Words to help Everyone.

Discussion in 'The Saints' started by Mary's Child, Mar 26, 2013.

  1. Mary's Child

    Mary's Child Guest

    jerry, awaitwithjoy, Glenn and 5 others like this.
  2. mothersuperior7

    mothersuperior7 Powers

    Mar 11, 2012
    THANK YOU! I ALMOST read them all! I will write some of them on my wall at home...I like to write on walls..:)
    HOPE and Mary's Child like this.
  3. awaitwithjoy

    awaitwithjoy Guest

    That is just wonderful that you write on the walls... caligraphy?. chalkboard painted?

    Erma Bombeck used to tear off the wall paper in order to write a note for the teacher when she could not find any loose leaf at the last minute :p
    My daughter uses sticky notes ..everywhere..I just ordered some dry erase, stick on the wall calenders.

    The more I read your post and all the wonderful and inspirational things you do and have done with your children makes me want to join in... all your untireing, relentless work and faith is beyond me,
    I do not hold a candle to what you have done ... I need a tapestry portait of Padre Pio on my wall to put some fire under me or rocks in my shoes
  4. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

    Awesome collection of inspirational words. I am so grateful for the day he heard Joey Lomangino's confession and advised him to go to Garabandal. How that day, changed my life and the lives of countless thousands for the better.
  5. HOPE

    HOPE Guest

    I have prayers written, stuck on the inside of my cabinets, lol I thought I was the only one who did something like this. Fasting prayers are very handy on fasting days when you open that cabinet door to your favorite food or for feeding your family.
    awaitwithjoy likes this.
  6. Daniel

    Daniel Angels

    May 20, 2011
    MC, you are a real jerk - After reading 3 pages I can see I will get nothing else done this afternoon :). I saved them as a .pdf if anyone wants to print without pictures.
  7. awaitwithjoy

    awaitwithjoy Guest

    DAniel..what is wrong with you? This is just uncalled for..I am in shock and very upset to read this.

    MC, just ignore this and any other comments like this..signing off for today until this matter is cleared up immediately.
  8. bflocatholic

    bflocatholic Powers

    Feb 16, 2009
    Buffalo, NY
    Not to speak for him, but I think Daniel was just kidding around... When he called MC a "jerk," I think his tongue was planted firmly in his cheek!! ;)

    Daniel likes this.
  9. Mary's Child

    Mary's Child Guest

    Awww Awaitwithjoy, you sweetheart. :) Daniel was joking xx
    Daniel likes this.
  10. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

    While Daniel probably used a poor choice of words, I'm sure he's joking.:)
    Daniel likes this.
  11. awaitwithjoy

    awaitwithjoy Guest

    He was joking...there is hearing humor and deaf humor.
    Sorry Daniel, I am deaf, well hearing impaired, almost the same thing ..
    one must be deaf to understand, therefore I am sorry for saying anything...LOL jokes on me after all, not the first time or the last. Now, I want my hearing restored more than ever.
    AS I said earlier actions speak louder than words..out of here and to work....thanks for letting me know, I am always the last to know and mostly in the dark...LOLOLOLO
    Have the best Easter ever..the message from the Blessed Mother recently speaks volumes to me, what more do I need, but to put it all into action and proceed in peace and suffer with Christ, allow his Love to reach us all.
  12. awaitwithjoy

    awaitwithjoy Guest

    :barefoot:...nothing further to say...but barefoot, or stick foot in mouth

    into hiding
  13. Daniel

    Daniel Angels

    May 20, 2011
    Oops I was just trying to be witty. We need to invent a "sarcasm font" for cheeky remarks. I absolutely loved reading the quotes and devoured them. I need to go back and slowly re-read them during prayer time in the next few weeks and months. Sorry if I offended anyone.
    Freedom, HOPE and Glenn like this.
  14. Daniel

    Daniel Angels

    May 20, 2011
    Not at all...I am flattered when someone reads my post even if they think I am a complete idiot
    awaitwithjoy likes this.
  15. awaitwithjoy

    awaitwithjoy Guest

    My bad or your bad today LOLOLO
    Mary's Child likes this.
  16. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    :) I understood at once and I am sure Marti did too. She has a great sense of humour.
    mothersuperior7 likes this.
  17. awaitwithjoy

    awaitwithjoy Guest

    I know, I am an idiot for the most part.

    It did shock me, for there was another post earlier and then, MC left, what was i suppose to think or read between the lines...LOLOLO out of here!
    Mary's Child likes this.
  18. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    The internet is great. But I am afraid its only the written word. One day we shall talk like the angels , heart to heart, no misunderstands in an never ending song; something to look forward too.

    I shall miss my typos though.o_O
  19. Mary's Child

    Mary's Child Guest

    Await with joy.. You are gorgeous. :) xx
  20. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

    Padraig, will I finally be able to understand my Scottish friends, then. lol.

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