This is now becoming a tradition for me but if you haven't done it you might want to try it. Every year you can go to Children of Medjugorje website, enter, click explore and download the list of saints. It's year is listed as 2007 but it's for this coming year. I, for the past 5 years, have copied and cut the names of saints, put them in a basket and asked friends, neighbors and the parish to say a quick prayer, dig around in the basket until if feels right and pull out a paper. The Saint actually selects you. This is not your patron saint but a saint who will be with you for the coming year to assist in anyway possible. There is always a prayer request included for us to pray for the coming year. I just selected mine and was selected by a very obscure saint. There are, by the way, no wrong choices. At the bottom of the slip of paper was a prayer request, that I pray for the hearts of terrorists! This past year I've had 4 very explicit dreams regarding terrorists and my family and our country. Once again, I was stunned by the saints accuracy. There are no bad choices here folks. Even if you don't quickly recognize the connection, invite the Holy Spirit to show you where it is. You will be astonished. So tonight I will take a basket to a dinner party, there Catholics and non with join in the tradition which actually originated in the convent of St. Faustina. If you don't want to copy the 22 sheets and just want to see your saint. Close your eyes, say a prayer and scroll down until "it feels right". Again there are no mistakes...just enjoy it. Let me know what transpires, I'd be very interested. So Happy New Year to us all and all blessings from God to us and our families. Lee
Saint Helen, empress, mother (August 18th) "O innocent Jesus, your Cross is my Cross" Pray for children who are mistreated. Ahhh I was always fond of her...............
I received my saint a few weeks back on the holysouls website. This year I have St. Thomas the Apostle. Last year I had St. Elygius and something wonderful happened with his intercession. A Blessed New Year to everybody.
Happy New Year to All! Blessed Pope John XXIII ‘May this sacrifice of praise, which I offer to Your divine majesty for the success of the 2nd Ecumenical Vatican Council, be acceptable to You, Lord God, and grant that what we, together with our Pope John, implore of You we may effectively obtain. Amen.’ Pray that the true spirit of Vatican II continues to bear fruit in the church. Lee, I do hope this one comes true for the Church. Not a saint yet but it was the one I received. Cecil
St. Leopold Mandic St. Leopold Mandic Hercegovina Oct.16 "The most important thing in the spiritual life is to ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit comes, then peace is established. When that happens, then everything changes around you." (Mary in Medjugorje-October 1984) Pray for peace in the hearts of terrorists. Lee
Lee, I did this last night and I got St Rose of Lima. My birthday is August 30 which is her traditional feastday. I am amazed. Mary
I was chosen by St. Clare of Assisi (celebrated August 11th) “His beauty the sun and moon admire; and of His gifts there is no limit in abundance, preciousness, and magnitude. I am speaking of Him Who is the Son of the Most High, Whom the Virgin brought to birth and remained a virgin after His birth. Cling to His Most sweet Mother who carried a Son Whom the heavens could not contain; and yet she carried Him in the little enclosure of her holy womb and held Him in her virginal lap.” Pray with the Blessed Mother for those who do not know the love of her Son. I was a little surprised at first, but quickly realized that the book I'm working on is intended for "for those who do not know the love of her Son." St. Clare of Assisi, pray for us! Darrell
This saint thing is really fascinating to me. I after reading about St. Leopold deduced that his life nearly mimicked Padre Pio's in that he was a Capuchin, weak and sickly, holy, in a friary not far from Padre Pio and reduced to the confessional through the authority of the Church. I was given a book on Padre Pio this Christmas and as I was reading here was my obscure Saint mentioned as having a life similar to Padre Pio's in that he was also given the gift of reading souls, in good company with the Cure of Ars as well. It's great entertainment in connecting the dots! Lee