Sister Faustina!

Discussion in 'The Saints' started by Mario, Mar 31, 2008.

  1. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Pulaski, NY
    My family and I received an unforseen, marvelous grace yesterday. Our 16-yr-old son, Christopher, was dropped off at our son Patrick's seminary in Cheshire, CT, on Friday. He was just returning from a pilgrimage to Italy. My oldest son, Br. Benjamin, joined Chris on his journeys. It was a wonderful, weeklong reconnection for the two of them. Anyway, our family was able to arrange a weekend visit with Patrick. We were picking up Chris to begin with, so everything simply fell into place. Thank you, Jesus!

    Saturday evening, we returned to our motel room and were able to watch an entire Polish movie (with English subtitles) on Sister Faustina. It was inspiring! On Divine Mercy Sunday, after a beautiful celebration of Holy Mass at the seminary, we had a jovial breakfast with Patrick, and then, headed home. Our trail intersected Stockbridge, MA, so we joined thousands of pilgrims at the Divine Mercy Shrine. It was bustling with holy activities attended by people of numerous races and cultural backgrounds- a truly Catholic phenomenon. To pray our daily Chaplet on that particular Sunday and at that particular holy spot meant so much to me! What a weekend! Thank you Jesus! Thank you, Sister Faustina!

    I trust in you, Jesus. For the sake of his sorrowful passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world!!
  2. Rain

    Rain Powers

    Sep 9, 2007
    That's awesome, Mario.

    I felt blessed because I managed to go to a special Divine Mercy Mass near my hometown with Confession after.
  3. maryrose

    maryrose Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    What a blessed family you have!
    I too attended Divine Mercy devotions which was wonderful. Yesterday I heard that ny Uncle who emigrated to Toronto some 60 odd years ago passed away on the feast of Divine Mercy. I havent seen him for 10 years. He was from a family of 11 my dad being the eldest. His absence was always felt by his family but I am hoping that they are all rejoicing now to be together again. There is one remaining brother and he feels this deeply.


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