A thread on Marie Julie Jahenny was initiated by heavenly hosts about a day ago but the thread has disappeared! I posted a very in-depth video on this subject today but now the thread has disappeared. Why?
This was the thread as follows....... 1. Our Lady to MJJ, , August 5, 1880 My children, in a short time there will be serious illnesses that human art will not be able to alleviate. This evil will first attack the heart. From the heart, he will attack the mind and at the same time the word. (i.e. the power of speech.) This evil will be horrible; the heat which will accompany it will be a devouring fire, unbearable so that the affected parts will be red, with a very painful redness. My children, at the end of seven days, this evil sown like grain in the field of the ploughman, will rise everywhere quickly and will make immense progress. The only remedy that can save you, restore you to health: the flowers and leaves of hawthorn can stop them; they can stop the progress of this disease. Here is the way to use it: Immerse them in boiling hot water, leave them in this water for a quarter of an hour. (Note, 15 minutes is gen here.) Take this herbal tea two or three times a day. This disease will strain the heart and cause vomiting. Ground ivy, also called herb de St. John, will also be very effective. If these herbal teas are taken too late, all affected parts of the body will turn black, and in the dark there will be furrows turning pale yellow. Prepare yourselves, my children! How many things, how many pains, how many evils everywhere will awaken in the unhappy temples. If you don't pick the buds when they bloom in May, you can always get by with the leaves. The decoction can be reheated and served a second time; take care to leave it under the lid. (I.e keep the herbal tea covered.) There will also be a great plague of animals with black disease. The skin around their eyes will blacken on the outside to a width of a finger and a half, and they will refuse all food. There will come plenty of water from their eyes. After having been used for men, (i.e apparently a reference to these two herbal teas, people must be helped first), we can make the animals drink it. My children, I have compassion for everything.” https://marie-juliejahenny.blogspot.com/search/label/Hawthorn Leaf Remedy HeavenlyHosts, Yesterday at 1:39 PM #1 Jo M, Sam, MaryChristine and 6 others like this. HeavenlyHostsPowers This morning, after having finished my prayer, I heard a voice which said to me: 'The earth is a place of sufferings, the Lord wants to make it disappear for a moment by opening the heavens, His residence.' After these words, I was delighted in ecstasy and very close to my unique Treasure (i.e. Our Lord) … He said to me: 'I give My blessing to all the victims and to all the friends of the Cross.' His smile was a real and mysterious consolation. He led me to His adorable throne. He said to me as He rose in glory: 'I want you to be present at the Holy Sacrifices which are celebrated on earth!' (i.e. all the Masses on earth). ecstasy of April3, 1879 More at the link https://marie-juliejahenny.blogspot.com/2023/04/108-b-marie-julie-is-brought-to-our.html?m=1 HeavenlyHosts, Today at 1:18 AM #2 Jason Fernando, Mary's child, Jo M and 2 others like this. PNFArchangels Ecstasy July 21, 1881 "The Church will suffer the most cruel persecutions which hell has never yet invented. "Soon, in large parts of this land of the dead, there will be no sanctuaries. The apostles will have fled. The holy souls weep over the ruins and abandonment; See how much they insult Me and how much they offend Me ... There will be a relentless hellish (attack) against the devotion to the Sacred Heart. " "There will be a book of the 'second celebration' by the infamous spirits who have crucified Me anew and who await the reign of a new Messiah to make them happy. Many holy priests will refuse this book sealed with the words of the abyss, but unfortunately there are who will accept it, and it will be used." "The Bishops betray. They will give their strength and their life to the fatal government." "Today, I, Creator, God, I lose all the authority of My Powers. Today, I am the most despised and regarded as the most incapable of men." "In a short time, on the threatened earth that is no longer strong, because the blasphemies that have shaken it, the iniquities and crimes have separated it piece by piece, in a short time on French soil, I will no longer be recognized; My adorable dignity will be desecrated. They will (do more to Me than on the day of My Passion); (then) they had given Me anything but a scarlet robe. Before the century is over, long before, they will have covered Me in all sorts of insults. The religion that I had established, the Gospel that I preached, all this, they will tear apart under an appalling form, to make trembling, and they will throw all these infamous things on My shoulders and all over My Adorable Body. They will change My sufferings and My plaints of My Passion, in writings that will shake the heart of the righteous and their peaks will crack pain, as the mountain, on the day of My Crucifixion. Before the year which bears a figure of consolation to My French people, before that epoch is sounded, the holy sacrifices of the altars will have taken an infernal form." "In the streets, in cities, in the countryside and in all villages, the infectious poison of those cursed books will spread with an immensity and with a rapidity hotter than the sun's path, from sunrise to sunset." PNF, Today at 1:35 AM #3 PNFArchangels Ecstasy date November 27, 1901. (NOTE: Other sources say this prophecy was given in 1902) Our Lord to Marie-Julie Jahenny: “I give you a warning even today. The disciples who are not of My Holy Gospel are now in a great work of the mind to form as the second facsimiles when they will make to their idea and under the influence of the enemy of souls, a Mass that contains words odious in My sight. When the fatal hour arrives when they will put to the test the Faith of My eternal priesthood, it is these sheets that they will give to celebrate in this last period. The first period, it is that of My priesthood which exists since (or after) Me. The second, is the period of persecution when the enemies of the Faith and of Holy Religion have formulated - and they are strongly enforced - these sheets as the book of the second celebration, these infamous spirits (or, infamous minds) are those who crucified Me and who are waiting for the reign of the new Messiah to make them happy." "Many of My holy priests will refuse this book sealed with the words of the abyss. Unfortunately, (they) will be the exception, it will be used." Last edited: Today at 1:44 AM PNF, Today at 1:37 AM #4
continued AngArchangels PNF said: ↑ Ecstasy date November 27, 1901. (NOTE: Other sources say this prophecy was given in 1902) Our Lord to Marie-Julie Jahenny: “I give you a warning even today. The disciples who are not of My Holy Gospel are now in a great work of the mind to form as the second facsimiles when they will make to their idea and under the influence of the enemy of souls, a Mass that contains words odious in My sight. When the fatal hour arrives when they will put to the test the Faith of My eternal priesthood, it is these sheets that they will give to celebrate in this last period. The first period, it is that of My priesthood which exists since (or after) Me. The second, is the period of persecution when the enemies of the Faith and of Holy Religion have formulated - and they are strongly enforced - these sheets as the book of the second celebration, these infamous spirits (or, infamous minds) are those who crucified Me and who are waiting for the reign of the new Messiah to make them happy." "Many of My holy priests will refuse this book sealed with the words of the abyss. Unfortunately, (they) will be the exception, it will be used." Click to expand... Do these messages refer to the second Vatican council?? Ang, Today at 1:57 AM #5 PNFArchangels Ang said: ↑ Do these messages refer to the second Vatican council?? No, they refer to the second version of the Order of the Mass. The first version was what is known Traditional Latin Mass. After that there was a New Order (Novus Ordo) of the Mass. That one is the Second one. How do we know this? Because MJJ wrote this right around the turn of the twentieth century. This "second celebration" had not yet come out by that time. So, clearly, she was referring to "the next" Mass, not the one that existed in her day. PNF, Today at 2:07 AM #6 Mary's child and Ang like this. AngArchangels PNF said: ↑ No, they refer to the second version of the Order of the Mass. The first version was what is known Traditional Latin Mass. After that there was a New Order (Novus Ordo) of the Mass. That one is the Second one. How do we know this? Because MJJ wrote this right around the turn of the twentieth century. This "second celebration" had not yet come out by that time. So, clearly, she was referring to "the next" Mass, not the one that existed in her day. So one could interpret Jesus finds the Novus Ordo mass odious? Ang, Today at 2:13 AM #7 PNFArchangels Ang said: ↑ So one could interpret Jesus finds the Novus Ordo mass odious? Or at the very least "a Mass that contains words odious in My sight." Marie-Julie Jahenny said it, quoting Jesus. I believe her. PNF, Today at 2:17 AM #8 InVeritatemArchangels What do you think, "sealed with the words of the abyss" means? InVeritatem, Today at 2:21 AM #9 PNFArchangels InVeritatem said: ↑ What do you think, "sealed with the words of the abyss" means? The abyss is where Satan resides. The hallmarks of Satan are disobedience and pride. The TLM is primarily a somber event where people gather to have their sins remitted by the eternal renewal of Calvary. The second celebration is primarily a thanksgiving and shared meal among brothers and sisters. I think it is pride to emphasize the second and downplay the first. PNF, Today at 2:31 AM #10 Agnes McAllisterArchangels The Novus Ordo is valid, not that is comparable to Latin. The words of consecration are true. I compare this to Bl. Ann Emmerich where she speaks of the new pagan Church, which will not be of God. The Ape Church spoken of by Bishop Sheen. I'm sure it is after the synod. We are at this point at this moment. At the edge. I can't help but think of clown masses, pachamama and worse. My opinion from reading marie julie for years. Agnes McAllister, Today at 2:52 AM #11 Jason Fernando, Mary's child, Seagrace and 1 other person like this.
Thank you Padraig and heavenly hosts for answering my query. I hope the reposting of the video I posted on the original thread can be placed here as it is very informative and illuminating regarding the prophesies of Marie Julie Jahenny, especially for all those that my be inclined to follow her.
I have been reading her writings for years and I will still read them with prayer of course. Again we shall see how this pans out.
I did just search, after listening to the video. Did you know there are 18 approved scapulars in the Catholic Church? And for each Apparition, such as Medjugorge among others, there is a medal with Our Blessed Mother on there. I myself stick to the miraculous Medal. I have read much since childhood on this wonderful mystic Marie Julie Jahenny and I am 60. My mom and my grandmother were well read also on her, but never did I hear anything like this. I have heard terrible things on most apparitions, approved and not approved, but for people who cherished her in any way to just say. Oh no, that's it, that is shocking to me. If you read about the purple scapular, which I have for years, you will find nothing of the sort. Also most that I have read of julie involves the miraculous medal in cures for anxiety and the plaque. But wow, silence In her defense. One little video can put people in a tizzy. Discernment always.
I have leaned on the Scriptures. "No weapon formed against you shall prosper." "He who diggeth a pit shall fall into it." I taught school for 30 years and it did take courage. But my help cometh from the Lord. It may take awhile.
Thank you for posting this. Unsettling but so grateful for actual facts! There goes the purple scapular.
Dr Miravalle has some considerable gravitas. Very knowledgeable on Our Lady and her apparitions. I take him seriously. Very seriously.
Bit of a relief to me that she seems false; the stuff about Count Henri being reserved for the right time and apparently being resurrected later bothered me (and I'd like to think the Catholic Monarch prophecies are, in general, true).
You posted about MJJ with good intentions. I believed in her prophecies. If josephite had not put this video out there we would never know. I've even heard priests refer to MJJ, and I think Fr. Goring has mentioned her with regards to the three days of darkness. What Dr. Miravalle said makes perfect sense though, he opened our eyes. She is not condemned, but people need to be warned.
Because of Marie Julie-Jahenny, when I had a problem in my mouth that had gone on for a couple months causing me much distress, and a doctor told me it could only be resolved by surgical removal, I dipped a blessed miraculous medal into my tea, prayed, and drank it, and I was cured within a day. I have the purple scapular and believe in its help and protection. It of course has not replaced the brown scapular for me. Edit to add: I skimmed the video posted above but didn't have time to really watch it. I have had my own reservations about things attributed to MJJ, especially the Henry V stuff, but I've kept an open mind since she wasn't condemned. I don't know fully what to think about her, but I'm grateful for my cure and I'll keep my purple scapular just in case. I use the images on it to meditate on Christ's passion, as well.