You may recall the 1938 movie, 'Boys Town' which brought Father Edward Flanagan to the attention of the world.The good Father was born in Leabeg , Count Roscommon in 1866 and emigrated to the States when he was just 18. Anyhow I heard this beautiful story connected with the setting up of Boys Town. There was a very poor farming family with 15 children in Ireland/ A cousin in America died and left them $2,000 , the equivalent of about $200,000 in todays money. A few days after they received the cheque the couple recieved a letter from Father Flanaghan, who knew they had recieved the money and asked them to consider donating part or all of the money so that he could found Boys Town. The mother read the letter and silently handed it to her farmer husband who was on his way out to the fields. He too read the letter very pensively and ahnding it back to his wife said, 'What we've never had we'll never miss'. The entire cheque to found Boys Town was posted back off. This story was told by their,son, who later became a priest and was in the kitchen when it happened. Father Edward Flangan