I realized that its pointless to fast and sleep in the floor etc, if one isnt controlling his inner thoughts, what he inputs in the senses(music, sight etc)and the stimulation of the mind. I have several hobbies that ,while not sinful at all, they significantly aroused curiosity, amazement and amusement,and a serious of intense emotions and responses. Should I try to bring all this under control? An example is geo-politics videos, both current macro-scale as well as reconstructions\history movies about ancient epochs. I also tend to get emotionally involved in the (fictional world)depicted in a dorama Any advice? Rule of thumb to control my seeking of mental stimulation and entertainment? Stillness of early desert monks,surely also meant stillness of the Mind
I think we've all struggled with one or more of these otherwise harmless things. My rule is--does it draw me closer to Christ or does it pull me away. That rule of thumb has limited some of my hobbies and past times Example: I used to write novels. It became a passion. Even though my goals were lofty it was pulling me away. I gave it up. No regrets.
I sometimes have some lofty ideas of extreme fasting or other physical sufferings but I am weak and find that physical comfort/ discomfort is more easily tolerated than my controlling of my passions/ temper/ thoughts. So basically that’s what o have been working on the most. When I have an uncharitable thought or something that engages my mind away from peace/ or thoughts of God. I say a Hail Mary, an Our Father or some other prayer until the mind turns from what it was engaged with. When i first started doing this it sometimes “never took” but most times now just a few and my mind is able to turn off those thoughts and passions easier (Most time ) i still like the idea of wearing a habit with a crown of thrones on while thrashing myself with a whip (sort of like St Therese of Avila used to) but I hope that God looks favorably on my more small ways of turning my mind towards Him.
as a side note, fasting actually makes you live longer several experiments on rat and mice show how caloric restriction expands lifespan. thats why hermits from the ethiopia usually reach 100 years