I take it that St. Thomas Aquinas originally was against the "Immaculate Conception" and was more for "Mary being sinless since birth", so an "Immaculate Birth" really. See second excerpt below: By Chris Sparks He levitated during prayer. Jesus said he’d written well of Him, and offered him anything he wanted — and he said, “Only Yourself, Lord.” He had such a great mystical experience toward the end of his life that he put his pen down and left great works unfinished. All this and more from one of the greatest saints, theologians, and mystics in the history of the Church — and a patron of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception. Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225/27-1274), whose feast we celebrate on Jan. 28, is a friend to the doubter, to the skeptic, and to the person who is confronted with the great mysteries of life. Asked and answered: Saint Thomas Aquinas | The Divine Mercy Whether or not you agree with his answers (and the Church herself over time has had disagreements with some of his answers — see, for instance, the definition of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, even though Thomas famously concluded through some faulty premises that it was impossible), he’s a model of method, a master of the intellectual life, of open and honest inquiry in pursuit of truth. ---------- Then, see this is all very historic, Duns Scotus defended the dogma of the Immaculate Conception and is famous for this. Anyway, thank you. Duns Scotus even defended it in a famous debate I believe. And as for Aquinas, he is greatly revered but it is interesting that maybe he did not get everything correct, he was human after all.