My wife had a dream last night of a statue of her lady (all in white) and as she looked a large tear-drop slowly formed in one of the eyes of the statue and then the statue began to weep and the tear drops fell onto my wife's feet. I think this may be a sign of blessing?
This is a very inspired dream, given to her from Heaven. I have no idea what it exactly means. Your wife was favored, that's for sure. Maybe ask the Blessed Mother to explain a little more of the meaning behind it. It seems to me that blessings are falling to your wife, of course, but in what way? The Sorrowful Mother is leaning on your wife? Needs your wife's efforts? Trusts your wife's response? This is wonderful.
What a beautiful spiritual dream. Our Lady is sharing her sorrow with your wife it seems. What a great privilege and blessing.
I have never heard of this image: Mary's tears falling on your wife's feet. It does remind me of Luke 7: 37 And there was a woman in the city who was a sinner ; and when she learned that He was reclining at the table in the Pharisee's house, she brought an alabaster vial of perfume, 38 and standing behind Him at His feet, weeping, she began to wet His feet with her tears, and kept wiping them with the hair of her head, and kissing His feet and anointing them with the perfume.
I have heard it said that before all this is all over that Our Lady will appear to everyone on Earth if it is necessary for their Salvation.
My husband and I actually saw a statue of Our Lady crying - this was not a dream. It was at a Marian conference years ago and we also saw the large Crucifix of Our Lord bleeding. The Crucifix came from Fr. Jozo in Medjugorje and was given to someone who brought it to the US. We are all so blessed with so many Graces in our days.
I felt I should share this very vivid dream I had just last night: I was at a Mass somewhere and people were standing, going up on line to receive Holy Communion. As I looked at the people, they all seemed to be looking around as if they were not aware of Our Lord's presence among them. When I got up to the Priest, who I did not know or recognize, he knelt down on one knee holding the Host in his hand. I immediately knelt down on my knees (a thought came to me that the marble floors would be hard on my knees, but I never felt it). As the Priest brought the Host towards my mouth, tears rolled down my face and I began to cry. I realize that this is how it is supposed to be - Our God comes from Heaven to be with us and so little reverence is given to Him! I am so sad for Him!