I trust I'm not duplicating what any of you have previously shared; why have I been blind to it?! Here are the messages Marie-Julie Jahenny received: https://marie-juliejahenny.blogspot.com/p/the-divine-mercy-message-marie-julie.html
Don't Traditionalists know about the above. Marshall Taylor is pretty negative on Sister Faustina. Come with your Mercy, Lord Jesus!
Negative on Sister Faustina? I wonder why... The constant themes of Divine Mercy and the Divine Will seem to converge at the Sacred Heart. "Thy will be done", "forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us". It is His will that we forgive, even the worst of the worst. Very difficult at times, but imo, necessary if we expect to be forgiven ourselves by the Divine Mercy. If we are close to "The Warning", like some believe, it may be good this Advent season to seriously consider rooting out any areas in our hearts that still hold onto even the tiniest area of "unforgiveness", letting the Blood and Water that gushed from the Sacred Heart wash it away...
I don't see why TM is negative about Sr Faustina. To me these messages confirm the need for devotion to DM. If the response fails in one venue the Lord tries another. Just as Our Lady appeared in Akita when the Vatican failed to obey her at Fatima.
I'm sorry to give a false impression. I apologize. I thought I remember Dr. Taylor Marshall made a clip raising doubts about the Divine Mercy devotion. I am obviously wrong. Mea Culpa!
Fortunately Divine Mercy is true. But unfortunately it is the last remedy for these times before the wrath of God's justice descends upon this wicked and evil generation. God is always the same. So mercy and justice in this case are the same since God's will and purpose will be achieved. I think of a coin one side mercy and the other side justice. It is the one coin.
Thank you Mario for this confirmation, that God has given regarding His extension of His Great Mercy! We definitely need His Mercy today. Divine Mercy of Jesus I trust in Thee. Amen
Excellent analogy, garabandal! Though I would contend that if Warning and Miracle are true, then millions, if not billions will be added to the Fold; and that would be most fortunate! Come Lord Jesus, reveal yourself that I may be willing to surrender ever more deeply. May you rescue those who are now blind to Your Merciful Love and Goodness!
Those are beautiful messages thanks for sharing them. I wanted to mention that Our Lord also gave a mercy novena prayer to another French mystic, Madeleine Aumont, in the 70s and the intentions are very close to the novena given to St Faustina. The novena starts on Christmas Day and was given to Madeleine in 1975 for pray for mercy for sinners - I looked at it last night and there is the phrase "by His sorrowful passion, have mercy on us". I think that in those years, no one would have known about Faustina's chaplet since her work was on the index then, but God is good and seeks to reach us through other branches of the tree. The thing that strikes me in all of these revelations is how bad things have been in the Church in God's eyes for a long, long time and it all started under the old mass so it's not like the problem is a question of the form or this or that rite. It truly is a problem of sin and the state of hearts. Garabandal is right about the justice and mercy being two sides of same coin, I guess we have to pray that hearts respond properly to the tribulations and not end up cursing God instead of doing some profound examination of conscience.
Yes I agree andree. I think these problems were there in the 1800's. Certainly in 1912 when Our Lady showed Pere Lamy the seminaries in France. The Masonic plot began in 1717. I am sure infiltration was part of the plan. M. Martin explained in an interview with Bernard Jantzen how they would groom young priests. In Windswept House Fr Christan's brother Paul joins the Lodge because he believes in their vision of brotherhood. Its a hook that has snagged many. The old saying "we didn't get here over night and we won't get out of here overnight" is pretty apt. The Passion of the Church is right in front of us. Of all times to be laid up with sciatica!!!! And yet that is my current situation. No Mass no Holy Communion no adoration. I would gladly attend a NO and be abjectly grateful.. Thank God for EWTN. I truly am not whining. It is a great offering to make to Our Lord and for that i am grateful but I feel like a soldier who has been side lined while the battle rages.