I asked my priest if I could use the name Angela for all of the angels and he said yes. I was 14 so I didn't know any better. So I don't really know how that works, are all the angels my "overlookers"??
Pretty crafty for a 14 year old. Having ALL the angels on your side is quite a score, considering the storm. I think we've found our refuge, guys. Let's all go to Little Me's house!!!
I am a convert and am known as being a helicopter Mom so I chose Monica two years ago when I came into the Church! And my young adult kids know all about her and St. Augustine! They keep telling me not to hold my breath but I am persistent even if it takes 36 years like St. Monica's son to come into the Church!
Good one! On my personal litany of Saints there are a number from the Old Testament - Enoch, Esther, Abraham, Isaiah, Daniel, Elijah. They're faithful friends who don't get called on a lot: short line, no waiting!
As a clueless 12 year old I chose Catherine because I liked the name, without reference to any specific Catherine. Now I'm glad I did because there are so many great Catherines to choose from and I can have them all!
I was a little surprised when a young man at work told me this morning his Confirmation Saint was Joan of Ark. I'm not saying there's anything wrong, It just made me laugh,because it was the first time I've come across this.