Discussion in 'The Saints' started by mothersuperior7, May 21, 2013.

  1. mothersuperior7

    mothersuperior7 Powers

    Mar 11, 2012

    Vicka is Unaware of claimed Bilocations

    Medjugorje visionary Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic has been seen in the homes of several people, even though it is known that she was elsewhere when the sightings occured. Vicka confirms that people have told her of healings through her visits, but says she does not know what happens.
    A ray of light hitting Vicka while she is talking to pilgrims

    Several people testify that Medjugorje visionary Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic has been present in their homes, and that healings have resulted – by a time when Vicka was elsewhere.
    The phenomenon is called bilocation, and is among the most rare gifts of the Holy Spirit. In recent decades, the ability to be present in more than one place at the same time has also been associated with Saint Padre Pio.
    The cover of the new version of Finbar O’Leary’s interview book

    Though she has heard people tell her stories of her presence, Vicka has no conscious awareness of possessing the gift, she tells the Irish author and Medjugorje resident Finbar O’Leary in the new, updated version of his book “Vicka, Her Story”:
    - Your most recent gift, the gift of bilocation, seems to be similar to St. Padre Pio, where you are coming to people all over the world. I have heard some beautiful stories about this, that as a result of you appearing to them, people are healed of cancer and many different sicknesses? the author asks Vicka.
    “I do not know. I pray about it. I cannot confirm or deny any of that. They are mostly people who have some illness like cancer and perhaps are not able to move” Vicka replies.
    “When they visit Medjugorje, they tell me that they experienced my presence in their homes, that I was there. But I have no awareness of that” the visionary adds.
    “I pray about it. I cannot confirm or deny any of that” Vicka says about people’s claims of her gift to bilocate

    - A woman from Italy shared with me a few months ago that she had been diagnosed with cancer and was waiting to go into hospital. One night while asleep in her home, a beautiful young woman appeared, dressed in white. Later in hospital, further tests showed the cancer was completely gone. Shortly afterwards she came to Medjugorje with a small group of pilgrims from Italy. One morning they came to the yeard of your home, to hear you speak. The moment she saw you, Vicka, she recognised you as the young woman who had appeared in her home.
    “As I said, I have no awareness of this but I do pray about it.”
  2. mothersuperior7

    mothersuperior7 Powers

    Mar 11, 2012
    I know a MMP priest who told me four years ago he was standing in an airport baggage area and he was coming back from traveling with Fr. Gobbi. He internally was speaking to the Blessed Mother and said, "Sweet Mother, are you pleased with the gift of Masses I have offered you? Are you pleased with the sacrifices I have offered to your Immaculate Heart?"

    Suddenly the entire baggage area went black and there before him stood a beautiful young woman smiling at him. He had been to Medjugorje many times and he recognized her as Vicka. Our Lady said to him, "As you can see by this beautiful woman's smile, I am pleased with you my son. Her smile is my smile." Then everything came back and she was gone. I never forgot THAT STORY!!
  3. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Amazing...and imagine Our Lady calling her ,'beautiful', what a privledge. She must be a very great saint.
  4. PotatoSack

    PotatoSack Powers

    Jul 29, 2010
    she has suffered so much I would not be surprised. I believe she is a victim soul. I wish I could have seen her when I was in Medj but she was not around.
  5. Jon

    Jon Archangels

    Jan 2, 2013
    USA - Wisconsin
    I don't know what to think of this...

    Her being unaware troubles me a little... So I did a quick search for Padre Pio's recollection of his bilocations. I found this reference (from:
    His opinion on the recognition of bilocation

    One day a monk who was speaking about the bilocation of St. Anthony of Padua who miraculously appeared in Lisbon, said to Padre Pio: "Perhaps these privileged of the Lord do not even know when their bilocation occurs:'Padre Pio quickly interrupting him as one who is experienced with such events answered: "Certainly they know. They cannot know if the body or the soul moves, but they are very conscious of what happens and they know where they are going."
  6. HOPE

    HOPE Guest

    Jon, it troubled me when I read about it too, because I remembered that about Padre Pio too. I believe what the people are saying is true but I don't know if you would call it true bilocation, because I know people are aware of it in true bilocation. But it remeinds me of a story Lucia of Fatima told of little Jacinta. A young man had left home, trouble with the law I think, and the family had asked Jacinta to pray for him as no one could locate him. The young man's story when he returned was this, he was lost in the woods and couln't find his way out and suddenly Jacinta appeared to him and showed him the way out, leading him to a main road, where she disapeared and he returned home. When they asked Jacinta about it, she said she didn't know anything about it, but that she had just prayed fervently for him. It seems something mysterious that the Lord uses somehow, but I don't think it is bilocation.
    Mary Ann likes this.
  7. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Padre Pio was asked one time what bi location actually was and he described it as an, 'Exstension of the spirit'. Actually Padre Pio did not just do bi location but multi location as well, in which he appeared in many places at the one time.

    I personally believe we often travel to places in our sleep and usually are not permitted to recall it when we awake. So I have do difficulty in the fact Viska does not recall travelling in this way. The fact that we cannot remember something does not mean it never happened, look at amnesiacs.

    I suspect her terrible sufferings especially with the tumour in her head brought her on to great holiness, that she is a victim soul.

  8. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    Nov 30, 2008
    One only has to look at her face to see a victim soul but also a soul radiating love and peace. Truly God has worked wonders in our midst.
  9. mothersuperior7

    mothersuperior7 Powers

    Mar 11, 2012
    I have a friend who was going into surgery for a brain tumor and Mother Angelica appeared to her and kissed her and told her it was going to be ok. She was a fallen away Catholic and didn't know who Mother Angelica was, until later she saw re-runs of her on EWTN. She absolutely knows that it was her. Mother gave her name. She has never reported it to the Sisters at EWTN even tho I told her to, as it will be important in the process of her cause going forward to document such an event maybe.
    HOPE likes this.
  10. Donna A

    Donna A Guest

    We can never fully comprehend the mysteries of heaven...I met her in Medjugorje...she is filled with the Holy Spirit....she is light and exudes the spirit of God....perhaps in her humility she refuses to admit she knows of them....we could second guess forever here but there are holy souls capable of bilocations...
    HOPE likes this.
  11. Martin

    Martin New Member

    May 23, 2013
    Auroville, India
    In spiritual experience the human being consists of 12 bodies, like in Russian dolls, within each other. The outer is the physical body, it becomes more and more subtle till the final one which is identical with the immortal soul or psychic being. The Mother is working on Vicka to awaken her inmost being possibly to enable it to become manifest in the outer world as a sample of the new immortal body which is our destiny. The preparation for this takes rather long, so 31 years of contact with the Gospa is not surprising at all. Accomplished yogis even need a lot of time to do this work, how much more simple village children who didn’t know anything and are fully dependent on Grace and Her guidance!

    Between the different bodies there are gaps which can be bridged by intense effort. Perfected yogis have no more gaps, for them there is continuality between the bodies, they can smoothly quit one and enter the other. In Vicka’s case most probably the inner being is fully awakened and active by Divine Grace, it extends healing power to others since the psychic being is divinely perfect in itself and contagious in its natural divine health. Vicka fully surrendered to Mary and Jesus and will do their inner commands on that psychic level, but there may be a gap between the outer awareness of her physical body and the inner being. It is possible that in the course of time this gap will be closed too and also the physical body of Vicka will become aware of these inner activities on other levels.

    There is a teaching that the immortal psychic being will manifest as the new divine human being in the next step of evolution. Death will be swallowed up in victory, we will be transformed in new beings in a new creation. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Gospa is working quietly and intensely on this decisive evolutionary step in Vicka and all those who are surrendered and open to the Divine Grace.

    "Now I say this, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor the perishable inherit the imperishable. Behold, I tell you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed." (1 Corinthians 15:50-52).
  12. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Martin, is that really you in your avatar? :) Can I ask if you are Catholic?
  13. mothersuperior7

    mothersuperior7 Powers

    Mar 11, 2012

    Great beard on that avatar! Wish my husband would grow a beard! lol o_O

    That makes sense to me Martin. There is SOOOO much we don't know. We cannot throw the baby out
    with the bath water. I've had four 'out of body' experiences and in one, I was dying and went to the light
    and my grandmother told me it wasn't my time.

    The second, I was at my sisters home in California and I was 16 years old. I went to bed and 'woke up' and sat on the side of my bed and looked over at my body which was sleeping. I remember thinking, "I need to go check on my brother and see if he is safe." Then I 'flew' to my mother's home in Missouri , clear across the U.S. and I remember thinking how cool it was looking down upon the city lights at night and going right through the clouds and I remember thinking I should be cold, but I wasn't --and then I was standing in my mother's home in the hallway outside of my brother's room. I walked in to see my brother sleeping and I noticed he had re-arranged his room. I noticed the record album sitting on his floor (he had hundreds, but this one was sitting out). I noticed the book that lay next to his bed. I saw that he was ok. Then I came back into my body and woke up then next morning (exhausted). I called my brother and told him I was there. I told him what record album was on the floor, what book he was reading and how he had re-arranged his room. We both were flabbergasted that I did that.

    Another time I was in a hotel room during a Marian conference. I was alone and asleep when the bed started shaking and quaking. My guardian angel said, "Get up!" I jumped up and went to the door and could not turn the handle. I looked back and my body was still asleep on the bed! I tried to scream for my friend who was sleeping in the room next door. I walked over to the bed and threw myself onto my body and woke up with a start. I jumped up and grabbed my purse and my blanket and went out into the lobby of the floor above mine where the Missionary Image of our Lady of Guadalupe and Missionary Image of Jesus of all Nations were that Dan Lynch had brought. I laid down on the couch between them and implored my guardian angel to sit on me and not let anything attack me. When I woke up people were walking the hallways looking at me funny for sure!!

    ALWAYS bless your hotel room with holy water. I bring mine in a 3oz. spray bottle!!
  14. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I don't know , Marti.

    it all sounds suspiciously New Ageish to me. Swirls and whirls and away we go.:eek:

  15. mothersuperior7

    mothersuperior7 Powers

    Mar 11, 2012
    What? Mine or Martins??
  16. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Martin's, I will start looking for a broomstick in your cupboard if you agree with him.:D:eek:
  17. mothersuperior7

    mothersuperior7 Powers

    Mar 11, 2012
    Nope, you don't have to worry about me....I do however see how 'others' can describe 'interior castles' as '12 bodies within us'...

    Different perspectives can do this. Especially if they came over from a religion which uses different verbage to explain mystical things. I see that even in the Eastern-Western Catholic traditions....

    Our Arch-priest used to talk about the 'Divine energies' the 'Divination of ourselves into the Body of Christ' and these are perfectly acceptable verbage. The 'flowery language' is unused and abused in the RC Church, and of course the new agers have bastardized it which naturally makes us suspicious!!!
  18. Martin

    Martin New Member

    May 23, 2013
    Auroville, India
    Hi, Padraig and Mother Superior!
    Thanks for your comments. The avatar is correct, it is 'me'. Should be easy for MS's husband to grow a beard with appropriate cajoling...
    Padraig, your suspicion is correct: i am a born Protestant, German origin, but living in India since 21 years. To my credits i must say that i went to Medjugorje many times, and i discovered the place in an answer to a prayer in 1978, three years before the apparitions began.
    For more details please refer to my blog 'The Mother and the Virgin of Medjugorje', at
    By the way, for God there is no 'new age' or 'old age', there is only one existence: the Divine.
    God bless us all,
  19. mothersuperior7

    mothersuperior7 Powers

    Mar 11, 2012
  20. mothersuperior7

    mothersuperior7 Powers

    Mar 11, 2012

    Martin, after reading your writing on your blog, I'm afraid that you have two 'interpretations' of who 'MOTHER' is. It is very mixed up. Its not even Protestant. You describe the events that are happening at Medjugorje beautifully, but to say that 'pomegranates' are all over cross hill is false. Also you are quoting someone named 'MOTHER' who is apparently some psychic or visionary and quoting Catholic things you know nothing about. I'm afraid that this 'mixing' of Hindu, Divine Goddesses and others only confuses the beauty of what is truly happening all over the world. As Catholics we DO NOT worship the Virgin Mary. She is Christ's Mother. We venerate her. THERE IS A HUGE DIFFERENCE. WORSHIP is for God alone--Father, Son, and Holy spirit.

    It makes me very happy you have found us. It makes me very happy you have tried to write about the wonderful events that are happening in this small village in Yugoslavia and I'm sure the Mother of God is blessing your efforts.

    I don't know how the Mother of God could EVER critically talk about Christianity when she is THE MOTHER of the Church whose MISSION it is to carry the TRUTH of Christianity. Don't get me wrong...there are many, many luke-warm Christians out there...but...she would never tell a lie like there was no hell....THERE IS INDEED HELL. As for the hypnotic power of the Mass and confession...well, thats a new one on me...its HOLY AND TRANSFORMING and life-changing and beautiful.

    Who is this MOTHER you quote? Is someone channeling a 'mother earth person'? If so, I would have to warn you to be wary of this. You are opening up yourself to spirits of falsehood and deception.

    Remember this my friend, there is only one truth. There cannot be many truths.... ASK OUR DEAR BLESSED MOTHER OF GOD TO SHOW YOU. ASK HER FOR TRUTH. YOUR HEART WILL KNOW AND YOU WILL BE AMAZED. God loves a pure heart. Ask with a pure heart to KNOW HIM, LOVE HIM AND SERVE HIM.
    Adoremus and Jimmyiz like this.

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