I’m just thinking, if a being of light shows up and claims to be from God, wouldn’t the ultimate test be to say if it could pray a “hail Mary” with love and reverence? Like when Jesus tells us to beware of false prophets and false christs? I am of the opinion that UFOs have something to do with the great deception.
With Faith and Obedience - God's Holy Spirit can enter within.. and Guard you against Evil. Do we not ask God the Father to, "deliver me from Evil"? Do we have solid Faith that He shall? When speaking of Judgement Day - Jesus Teaches: True and False Prophets 15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them True and False Disciples “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ POINT? Anyone can say anything. And armed with sufficient Faith - we are protected and know how to react and what to say. Bottom Line? Know our Lord Jesus and Obey His Teachings.
I would have to say no. They curse God at every opportunity and all things holy. "Who is she that comes forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in battle array?" No, the demons cannot praise God any longer, or pray the prayer to the Mother of God.
They can quote Scriptures as Satan has.. They could probably receive Communion as Apostates do, and non-Christians oft-do for the purpose of stealing a host.. The key thing is that in doing or saying whatever, it is empty and meaningless w/o Faith.. aka said action lacks any efficacy In other words, IMO - were a minion of Satan to say praises to God.. it would be baloney b/c said demon wouldn't be actually meaning it to begin with It would be mere "lip service" / aka a lie..
Thomas21. Your best weapon against deception is to be in a state of grace. Examine your conscience thoroughly. Be very strict with yourself regarding keeping the Commandments. When you fail, receive the Sacrament of Penance quickly and develop true sorrow for your sins. Never be satisfied committing a sin because it is "just venial." Be zealous. Be perfect. If you are trying to do that, you should have nothing to worry about because your are a friend of God.
You may have something there w/UFO's.. There's been a lot of "news" about UFO's Back to False Prophets.. Anyone can say anything. And armed with sufficient Faith - are protected and can recognize them and know how to react and what to say. Bottom Line? Know our Lord Jesus and Obey His Teachings.
there is a certain esoteric branch of ufology that preaches the existence of alien races more spiritually evolved than humanity, I think that this could be a way of denying Christ's redemption in the future, saying that humanity has reached a high degree of spiritual maturity and that there is no it needs more the mediation of the church (in the same way that the Cathar heresy preached in the Middle Ages).
Exorcists tell us that demons never can get themselves to say the Holy Name, 'Mary'. They hate and fear her too much. After Our Lady appeared at Lourdes there were numerous incidences of false seers in the area. I think the number was over one hundred. But there was one very notable incident in front of a crowd at the Massabielle. A lady in white appeared to Manifest at the very niche were Mary herself appeared. It began to shiver and wink out. They speculate that the demons were attempted to imitate the figure of Mary but their hatred for her caused the demons to wipe out what they were trying to create. Their hatred drove them to wipe out their own work.
When and If I run across a 'demon' - I'll ask it to say the words to the Hail Mary prayer and see if it does it or not.
Please allow me to get into the weeds a little bit. This is the kind of thing I have engaged in with various protestants and evangelicals. For the most part, many of them try to chalk up every single Marian apparition as demonic presence, but I honestly don't believe that demons can praise Jesus and especially Mary, as she is a human being. This is satan's greatest sin, that of pride. He cannot get past this. So if one wants to test a spirit, asking them to say a "Hail Mary" is a great way. As I was coming out of my sinful past and into the church, what overwhelmed me was love. Just pure love. I am a 50 year old man, kind of rough in appearance, lol. I'm a biker, hunter, etc. And yet whenever I seen an icon of Our Lady, I have to stop and look and reflect. She mesmerizes me, and makes my heart melt like an ice cream cone on the pavement on a July day. Mama Mary turns me into this doting little 4 year old child that needs his Mom. Every single time. Maybe it was the Holy Sprit working on me. I used to think I was non-denominational. But along my way to being totally Catholic, I realized things, or rather certain truths were imparted on me, most likely by the Holy Spirit, Mary Herself or my guardian angel, because I couldn't really figure out on my own that: Mary IS the Mother of God. Reflecting on this simple statement alone, simply blows my little human brain, to consider the humility, love and brilliance of Our Creator, He would be born of a young Jewish woman.... How profound is that....? Or perhaps it was when I enrolled in the Brown Scapular. Part of that was/is to pray the Little Office of the BVM every single day. The prayers in this book effuse praise upon Her on every page. If we accept that Mary IS the Mother of God, than we must also accept this She had to be immaculate, perfect, etc. Jesus has a Divine as well as human nature. He would not be born of a woman who is as fallen as the rest of us. This is my own .02 cents, so please take that for what it is worth. But IMO this is all vitally important about why Marian Consecration and the idea of "To Jesus Through Mary" is so beautiful and potent. Marian Consecration was for me one of the most life changing events I ever experienced. Jesus will refuse His Mother nothing. And we can never love Her more than God Himself does. So yes, I do believe that if one wants to test the spirits, asking them to praise Jesus and most especially Mary is prudent. My long-winded reply to the question lol.
A priest, who was also an exorcist, advised that we ask the spirit to pray the Divine Praises with us. He said demons refuse to praise Jesus, Mary, St. Joseph, and the Angels. I've never been visited by a celestial creature or a demon who posed as one but I've never forgotten his discernment tool.
in Revelation 12 our lady represents the church; it seems to me that when our lady is invoked the devil remembers the promise that the woman would crush her head (serpent); and this updates that moment when our lady said yes to the plan of God's incarnation for the redemption of humanity.
I agree with you WW. Plus, as a lowly human being, She actually took Lucifer's place in Heaven as Head of all the angels, our Queen who has power unlike no one except the Holy Trinity. And that is what Lucifer had and he lost it to a simple, humble creature. He can't stand the mere mention of Her Name let alone a Hail Mary. By the way, I love reading about your conversion and your love for the Virgin, it truly is touching and gives me hope for loved ones away from God.
Thanks so much Andree, God bless! When I watched the Pints With Aquinas interview with Fr. Don Calloway, I spent most of it crying like a baby because I recognized much of my own conversion in his. I didn't have the same kind of background, but the adoring love of The Virgin Mary was so powerful, so tangible, so life changing. I find it so profound at times it is difficult to wrap my mind around it. I have days where I sort of feel like the repentant thief on the cross.. God's unconditional love for us is overwhelming.
Unless someone is a Catholic Exorcist or given permission by a bishop, no one else should even attempt communication with a spirit to test them. The safest thing to do is to ask your Guardian Dear to ask them to say what has been discussed here (Hail Mary, Divine Praises, etc. ). If the Spirit is from God, they will know and act in accordance with His Will. If not from God, you will know by the spirit’s answer. But never attempt direct communication with an unknown spirit. We are not allowed and it is dangerous. Even if asked a question, do not reply and ask your Guardian Angel or St. Michael to ask the spirit to say the Holy words. Even then, proceed with spiritual direction. Peace. Ed
Good solid answer, Ed. Several years ago, I had an encounter in the alley behind my garage. A mouth with teeth came out of my neighbor’s left cheek and called me by my first and last name. I practically ran into my garage to get away.
My hair is standing on end. I’m inclined to go with Ed’s advice, if I am able to maintain my wits about me.
Personally I think the protestant/evangelical accusation of all Marian apparitions being demonic is a form of spiritual warfare designed to make us doubt Our Blessed Mother. Angels and saints don't seem to get that accusation, the hate seems to be reserved solely for Mary. I don't think protestants/evangelicals are aware that they are being used that way but the accusations get vitriolic in a way that seems supernatural. I'm reminded of what God told St. Catherine of Siena about Mary: "For My goodness, in deference to the Word, has decreed that anyone at all, just or sinner who holds Her in due reverence will never be snatched or devoured by the infernal demon. She is like a bait set out by My goodness to catch My creatures." I agree, I'm totally HERS.