Sharing a story posted by Sandy Hertzog, RN on Twitter As a nurse, I witnessed a phenomenon that was so frequent I considered it to be a normal part of the dying process. Patients that are nearing the end saw their passed loved ones who I believe were waiting to escort them to heaven. Some skeptics believe that it is a person's subconscious protecting them from their impending death. I had an experience that would be difficult for the skeptics to explain. I was working in a long-term care facility. I had a lovely elderly patient named "Agnes" who was always humming and happy even though she was riddled with rheumatoid arthritis. "Agnes" was completely oriented, but occasionally, she would suffer from what the doctor would call "hallucinations". I, along with other staff, considered that she might be seeing ghosts. The doctor would treat her with antibiotics and blame it on a urinary tract infection. One day, I was feeding "Agnes" lunch, and they brought a terminal patient back from the hospital and placed her in the bed next to Agnes. Agnes was thrilled that she was getting company but I had to explain to her that the patient was very ill after suffering a severe stroke and was not expected to live.I apologized and explained that we had no other available beds. Agnes was upset for a short time, but then her eyes brightened and she stated, "That little girl is beautiful!" I glanced over to see who she was referring to, and there was no little girl. I immediately started to worry and made a mental note to notify the doctor even though she had no other symptoms. A little time later,while I was at the desk catching up on paperwork, a realization hit me out of the blue. I remembered a time, from months ago, before the terminal patient had the stroke and she was sitting in her wheelchair in the hallway and crying. I went to her to attempt to console her and asked her what was wrong. She told me that she had lost her little girl in an accident many years before, and sometimes the sadness overwhelmed her. When I went back to feed Agnes supper, I asked her if the little girl had left, and she said no. I reported this situation to the oncoming nurse when I left for the day. I was off for two days, and when I returned, I was informed that the terminal patient had passed. I asked the staff what had occurred with Agnes and her "hallucinations". They informed me that Agnes had requested to keep the curtain closed because the little girl stood there, motionless, day and night. When the terminal patient passed and they opened the curtain, Agnes reported that the little girl was gone. 1:33 PM · Apr 30, 2023 · 34.7K Views
Beautiful. I feel so sorry for people without the faith to believe in such things. It's like having a blind heart. Poor, poor people.
Wow. Beautiful. I have a good friend who was in the hospital some years ago for some serious heart issues. In the middle of the night she awoke to see 3 men in white robes standing at the foot of her bed. Zhe is a very devout Catholic and thought that they were angels and had come for her. She was very frightened. But one of them smiled and indicated that they were not there for her but for the man down the hall. They left. She began to pray for this unknown man but fell asleep. The next morning she asked the nurse about man who died in the night. The nurse was surprised she knew about it but said yes a man had died in the night. I hope I've got all the details right. It was a long time ago but the essentials are very accurate. They are stamped in my memory.
Conchita of Garabandal once asked Jesus what happens when we die. To which the Lord replied: “One never dies “.
the local folk tradition is that death is the person of a skeleton in black rags (for tons of people this is a real being and not a cartoon), so knowing angels are the ones involved was a relief for me years ago
My Dad had a 7 year fight with cancer and was a very wonderful man with a great attitude throughout the whole time and loving and uplifting to everyone he met as he had always been. The hospital staff loved him along with pretty much everyone he knew. One day near the end I had taken him to breakfast at a local restaurant after Mass. He silently handed me a Holy Card of St Michael. He said that one night he was in so much pain he went to sleep on the couch so he wouldn't wake my mom. He became more and more afraid of death and the dying process as he laid there alone. Suddenly a bright light flashed at the end of the couch and there was St Michael, who touched his leg and said "Peace, Larry, Peace" My dad said he immediately felt deep peace and was no longer afraid! I asked how he knew it was St Michael because I kind of assumed it was his guardian angel, but he said he just knew somehow it was Michael. My dad was not one to talk of these things and felt privileged that he told me.