“The month of the rosary will see great things”. Prophecy fulfilled?

Discussion in 'The mystical and Paranormal' started by Blizzard, Nov 2, 2020.

  1. Blizzard

    Blizzard thy kingdom come

    Jan 4, 2017
    lynnfiat and sparrow like this.
  2. Christy1983

    Christy1983 Guest

    They seem so proud and happy about their latest video. I wonder how long it took the four of the Countdown authors to "discern" they were "right?"
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 2, 2020
    non sum dignus and WTW like this.
  3. Jason Fernando

    Jason Fernando Powers

    Apr 25, 2020
    He said that we will SEE great things, he did not say we will HEAR great things...
    Christy1983 and WTW like this.
  4. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    A few months ago I ordered a pair of shoes form China which were wonderful but a size too small. I kept trying to fit into them but all they ever did was cut up my feet. I order a pair of shoe stretchers (which cost almost as much as the shoes themselves). For six months I kept them and tried the shoes on from time to time but they never worked.

    In the end I had to give up and give the shoes to Charity.

    The moral of the story. Some people buy into bad stories but never give up. They keep forever trying to make their shoes and stories fit. Never being honest enough to admit they made a mistake in the first place by buying into it.
  5. WTW

    WTW Guest

    Only watched the first 5 minutes before I went to the comments to get the gist of it. Looks like they changed the definition for great to “newsworthy” and are claiming the prophecy still on. Sad. It’s clear they waited until November 1st hoping something would actually happen.

    ETA It is funny to see them say in their video that people should discern for themselves and then watch them attack people in the comments that don’t agree with the video.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 2, 2020
  6. "Quis ut Deus"

    "Quis ut Deus" ADMIN Staff Member

    Apr 13, 2013
  7. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    When you're in a hole it's time to stop digging.

    Instead of which they've hired in heavy machinery to build a really , really big hole, into which they have all fallen in.

    How bad is it to make a mistake? Even a really , really bad one....and this is a big , big mistake.

    But all they have to do is admit they were wrong and admit they backed a wrong horse and move on. Learn from it. Gain a little humility.

    I make mistakes everyday, you make mistakes every day. Though I have to say this particular mistake was very major.

    But instead of that they are digging into the trenches. This is bad sign. A very bad sign.

    They've moved into their very, very own Countdown to the Kingdom little self approving bubble.

    This isn't so bad in itself, but they're dragging countless thousands of poor people into their hole with them.

    Christy1983, WTW and Advocata Nostra like this.
  8. Awesome analogy, Padraig! Thank you. I’m the fool who’s right behind you trying to make those seemingly wonderful shoes work for me, come “#%ll or high water”. (Now, I’m literally talking about shoes here and not prophesy!);)
    HeavenlyHosts, Christy1983 and WTW like this.
  9. WTW

    WTW Guest

    It’s awful. I’d have more sympathy for the contributors if I thought they were duped. However in the months leading up to October they made many comments to promote Father Michel but also distance themselves at the same time. None of them seemed sure of the messages themselves but pushed them as gospel on everyone else. I’m not surprised they’re still digging.
  10. MMM

    MMM Archangels

    Sep 1, 2016
    Daniel said if we don't see the purification begin this fall then we will leave Fr. Michel's prophecies aside. They also said his messages are wait and see situation, meaning they need to play out to see if correct. Also, 90% of this excellent talk had nothing to do with Fr. Michel. They covered numerous topics.

    Do they imply that the Pope's statement could be the October thing? Yes, generally but certainly not explicitly. They make a good case for the seriousness of the Pope's civil union statement very well.

    So people disliking and disagreeing 100% with Daniel, MM and CTTK are still talking daily about them and watching hour long videos? Worse are those that comment on a video they didn't even watch.

    Dragging countless thousands of poor people into their hole with them? lolz.
    Allyd likes this.
  11. ellen

    ellen Ellen

    Nov 19, 2017
    I still think that its wiser and safer to NOT make ANY judgements about Fr. Ms prophecies or any other seers messages discussed on this forum.

    Those of you on either side of this coin...Are you SURE that your right?? Are you positive that these messages are coming from heaven? and conversely...Are those of you who call these folks "fools" or worse...positive that their messages are bogus?
    Also ...I wholeheartedly agree with Mark and Daniel that we,the Catholics in the pews, and on this forum are putting our souls in harms way by vociferously condemning this Pope...even calling him the False Prophet or the Anti Christ.
    This is not what the catechism teaches!!! HE is the Barque of Peter and we need to respect this present Pope because he is just that! Any judgement otherwise is not ours to make!

    Daniel calls Pope Francis' statements just plain wrong and out of keeping with the church magisterium... but it ends there. We should pray for PF to change the direction he is going in and come back to the basic truths that the Church has always held.
    This is my opinion...which are based on the teachings of my beloved Catholic church....and I'll stick by these opinions no matter if Fr M or any other of these seers are finally judged as false or are finally deemed to be great saints!!
    Petrus, Denmomof3 and Julia like this.
  12. WTW

    WTW Guest

    You may laugh about the people being dragged into this mess but clearly many are taking the countdown site very seriously.

    Numerous times on this forum I have basically been told that since I don’t believe in Father Michel’s messages I will be left outside of the ark to suffer and I will deserve it.

    Good luck to countdown when the day comes that they can no longer move the goalposts and the people that were expecting to be safe and smug on the ark realize they are stuck in the same uncertain future as the rest of us.
    Christy1983 likes this.
  13. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Dec 30, 2016
    Been there and done that myself
  14. ellen

    ellen Ellen

    Nov 19, 2017
    WTW..I take the CTTK very seriously !!

    I quite frankly don't understand at all WHY the bitterness over this site??:mad: And its not just you?? I just dont get it?:confused: I say take it or leave it and move on. Why??

    Did MM poison your dog or worse yet... dump you as a girlfriend? ( This is a joke....before anyone becomes belligerent.)

    I feel myself being dragged into yet another battle of words so... I'm bowing out of this thread. I have some serious rosary praying to do for tomorrows election...PEACE!!!!:)
    Denmomof3 and Julia like this.
  15. WTW

    WTW Guest

    Their lies are hurting people and it could drive people away from the Catholic Church when they see they’ve been lied to by people they see as leaders.
  16. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Dec 30, 2016
    Ellen, I don’t agree with you that the word bitterness carries the right connotation here. People have strong feelings. (y)
  17. Christy1983

    Christy1983 Guest

    A wise comment from a post by a Facebook friend,

    "For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths.
    2 Timothy Ch 4

    I think we would do well to think and meditate on St Paul’s exhortation to Timothy in these matters of prophecy. When we are drawn aside from prayer and our daily duties and spend time, money and mental and spiritual energy on improbable forecasts of the future, we rob ourselves of the very stuff our lives are made of. What I see in Fr Rodrigue and the fascination with his prophetic words, is one giant distraction and energy waster. We should all strive for, pray for and exercise that spiritual gift of discernment and prudence..."

    I wonder if the "prophetic consensus" Mark Mallett and Daniel O'Connor proclaim might not--just possibly--be the devil's version of a fake news narrative. I wonder if the Countdown authors ever considered the possibility. Before they launched the website to promote unapproved visionaries.

    Certainly it is to the devil's advantage to get people to follow one messenger or another, and put their faith in that messenger, even against bishop's warnings. Isn't the restless desire to be "in the know" or among the first to proclaim a new seer, a form of gnosticism, perhaps? It is not beyond the devil's ability to gin up a "narrative" if he chooses. It's not beyond his ability to suggest to people--deeply religious people--that God is giving them messages. Even if a seer's words are 99 percent in accord with the Catholic faith, that one percent that isn't could be deadly. And not just spiritually deadly, but deadly in real life.*

    What's more, fears of imminent disaster certainly work to incite fear and anxiety, two things we know do not come from the Lord.

    A false consensus is something I've considered, the more I've read Countdown to the Kingdom.

    *For example, the "message" that a certain concoction or even sacramental can protect against Covid-19 can be deadly, if one puts all their trust in that message and ignores medical advice.
    There is a warning against accepting this in a March post in the excellent blog, Exorcist Diary, in post #34. The priest-exorcist writes:

    It was suggested recently that exorcized holy water will "protect" you from the coronavirus. Hmmm.... This reminds me of the pastor (actually there have been several) who took Mark 16:17 literally and brought in a deadly snake to the church service. Unfortunately, he was bit and died. He might have been better off quoting Matthew 4:7, "You shall not put the Lord, your God, to the test."

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2020
  18. Christy1983

    Christy1983 Guest

    One more thing:
    HeavenlyHosts and WTW like this.
  19. AED

    AED Powers

    Mar 23, 2016
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  20. Even with this, some will still see only what they want to see.
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