Hi all, As yesterday, the 6th July was St Maria Goretti's feast day, our parish here in Sydney put on a mass for her. Our parish had a small relic of her which we could venerate after mass. Some people touched it with their rosaries, medals etc. She is known for being the patron saint of purity, chastity, rape victims, girls, youth, poverty and forgiveness. For those who don't know her story, she was stabbed 14 times by her 18 year-old family friend/neighbour after he tried to rape her. She forgave him and asked that he be in heaven with her. She was 12 years-old. Very interesting story, there are a lot of video, documentaries and even movies done about her, online I know that her main relic does travel around the world to different countries. It's been to the US a few times already over the years. Has anyone been to any of these pilgrimages?
There was a very powerful movie about her in EWTN this past Saturday. What a wonderful celebration in your parish. We need her intercession now more than ever.
I wished tv channels here in Oz gave these films more of a chance. I watched an older Italian version made (1949 in b/w), which is actually very good but without subtitles. As I'm Italian, it wasn't a problem but there is another I saw in Spanish online too. Here's the link to the Italian version if anyone's interested. St Maria Goretti pray for us.
Just to bump and reminder that tomorrow (July 6) is feast day of Maria Goretti. She is a saint that I feel more and more attracted to in my own spiritual walk because of her absolute willingness to forgive her killer. And I also think of her killer-Allesandro - a nan who converted and was forgiven. He turned his life around b/c of St. Maria Goretti and I also think her mother (Assunta) who also forgave him. Maybe it’s because I see such hate and seeking of revenge and less willingness to offer forgiveness that I’m more drawn to Maria. In any case, wanted to just make others aware of her feast day tomorrow
i was graced last year to be able to venerate her relic….. peace. https://share.icloud.com/photos/0c7E8y5ZWPmkR8gutLRmP719w