"Sparks" of Bl. Edward Poppe (1890-1924)

Discussion in 'The Saints' started by DesertStar7, Feb 2, 2022.

  1. DesertStar7

    DesertStar7 Guest

    The will of God is loveable and makes everything sweet.
    We should not want to be 'holy people,' but saints.
    We should become saints and in that labor we must sweat. Yes, literally, sweat at it. Holiness really deserves this.
    The times are so bad that saints alone can remedy them.
    Concerning the improvement of society, ultimately everything comes back to our sanctity.
    Knowledge is a precious gift, but in the end all of it is reduced to sanctity and flows into it. A saint does more, and can do more than a savant, the more prudent and modest he is.
    God wants all or nothing from a truly interior soul. Mediocrity is intolerable to Him.
    Be saints. Through this you will yourselves be happy, and certainly you will make those around you happy.
    To become holy is easy and pleasing when we have a tender and steadfast devotion to

    Sam likes this.

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