A Dream last night.

Discussion in 'The mystical and Paranormal' started by padraig, Sep 16, 2007.

  1. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I had a dream last night. I have started taking a new herb called, 'Valerian root' for the first time so maybe it is responsible but here is the dream for what it is worth.

    I dreamt there was a dark evil cloud over my bed. I fought it in prayer but had to wake up .I got up about midnight and sprinkled the room with holy water and salt and went back to sleep.

    I dreamy I was in a college and was teaching some young folks something but could not find a room. Then I heard a voice say, Look at the sky!!' it was nighttime and I was astonished it was so beautiful I saw falling stars everywhere. It was very,very lovely but scary. I then stood in a city which had been seriously damaged. There was a large hole in the ground in front of me. People were organising folks and I thought how useless it was as there would be more trouble. Then I spoke to the person in charge, he said, 'But we have to do something, we have to send them somewhere/

    I looked to my right , there were two large cranes working, the biggest cranes I ever saw in my life. They were doing great work moving great quantities of debris. Then to men left the cranes and they were annoyed, saying , 'It is no good eerything is falling. Then I saw the cranes falling into the great hole.

    I have no idea what such a thing can mean but the falling stars made a great impression on me.
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Padraig, I can't interpret your dream. But I'll bet the two cranes, huge powerful machines, represent all the technological and material powers of the West. But all for nought, for it is God's Hand, (the falling stars to me mean God's realm) Who is shaking the foundations of the West using human enemies as the instrument. For what it's worth, the location and the crater and the monumental cleanup task remind me of New York City's ground zero after the Towers fell. There will be a worse to come (two cranes) nuclear--and the U>S>A will never be the same again.
  3. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I have had that same dream several times since, Joan. I dreamt, last time I was in the city again, people were fleeing in all directions like ants, but I heard a voice saying. 'it does not matter where they flee, what will happen will happen. Then I found myself at city near the coast, again it was hit, i looked down the coast it was all burnt and gray ash right along the cliffs.

    Who knows with such things Joan how true they are. But a couple of things I recall, the sheer sound of the explosions were unbelievable like a silver hammer hitting the ground. Second they leave very big holes. Third it was weird seeing them in the distance blossoming. Lastly how very,very afraid the poor people got as they panicked. But I hope its just a dream.

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