The inspiring story of Satoko Kitahara, a young Japanese woman who converted to Catholicism. She was also known as Mary of Ants Town because of her work with the poorest rag pickers in 1950s Tokyo. Later she went to live among those she served in Ant town and died there of TB aged 28. The process for her beatification was opened in 1981 and she was declared Venerable in 2015. Review of Fr. Paul Glynn's biography of Satoko Kitahara - The Smile of a Ragpicker. (Speaking of her first 'chance' encounter with a statue of Our Lady of Lourdes in Sacred Heart Church, Yokohama) - “This was the very first time I had seen a statue of the Blessed Mother,” Satoko later wrote. “Drawn, I know not why, to enter that church, I gazed on the statue, sensing the presence of a very attractive force that I could not explain.”