World War 3 Prophesies : Middle Europe

Discussion in 'The mystical and Paranormal' started by padraig, Jul 19, 2011.

  1. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I came across these prophesies concerning the Third World War and its effects on Middle Europe. I am afraid I am not well read up on Visionaries form this part of the world but many of them are fascinating. I suspect the reason why they never got really circulating in the West was because the COmmunists were in place there till fairly recently.

    Anyway here they are for what they are worth. I found them interesting because many of them tie in with what I have seen in drems:

    The Sybille of Prague (?-1658)

    "Still your rule lasts, my loved Prague, but also you will face the last hour. Prague, my dear Prague, you will find a rare and terrible end. A breath goes through your lanes, sweet and warm; surprised mankind will feel it. With horribly distorted faces thousands begin to rest and freeze despite the warmth. It comes to the end. Ten musty bells of the last church clang in the air. The slow and muddy tides of the Moldau roll as a terrible hurricane roars across the country, across the city. Yellow-grey dust and heavy, poisonous clouds take the breath from humans and cattle. The Hradschin is set on fire, in the city the walls burst. Everywhere fire rages. The earth trembles, vibrated by the mighty quake. Deep gaps do open, devouring the dead and the living. The graves open as ransacked by spirit hands, and the skeletons smile with cruel laughter. Everything sinks in the unfathomably black depth.

    "From Vyschrad a tremendous fireball comes along, rocks fly through the air and all around blazes a sea of fire. Everything that mankind's diligence has created lies in debris and ash. One can only hear the roar of the storm. Life has gone out. I only see rubble and corpses. Slowly the clouds disappear where once the proud cathedral dome had been. I see a bloody-red fireball. It is over! Prague, your fate has been fulfilled! Where are your houses, proud city? Why do gloomy tides flood the coasts of a deserted heath? Horrible worms eat body and spirit with frightening effect. Weeds and ruins and a poisonous cloud characterizes the countryside. Is this the harvest of the human seed?"
    Byron likes this.
  2. Rain

    Rain Powers

    Sep 9, 2007
    Re: World War 3 Propesies : Middle Europe

    Whoa. :shock:
  3. Seán

    Seán New Member

    May 14, 2008
    Re: World War 3 Propesies : Middle Europe

    All seem to be saying the one thing: Russia invades Europe rapidly, causing great and terrible destruction. Europe is crippled by revolution. The Holy Father is forced to flee but suffers much. It is as a result of the consecration not being completed (allegedly). The war will be of short duration.

    Conchita of Garabandal: 'When communism comes again, everything will happen.'

    Jacinta of Garabandal: 'The Warning will come when things are at their worst.'
  4. PotatoSack

    PotatoSack Powers

    Jul 29, 2010
    Re: World War 3 Propesies : Middle Europe

    well, most on that website seem to agree that it will be very, very short compared to wwII...but then again, I guess nuclear weapons would shorten a war :shock: Seems like it will start out of the blue and completely take people by surprise.

    It is definately interesting prophecy, but I'm taking it all with a huge grain of salt right now. I googled a few of the people, and I'm not sure what to make of their credibility.

    Didnt our lady in Medj say there would be no world war?
  5. angelabelfast

    angelabelfast New Member

    Jul 15, 2011
    I wonder if any of the Medjugorje secrets are about this war, maybe to warn the faithful in those countries to go to the mountains or safe places? so frightening I wish we could just tell people this will happen and they would believe it and be ready. Also wondering when communism will be 'at its worst' when the illumination of conscience or warning is to come, I suppose this may be after the nuclear bombs.

    potatosack, I think Our Lady said that one disaster was averted due to prayer but another one was just delayed, maybe this is it? I could be wrong though.
  6. angelabelfast

    angelabelfast New Member

    Jul 15, 2011
  7. Seán

    Seán New Member

    May 14, 2008
    The three days of darkness is clearly a supernatural event, going by prophecies of saints and blesseds.

    In Garabandal, in the 1960s, there was a fear that the missile crisis would lead to another world war. Our Lady replied that there would not be a World war, but she did not say that there never would be another war. Scripture clearly has great wars that are yet to happen, for instance. And our Lady at Fatima said that war is a punishment for sin. Has the world stopped sinning?
    Byron likes this.
  8. angelabelfast

    angelabelfast New Member

    Jul 15, 2011
    I think I was wrong about those links, I apologise just been looking at a lot of different websites recently trying to understand everything. will just have to keep updated with the news and watch out for things happening!A bit worried that it will be too late for many by the time russia invades as it sounds like it will happen very quickly and unexpectedly. maybe the event to look out for really is the pope visiting russia, isnt this meant to happen before the invasion?
  9. Seán

    Seán New Member

    May 14, 2008
    Conchita: 'The Pope will go to Russia, to Moscow. As soon as he returns to the
    Vatican, hostilities will break out in different parts of Europe.'

    I myself am confused, since I had always thought that it was the Arab extremists
    who would invade Europe. Prophecies made about the Great Catholic Monarch
    tell us this. So where the Russians fit in, I do not know. Both sides seem to
    be well supported. The seers in the above link may be dubious indeed here
    and there, but the sheer volume of prophecies, from different countries
    as well, shows how compelling it is. It all boils down to one single fact:
    if Russia was consecrated properly in 1984, then we have nothing to fear
    from them. But if it isn't: 'Russia will spread its errors, causing wars and
    persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred, and the holy Father
    will have much to suffer.' (Our Lady of Fatima)
  10. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I don't ever think there will be a World War 3 , in the sense of an all out nuclear war using everything they have for an extended period using nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. For if there were there would be no one left alive afterwards worth speaking about.

    Jeremiah 29:11
    For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

    Jesus is the vinedresser, we the vines. But if all the vines were cut down from were would the grapes of love be pressed from?

    John 15:1-6

    1) "I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. 2) "Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit. 3) "You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. 4) "Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me. 5) "I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing. 6) "If anyone does not abide in Me, he is thrown away as a branch and dries up; and they gather them, and cast them into the fire and they are burned.


    However the signs from Fatima, Medugorje and Garabandal all point to Mary's central concern with preserving peace.

    At Fatima Mary spoke of various nations, 'Beig annihilated. Fatima itself means, 'Peace' and at Medugorje Our Lady comes as , 'Queen of Peace' and at Garabandal Our Lady speaks very specifically of the dangers of War.

    I myself believe we wil ldestry ourselves without the direct intervention of God and that through prayer this intervention will be obtained.

    That we will, 'Force God's Hand', so to speak.

    Byron likes this.
  11. angelabelfast

    angelabelfast New Member

    Jul 15, 2011
    I read somewhere (cant remember where now) that the Arab terrorists are only a distraction to the main issue and the main people we should be worried about are the Russians, it does seems that way from these predictions and what Our Lady said in Fatima. I suppose now we just need to pray for the suffering caused by war to be lessened (for God's intervention as Padraig said). Excuse my ignorance Sean, how do we know if Russia was consecrated properly or not?
  12. maryrose

    maryrose Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    When Our Lady came to Garabandal in the early 60's there was much unrest between America and Russia over Cuba. Everyone was worried about a 3rd world war. Our lady told the visionaries not to worry the 3rd world war would not happen as the intervention of God i.e. warning, mracle and chastisments would occur first. When we major conflicts shaping up we know the intervention of God is close at hand.
    I dont believe the proper consecration of Russia has occurred. Our lady requested the 3rd secret to be made known by 1960. The consecration of Russia has to be done by all the bishops in conjunction with the Pope. Russia has never been specified in any of the consecrations. These consecrations I would say have been accepted and brought many graces but the final grace of Russia's conversion has not happened. I read that after 1960 this request was going to be more difficult as the bishops would never agree to the public conscration of Russia as it would cause upset to the Orthodox and the ecuminical movement would not accept it.
    Our lady also requested the 5 first saturdays in reparation to her Immaculate Heart. This practise has not been widely accepted so we the laity have also fallen down in fulfilling Our lady's request. Also Our lady said 'but in the end My Immaculate Heart will triumph'. We are now very close to this triumph.

  13. angelabelfast

    angelabelfast New Member

    Jul 15, 2011
    just noticed on one of the more detailed prophecies that the war will start in late July/August, scared now because I am going on holiday to Turkey on the 7th August! number 3 mentions Turkey:

    Anton Johansson, Sweden (1858-1909)

    [Regretfully I have no literal version of his predictions, but he is quite well known for accurately predicting the sinking of the Titanic and naming one of its victims, millionaire John Jacob Astor VI. Johansson foresaw the events of World War I, accurately predicted San Francisco's earthquake of 1906 and a volcanic eruption in 1902 that demolished the city of St. Pierre, Mertinique. He said the Third World War would break out at "the end of July, beginning of August." Her further added: "I do not know the year."

    Johansson predicted the following details:

    1) India will be occupied by china.

    2) New diseases used as weapons will cause 25 million people to die.

    3) Persia and Turkey will be conquered by what seem to be Russian troops.

    4) Revolutionaries will instigate unrest and war in India and Egypt to facilitate the occupation of India and Europe.

    5) The Russians will conquer the Balkans.

    6) There will be great destruction in Italy.

    7) The "red storm" will approach France through Hungary, Austria, northern Italy and Switzerland. France will be conquered from inside and outside.

    8) American supply depots will fall into Russian hands.

    9) Germany will be attacked from the east.

    10) There will be a civil war, Germans will fight against Germans.

    11) The Eastern Bloc will cause a civil war in England.

    12) Russia will lead a mass attack against the United States, so U.S. forces will be prevented from reinforcing Europe.

    13) New weapons will cause huge hurricanes and firestorms in the USA where the largest cities will be destroyed.

    I dont want to go on holiday now!I hope the war doesnt start this year :eek:
    Byron likes this.
  14. Seán

    Seán New Member

    May 14, 2008
    If this prophecy above was true, then it would mean that the Pope must go to Moscow this month for it to happen this year. At present, plans are being prepared for such a historic papal visit to Russia, and might possibly happen within the next year or two. Pope Benedict himself hopes to be around for such a prospect.

    'By their fruits ye shall know them.'

    I used always think that Russia had been consecrated, since the apparent collapse of the Soviet Union happened not long after the 1984 consecration. But, there are conflicting sources that say that Sr. Lucia was unhappy with it, saying that it did not specifically mention Russia, but rather the whole world. Also, not all of the Bishops assisted the Pope in doing so. If this is true, then the consecration by Pope John Paul 2 in 1984 was partially successful, or else the punishments would have come perhaps later that decade for the world.

    That's if it's true, of course. Then again, there are also the signs of Russia herself. It is quite an immoral country; abortion is very widespread, and the Catholic Faith is a very small minority of the overall population's beliefs. Going on these and other sinful examples, we cannot say that Russia has been converted truly; its people have not accepted Christ in their minds and hearts, which one imagines should have been the case had Russia been consecrated properly. True, Russia became more democratic, allowing freedom of religion to a greater extent, but it did not become nowhere near a Catholic nation which Our Lady said would one day give greatest glory to God.

    So, if it was indeed consecrated, then we have much to fear from the Arab extremists.
    But if it was not, then we have much to fear from Russia. I would be very surprised if this was true. But somehow, it's not utterly impossible...
  15. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I have always been unsure if the world Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary was carried out as heaven requested or not. Like Mary, I suspect not. Mary made the request, I think in 1913 and things have been going downhill in the Church at a very rapid rate since then . I think round about that time before the rot really set in fully was the perfect time for it and the time passed. Even if all the Bishops in the world were have to been drawn together and done so at a much later date , such a consecration would have had to come from the hearts and not simply from the lips. I doubt very,very, very much if such a Consecration FROM THE HEART could have come much later than 1913. Certainly not in relatively modern times. It just would not have been in the hearts of many, many Bishops and Cardinals to give such a sincere offering.

    Isaiah 29:13 The Lord says: "These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is made up only of rules taught by men.


    I pose this mostly on my own personal experience for again and again in talkig to religious and priests I have found a strange skittish boltish behaviour as though they wanted to be anywhere in the world but near me. Like bolting horses they just wanted to run away. I don't think many,many Bishops could have made a sincere Consecration, it just wasn't in them. :(
    FatimaPilgrim likes this.
  16. maryrose

    maryrose Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    At Rianjo, Spain in August 1931, Our Lord communicated to Sister Lucy His dissatisfaction with the Pope’s and the Catholic bishops’ failure to obey His command to consecrate Russia. He said:

    Make it known to My ministers, given that they follow the example of the King of France in delaying the execution of My requests, they will follow him into misfortune. It is never too late to have recourse to Jesus and Mary.

    In another text Lucy wrote that Our Lord complained to her:

    They did not wish to heed My request! Like the King of France they will repent of it, and they will do it, but it will be late. Russia will have already spread its errors in the world, provoking wars and persecutions against the Church. The Holy Father will have much to suffer.

    The reference by Jesus to the King of France’s disobedience and punishment is as follows:

    On June 17, 1689 the Sacred Heart of Jesus manifested to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque His command to the King of France that the King was to consecrate France to the Sacred Heart. For 100 years to the day the Kings of France delayed, and did not obey.

    So on June 17, 1789 the King of France was stripped of his legislative authority by the upstart Third Estate, and four years later the soldiers of the French Revolution executed the King of France as if he were a criminal.

    In 1793 France sent its King, Louis XVI, to the guillotine. He and his predecessors had failed to obey Our Lord’s request that France be consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and thus misfortune had befallen both the King and his country.

    Now another consecration requested by God Himself, the solemn public Consecration of Russia, has still not been performed. In the meantime, we see that the prophecies predicted by Our Lady of Fatima are being fulfilled, and the Pope and bishops will be punished if they continue delaying the execution of God’s requests.

    I can but think that 13th may of 13th October the date of 1st and last appearance of Our lady at Fatims are significant dates
  17. Mac

    Mac "To Jesus, through Mary"

    May 14, 2014
  18. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    FatimaPilgrim and Byron like this.
  19. Byron

    Byron Powers

    Apr 27, 2016
  20. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland

    Korkowski 1983:

    "Don't be fooled, the eastern bloc will feign peaceful compliance: with the opening and shifting of borders, with pact dissolutions or pretended suggestions of neutrality. Then, when you are factored out of Western protection, they will attack you just like unprotected game."

    Lucia, the last living seer from Fatima, 7 April 1990 (Fatima was 1917):

    "The events taking place in Europe are a deception. Russia will be the scourge for all nations, because it was not converted. Russia attacks the West, and China invades in Asia."

    Egger Gilge, Austria (1663-1735):

    Alois Irlmaier, Bavaria 1950:

    "The Russians do not stop anywhere while running in their three wedges. Day and night they run in order to reach the Ruhr district, where the many furnaces and chimneys are...."

    "It will be after the confusions in the balkans."

    Stockert, Munich 1947:

    "These tanks will come from the east and will drive with great speed to the west.... The tank troops of the Russians will come up to the Rhine."

    Erna Stiglitz, Augsburg 1975:

    "At the end of July Soviet attack wedges will rapidly advance against Western Europe."

    Brother Adam, Wuerzburg 1949:

    "At the same time sections of the Russian army will advance by West Prussia, Saxonia and Thuringia to the Rhine, in order to reach Calais and gain control of the channel coast."

    Biernacki, Poland 1984:

    "Next, the Red Army will strike against western Germany, exactly up to the French border."

    Johanson, Skandinavia 1907:

    "The assault from the east will (as predicted) happen on wide front between northern Scandinavia, Germany and northern Italy."

    "Germany will be attacked from the east."

    DaTerni, Italy 1971:

    "Austria and western Germany will be occupied by troops escorted by Soviet tanks."

    Rill, Germany 1914: (predictions known as "Feldpostbriefe")

    "And finally Russia will attack Germany...."

    Brandt, Germany 1962:

    "I saw Russian tanks march into Rottenburg (Neckar), it was a misty and cloudy day."

    Eilert (Jasper), Germany 1833:

    "From the east this war will break out. I am frightened of the east. This war will break out very fast."

    Curique 1872:

    "A terrible war will follow. The enemy will approach from the east like a flood."

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