Ist Tuesday 12th April 2022. A simple little Novena, hopefully I can remember to keep it posted. Blessed St. Anthony, I greet you in the name of the Queen of angels, I pray that with her, you may approach Almighty God with my request and ask that it may be granted. (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be)
2nd Tuesday 19th April 2022. Blessed St. Anthony, I greet you in the name of the Patriarchs and Prophets and I thank God that, like them you were given the gift of divine knowledge and of seeing the future. Now I ask you, to approach Almighty God with them and obtain for me my request by your prayers. (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be)
3rd Tuesday 26th April 2022. Blessed St. Anthony, I greet you in the name of all the Holy Apostles and Disciples of Christ. I thank God for choosing you also to preach the Gospel and spread the Faith. And I ask you to pray with them for me, so that God may grant my request. (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be).
4th Tuesday. 3rd May 2022. O Gentle and loving St. Anthony, in whose arms the Infant Jesus ever loved to linger, grant your powerful aid, and at your word my prayer will be granted. Blessed St. Anthony, you like the Martyrs and the Saints who proclaimed Christ, were always ready to suffer persecution for His sake, I greet you now and ask you to approach Almighty God and implore Him to grant my request. (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be).
5th Tuesday. 10th May 2022. O Gentle and loving St. Anthony, in whose arms the infant Jesus ever loved to linger, grant your powerful aid, and at your word my prayer will be granted. Blessed St. Anthony, I greet you in the name of all holy Bishops and priests and I thank God for giving you the grace of converting so very many people to Christ. May God hear your prayers for me and grant my request. (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be).
6th Tuesday. 17th May 2022. O Gentle and loving St. Anthony, in whose arms the infant Jesus ever loved to linger, grant your powerful aid, and at your word my prayer will be granted. Blessed St. Anthony, I greet you and thank God because he gave you, and many monks and hermits the grace to spend your life in good works. Like them you stayed awake at night, you prayed, fasted and denied yourself. May your prayers and theirs, rise before God so that I may obtain what I ask. (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be).
Thank you Julia, for continuing to post these. I have not been faithful to our saint on Tuesdays but I'm hoping that he excuses my old forgetful mind. I hope you are receiving help from your family in this challenging part of life without your dear husband. I have been married for 44 years and can't help but think of that time of sorrow that lies ahead of all long-married couples. I truly admire your spunk and resolve!
7th Tuesday. 24th May 2022. O Gentle and loving St. Anthony, in whose arms the infant Jesus ever loved to linger, grant your powerful aid, and at your word my prayer will be granted. Blessed St. Anthony, I greet you in the name of all Virgins and Holy Innocents. Like them you led a life of purity and overcame all temptations. I ask you and them to speak for me to God so that my prayer may be heard. (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be).
8th Tuesday. 31st May 2022. O Gentle and loving St. Anthony, in whose arms the infant Jesus ever loved to linger, grant your powerful aid, and at your word my prayer will be granted. Blessed St. Anthony, I greet you in the name of all holy widows, all saintly husbands and wives. I thank God for all your virtues, so man and of such different kinds. You like these holy people, served God well on earth; may their prayers and yours now obtain for me what I ask. (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be).
Sorry dear Saint Anthony, I forgot to update the 9th Tuesday ready for your feast on 13th June 2022. 9th Tuesday. 8th June 2022. O Gentle and loving St. Anthony, in whose arms the infant Jesus ever loved to linger, grant your powerful aid, and at your word my prayer will be granted. Blessed St. Anthony, I greet you in the name of St. Joseph, the most chaste spouse of Mary. I greet you in the name of all holy persons still living and I thank the most High God who gave you so much of His Infinite love and blessed you with His grace. I ask you now to speak for me before God so that my prayer may be granted if it is for His greater honour and glory and the comfort of my soul in its sorrow. (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be).