Ok so I have had two really interesting ideas occur to me today! First of all, I thought of what Black Holes may be: The eternal Hell! We know that the current Hell is somehow metaphysically in the center of the earth. But when the general judgment comes and God destroys the earth, where will all of the damned with their bodies reunited to their souls go? Into the black holes! Think about it! Scientists can tell that once you enter a black hole you can never get out. You're perpetually falling in some kind of despairing eternity of falling. And you know the saints describe Hell as having different levels...the more evil you are, the further down you go...and the higher levels are horrifically hot but the lowest levels are actually terrifyingly cold. So read this and see if you don't think this sounds like Hell! https://www.sciencefocus.com/space/are-black-holes-hot-or-cold/ What do y'all think? And now for my 2nd idea: This whole thing with Pope Francis, and the revealing of how corrupt our church leaders and heads of state are....is God showing us WHY before He unleashes the chastisement and obliterates almost everyone in power. It's the prelude. So we KNOW it's God's justice. Because people now won't be stunned out of their minds when God destroys most of the upper clergy. I've been noticing this....that everyone who takes their Faith seriously in the Christian world (not just Catholic) is coming together and agreeing that something isn't right. And the non-Catholics are not using our seemingly corrupt pope to bash Catholicism. They're recognizing that what Pope Francis is pushing is not true Catholicism. And they talk about a coming judgment and know it's going to be about destroying the bad IN the Church, not the Catholic Church itself. It's been such a very interesting and new development in the last couple years. God is setting it all up perfectly, so that all Christians will know what He's actually doing when He punishes the Church and non-Catholics won't mistake it as God saying Catholicism is wrong. I mean, we all know the Chastisement is coming. But we're in a very interesting and kind of scary prelude. A revealing of what's been hidden just before justice is unleashed. Perhaps you've all already seen it like this, but I guess it just sunk in in a new way for me today.
I think your insights are helpful. Its a different angle I hadn't considered---being shown in ever more horrifying detail the corruption in the Church and in the government and other institutions. All is being revealed. So that we actually are begging God to intervene.
Very interesting and I agree, that it has to be this way. All needs to be exposed and you can see it coming. Scary but necessary.
PF I would say this is more than an idea. It was a message sent to you to ponder. I have been getting a lot of them lately, I would say they are more than ideas. Not any kind of prophesy or locutions or visions or dreams. But little insights have been flying at me. Just like you PF. I think the time is speeding up and getting shorter. Sooooo. Last Sunday in church. Wearing my Sacred Heart Medal and praying for Bishop Alvarez in the hell hole in Nicaragua. Offering Mass for him. And these two babies started crying and wailing on opposite sides of the church. And this popped into my heart. I wrote it down when I got home so I wouldn’t forget …Mass with babies will never be the same. June 18, 2023 In church this a.m. Listening to the sounds of the children/ babies throughout the church. Some were crying . . .some wailing, some shrieking, some bawling, some sobbing. All different noises and levels. I was being told these are the sounds of Angels coming through the children. They are crying at the feet of our Crucified Lord, wailing in agony and despair at Jesus being crucified. They cannot understand why humans had to crucify the Son of God. The wailing continued throughout Mass. The little baby behind me was actually verbalizing, “Why, why, why . . .” From this day forward I will be hearing and listening to the cries of the babies in a new way. I will actually listen to what they are saying, and my heart will join theirs in the sorrow of Christ crucified. Sounds of pain, agony, mourning. . . .
Wow, thank you for sharing that! Definitely something to ponder...Let the babies help us contemplate Jesus' passion.
I believe that the location of heaven is really above the atmosphere and that of hell is in the center of the earth. However, in a concept of intangible dimensions and inaccessibility to the human being, it is like the analogy of walking back and forth on a rope in a straight line while a flea would fly up, down, and across. I don't know how that would relate to the concept of black holes having some kind of connection to the spirit world. ACTS 7:52-60 52 Can you name a single prophet your ancestors never persecuted? They killed those who foretold the coming of the Upright One, and now you have become his betrayers, his murderers. 53 In spite of being given the Law through angels, you have not kept it.' 54 They were infuriated when they heard this, and ground their teeth at him. 55 But Stephen, filled with the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at God's right hand. 56 'Look! I can see heaven thrown open,' he said, 'and the Son of man standing at the right hand of God.' 57 All the members of the council shouted out and stopped their ears with their hands; then they made a concerted rush at him, 58 thrust him out of the city and stoned him. The witnesses put down their clothes at the feet of a young man called Saul. 59 As they were stoning him, Stephen said in invocation, 'Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.' 60 Then he knelt down and said aloud, 'Lord, do not hold this sin against them.' And with these words he fell asleep.
I'm thinking forward to after the end of the world, when we all have our glorified bodies. We will be both physical and spiritual, which has led me to wonder if the apparently infinite but physical universe was created to be a source of wonder and mystery for us now, but a source of endless exploration and discovery abouf God's majesty once we are in our glorified bodies. We will be able to visit any planet or star instantly and without being harmed by, say, a lack of oxygen or searing temperatures. From there I wondered about the black holes that suck light and create a scary, perpetually falling state for anyone who would hypothetically enter. And the layers being terribly hot then horribly cold the further it sucks you down reminded me of Hell. It made me wonder...when God destroys this earth at His second coming...where will the souls who are in the current Hell at the center of the Earth go? When He creates the new Heaven and the new Earth, will Hell be at the center of the new Earth? Or in a different place? Black holes seem like an interesting option, but perhaps they are just a kind of representation of Hell. I just figure God doesn't make anything with no purpose, and black holes are so intriguing and pretty creepy. Eta: I suppose also I should consider that the Bible does say there will be a new Heaven AND a new Earth...so perhaps the current entire universe will be destroyed and a completely new one without black holes will be made. Maybe black holes appeared in the universe when sin entered the world! I still just wonder where Hell will be in this new Heaven and Earth.
Hell is a strange one when it come to place. For of course it was created for the devil and his angels. Pure spirits with no need for space having no parts. We say a spirit is in a place in the sense of it acting in this particular location. It's powers of mind and will concentrated here or there. So many great questions.