS A LIMITED HUMAN BEINGN, THAT ONE FALLS ON HIS KNEES AND CRIES OUT FOR DIVINE PROTECTION. Beloved children of My Immaculate Heart, alert one another, love one another, take each step conscious that soon you will face that instant in which, before My Son, you will see that travel of your personal works and actions. My beloved, so many events approach! And you must not await them with fear but with the joy that the one who perseveres, that one, will enjoy Eternal Life. You must await what is coming with the joy that the one who is polished and purified like steel in the fire, that one is chosen to be a testimony of My Son’s Love. You must wait for what is coming with Holy Patience and with total disposition so that the Divine Will is accomplished in each one of you, conscious that the instant urges and therefore, giving yourself in total disposition to My Son’s Calls will bring you an increase in Faith and an increase in the blessings of the Holy Spirit so that you discern with clarity and are assisted in perseverance. DO NOT BE CARELESS, KEEP IN MIND THAT MAN’S ENEMY HAS STOPPED PROWLING. IN THIS INSTANT, HE HAS UNFOLDED HIS EVIL LEGIONS OVER ALL THE EARTH, IN SEARCH OF THOSE WHO WALK, WANDERING AROUND WITHOUT CARRYING MY SON IN THEIR HEART. Do not deny the fulfillment of the Divine announcements, be people who are open and see with disposition the signs of this instant. I, as Mother and Queen, convoke you to pray without ceasing, do not diminish love towards My Son, but above all, I CONVOKE YOU TO HUMBLY SOLICIT THE HELP OF THE HOLY SPIRIT SO THAT HE LEADS YOU TO DISCERN WITH CLARITY AND SO THAT THOSE WHO DESIRE TO CONFUSE MY SON’S PEOPLE ARE NOT ABLE TO CONFUSE YOU. Unite in My Son’s Love and wait with Holy Patience, for what My Son has announced will be fulfilled and the blessing for His People will arrive “ipso facto.” DO NOT FEAR, CHILDREN, DO NOT FEAR. YOU ARE THE CHILDREN OF THE KING OF HEAVEN AND EARTH, YOU ARE THE FAITHFUL: THE HOLY REMNANT. DO NOT DECLINE, MY HAND GUIDES YOU WITH LOVE TO MEET THE ENCOUNTER WITH DIVINE LOVE. I bless you. HAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN. HAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN. HAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN.